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Duplicate gem bag from Amketheran Smuggler store

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The Amketheran Smugglers sell a gem bag already sold by the ST upstairs from Gaelan Bayle. I've kept BD's item file name.


// Amkethran duplicate gem bag fix, part one of three (see amsmug02.sto, bag02j.sto)
ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS ~data/25dialog.bif~ THEN BEGIN // ToB-only stuff check
 COPY_EXISTING ~bag02i.itm~ ~override/bag02j.itm~
// Amkethran duplicate gem bag fix, part two of three (see bag02j.itm, bag02j.sto)
ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS ~data/25dialog.bif~ THEN BEGIN // ToB-only stuff check
 COPY_EXISTING ~amsmug02.sto~ ~override~
   READ_LONG 0x34 "4sale_off"
   READ_LONG 0x38 "4sale_num"
   WHILE ("%4sale_num%" > 0) BEGIN
     SET "4sale_num" = ("%4sale_num%" - 1)
     READ_ASCII ("%4sale_off%" + ("%4sale_num%" * 0x1c)) "item"
     PATCH_IF ("%item%" STRING_COMPARE_CASE "bag02i" = 0) BEGIN
       WRITE_ASCII ("%4sale_off%" + ("%4sale_num%" * 0x1c)) "bag02j"
// Amkethran duplicate gem bag fix, part three of three (see amsmug02.sto, bag02j.itm)
ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS ~data/25dialog.bif~ THEN BEGIN // ToB-only stuff check
 COPY_EXISTING ~bag02i.sto~ ~override/bag02j.sto~

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