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Complete SPLPROT stat options


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Has anyone tried to find out what can be stuck in SPLPROT to work as a targeting stat for opcodes like 318? The guide here only mentions a handful of options, but there are more. For example, just now I put 262 there to see what that does, and it corresponds to AREATYPE. Would be right nice to have this at hand for spells that work only indoors, wouldn't it? I have had to create invisible minions to check for this, but now it turns out I could have just used this effect. It looks like trying new numbers there will open more possibilities. So, has anyone done this? Is there an extended list?

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Of the "morale/ethical" options:

One matches the caster's Good/Neutral/Evil alignment, while ignoring the Lawful/Chaotic part.

The other matches the caster's Lawful/Chaotic alignment, while ignoring the Good/Evil part.

(I don't remember which is which).

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