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Stratagems installation issue

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Good day everyone.

Felt like playing some BG:EE with a friend and did ourselves modding marathon beforehand. As he we did not have the pleasure of experiencing SCS mod yet, I decided the best run would be to install it.

We kept our modding in the same order and we had no issues so far, until I reached Initalise AI components installation in SCS. Painfully long installation has greeted me with an error message that apparently resource SPWI-2001.sp1 not found for "COPY",

I'd like to attach my debug file but it's over the size this page allows me to upload so here I am uploading a screen as to what do I get by the end.

Can anyone help me or enlight me as to what might be the issue?


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So much for that idea. (This is a weird bug I haven't seen before; it will be some odd interaction with another mod but my first theory wasn't correct.)

I think I do need to see your debug. Can you email it to [removed] ? Can you also post the 'weidu.log' file from your main game directory?

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OK, here's what's going on. (This is as much a 'note to self' as anything else, so I'll go into technical details.)

You have installed SCS's implementation of the Icewind Dale spells, in particular the CONJURE_WATER_ELEMENTAL spell. Spells are all recorded in a file called 'spell.ids', which is basically a map from human-readable names for spells to the actual files used by those spells. But for reasons I can't fathom, the IWD spells haven't been entered into spell.ids.  I've no clue why that is, or whether it means the spells aren't on your system at all or they're on it but not in spell.ids. (And you apparently installed in multiple goes, so the debug doesn't tell me anything about your installation of those spells.) But in any case, when one particular subcomponent of SCS's initialise-AI component looks for CONJURE_WATER_ELEMENTAL, it fails to find it, and that causes the install to fail.

I suggest you uninstall SCS completely (well, almost completely - you've installed the improved textscreen component earlier in your order for some reason, and I don't think that can be having any effect), reinstall the SCS IWD spells components, and then check if spell.ids containts CONJURE_WATER_ELEMENTAL. If it does, we can put the problem down to some bizarre unreproducible glitch, and you should be good to install the rest of the mod. If it doesn't, we can talk more.

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