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Why have people believed the multiclass Fighter/Mage to be the most powerful class as-is?


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Why have people believed the Fighter/Mage to be the most powerful class as-is?  (I beat BG1 & 2 EE with a Kensai >> Mage.)  To clarify, this primarily refers to the Fighter/Mage multiclass, but it could also refer to properly-timed dual classing.  Kits for Fighter or/and Mage (like Berserker or Wild Mage) are also allowed.

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This is due to the double nature of the classes:

The Fighters; get more hit points, more procifiency points and a place to put those to good usage. Ability to use any and all armors.

Mage; the best class as of late game. With a draw back of low hitpoints.

And so they loose a lot less than they gain. Per experience point. Not that I actually use one of these.

Edited by Jarno Mikkola
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