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SPLPROT with combined conditions


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I would like to have a complicated filter in SPLPROT.2DA for effect 321, applying a spell. The filter should only let the spell through to thieves with at least 5000 gold in their private purse (stat) and a backstab multiplier not exceeding 4 - not maximum. I'm using this code:

APPEND ~SPLPROT.2DA~ ~%backstab% 56 4 3~ OUTER_SET thief = backstab + 1
APPEND ~SPLPROT.2DA~ ~%thief% 0x10d 205 5~ OUTER_SET combined-thief = thief + 1
APPEND ~SPLPROT.2DA~ ~%combined-thief% 260 %backstab% %thief%~ OUTER_SET final = combined-thief + 1
APPEND ~SPLPROT.2DA~ ~%final% 260 %5K% %combined-thief%~

- Writing %final% into the spell's offset. %5K% here is from a line added earlier, I didn't want to duplicate it. After installation the filter selection shows:

STAT GOLD < 5000 (146) - above
Not match entries 151 or 152 (153)
Not match entries 146 or 153 (154)

The last line represents the final filter, and everything seems to be in order. But the filter doesn't work. It lets through the spell for all my party members and anyone outside, if they just have enough gold. Ideas? Could this be because the backstab check doesn't consider the existence of the backstabbing ability, only its strength, so characters without one still count as being under backstab 5? This would mean the condition in 151 would be true for anyone. But the THIEF_ALL requirement would still stop the spell, wouldn't it? The "or" here is really "nor," isn't it? Neither this nor that must be true, then go ahead. Isn't that the meaning of it?

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Too many negations:

You have: NOT ( [<5000 Gold] OR NOT ([>4 Backstab] OR [NOT THIEF]) )

With 5000+ gold and ("not a thief" or >4 Backstab) :


= NOT (FALSE OR NOT (TRUE) ) = NOT (FALSE OR FALSE) = NOT (FALSE) = TRUE (incorrect, as they were "not a thief")

You want: NOT ([<5000 Gold] OR ([>4 Backstab] OR [NOT THIEF]) )

146: <5000 Gold

151: >4 Backstab


153: (151 OR 152) - remove the negation on this one (use relation 0x103/259)

154: NOT (146 OR 153)

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Why do the mental gymnastics?  Several 318 effects with one condition each should do the trick.  Or maybe one positive check for thieves.  So:

Main spell:

  • 318 if gold <5000
  • 318 if backstab > 4
  • 326 -> cast subspell if class = thief_all


  • Actual subspell effects.
Edited by subtledoctor
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