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How to reduce the stacking size?


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I just loaded up IWD:EE for the first time (a new game to me as I have only played BG 1&2) and I noticed that Beamdog has changed the stacking to 80 for arrows and bullets. I'd rather it be 20 as in original BG. It seems that this is an unpopular opinion, because I notice the Tweaks Anthology only provides options to increase stacking, not reduce it. How hard would it be, as a first time modder, to reduce the stackability of all items in the game?

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Ripped off from CDTweaks:

COPY_EXISTING_REGEXP GLOB ~^.+\.itm$~ ~override~ // looking for ammo
  READ_SHORT  0x1C "type" ELSE 0
  READ_SHORT  0x38 "max"  ELSE 0
  PATCH_IF ("%max%" > 1) AND // if item can already stack and is of the type...
             ( ("%type%" =  5) OR // arrows,
               ("%type%" = 14) OR // bullets,
               ("%type%" = 16) OR // dagger
               ("%type%" = 21) OR // hammer (iwd2)
               ("%type%" = 24) OR // darts,
               ("%type%" = 25) OR // axe,
               ("%type%" = 29) OR // spears,
               ("%type%" = 31) )  // bolts,
    WRITE_SHORT  0x38 20


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Excellent! I assume that I can just change 20 to whatever number I want and re-run cdtweaks - assuming I can edit this. Forgive my noob question but how do I do that?


Edit: I think I get it - go to github, download source, edit tpa files manually, re-compile, and run the new tweaked cdtweaks.

Edited by Rhastor
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That's weidu code. Aka, a .tp2 code, that you can put in a normal .txt file, that you just rename as modname.tp2, add in this code above the above code for it to be a typical weidu code:

BACKUP ~modname/backup~
AUTHOR ~Rhastor~
//README you don't need this line but its commented out if you want to eventually add it in

And then you just copy one of the other setup-*modname*.exe's, rename it as the setup-modname.exe, and save the file. and then you can run the file in the game directory and you are done with your first self made weidu mod.

And yes, you can edit any .tp2 file with Notepad, you just need to assign the Notepad as the opener program. And you can dio that with either right click or really, double left click too,m as it then asks ....

Edited by Jarno Mikkola
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You guys are awesome. Just to make sure I have got this right, I put the below code in a file called mytweak.tp2, which sits in C:\game folder]\mytweak\ and in C:\[game folder] I have a file called setup-mytweak.exe that I am running.


BACKUP ~mytweak/backup~
AUTHOR ~Rhastor~
//README you don't need this line but its commented out if you want to eventually add it in


COPY_EXISTING_REGEXP GLOB ~^.+\.itm$~ ~override~ // looking for ammo
  READ_SHORT  0x1C "type" ELSE 0
  READ_SHORT  0x38 "max"  ELSE 0
             ("%max%" > 1) AND // if item can already stack and is of the type...
               ("%type%" =  5) OR // arrows,
               ("%type%" = 14) OR // bullets,
               ("%type%" = 31)    // bolts,
           ) BEGIN
    READ_SHORT 0x38 current
      WRITE_SHORT  0x38 20
COPY_EXISTING_REGEXP GLOB ~^.+\.itm$~ ~override~ // looking for ammo
  READ_SHORT  0x1C "type" ELSE 0
  READ_SHORT  0x38 "max"  ELSE 0
             ("%max%" > 1) AND // if item can already stack and is of the type...
               ("%type%" = 16) OR // dagger
               ("%type%" = 24) OR // darts,
           ) BEGIN
    READ_SHORT 0x38 current
      WRITE_SHORT  0x38 10
COPY_EXISTING_REGEXP GLOB ~^.+\.itm$~ ~override~ // looking for ammo
  READ_SHORT  0x1C "type" ELSE 0
  READ_SHORT  0x38 "max"  ELSE 0
             ("%max%" > 1) AND // if item can already stack and is of the type...
               ("%type%" = 21) OR // hammer (iwd2)
               ("%type%" = 25) OR // axe,
               ("%type%" = 29) OR // spears,
           ) BEGIN
    READ_SHORT 0x38 current
      WRITE_SHORT  0x38 5
COPY_EXISTING_REGEXP GLOB ~^.+\.itm$~ ~override~ // looking for potions
    READ_SHORT  0x1c type ELSE 0
    READ_SHORT  0x38 max ELSE 0
    PATCH_IF ((max > 1) AND                              // if potion can already stack...
              (5 < max) AND                          // and we would actually reduce the stack size...
              ((type = 9) OR                             // and it's actually a potion...
              ((type = 71) AND (check_food = 1)))) BEGIN // or iwd2 food
      WRITE_SHORT  0x38 5


Edited by Rhastor
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Well, I got the following. Probably a really stupid problem.



[C:\Icewind Dale Enhanced Edition\setup-mytweak.exe] WeiDU version 24600
In state 220, I expected one of these tokens:
  [2] ~~
  [4] #
  [5] @
  [6] !
  [281] LPAREN
Parse error (state 220) at COPY_EXISTING_REGEXP

[MYTWEAK/MYTWEAK.TP2] PARSE ERROR at line 8 column 1-20
        GLR parse error

[MYTWEAK/MYTWEAK.TP2]  ERROR at line 8 column 1-20
ERROR: parsing [MYTWEAK/MYTWEAK.TP2]: Parsing.Parse_error
ERROR: problem parsing TP file [MYTWEAK/MYTWEAK.TP2]: Parsing.Parse_error

FATAL ERROR: Parsing.Parse_error

Press ENTER to exit.


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Parse error. Most of the time, that means you made a syntax mistake - a missing ~, or a missing ), or something of that ilk. Look at wherever it says the error is (line 8 in this case), then step back to whatever's immediately before it.

Hmm. You seem to have a BEGIN (nothing) command there. Try naming your component; for example, change line 6 to

BEGIN ~Reduce ammo stacking~

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After trying many variants, I always get a parse error. Adding a name like ~thismodmod~ after "BEGIN" results in it moving down to the next "BEGIN" but adding a name there does nothing. Does every "BEGIN" need a name?


Edit: Regardless of whether the other BEGINs are named or not, the next parse error is near line 19 "READ_SHORT 0x38 current".

Edit2: Removing that (which is unnecessary to the code as it defines a variable which I am not using) just moves the parse error to the next line with WRITE_SHORT. No matter what there always seems to be a parse error.


Edit3: I gave up on running a separate mini-mod and basically took care of this by just changing numbers and setting certain conditionals to true in the original cdtweaks files, and it works. Thanks for your help. I am still a little curious how to write mini-mods like this but it's not necessary for my current purpose anymore.

Edited by Rhastor
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Parse error at line 19 means there is a parse error somewhere before line 19. In this case my guess would be something to do with those flocks of parentheses (EDIT - nope, found it, see below). I would simplify to make it easier to see what needs to be fixed:

  • get rid of the line you don’t need, as mentioned
  • get rid of the quotes and percent signs around “type” and “max”
  • get rid of the ELSE 0
  • Clean up the parenthesis mess by giving the “max > 1” condition its own PATCH_IF line, and deleting the AND
  • every _IF clause needs an END after it (this is your parse error btw)
  • get rid of the mid-stream untethered BEGINs (this is also your parse error)

A ‘BEGIN’ by itself is only used at the beginning - it signifies the beginning of a component (the part where Weidu asks “would you like to install ____?”) Mid-stream in the code, BEGIN should only be next to something like PATCH_IF or ACTION_IF, and those BEGINs should always be followed by a matching END, like so

BEGIN ~component 1: change stack sizes~

ACTION_IF [condition] BEGIN
  COPY ~[file]~ ~override~
    READ_BYTE [offset] value
      PATCH_IF (value = 1) OR (value > 5) BEGIN
        WRITE_BYTE [offset] new_value

See how every IF is paired with a BEGIN, and followed by a corresponding END? The indentation conventions are basically there to make it easy to match them, so you can spot any errors. (Likewise the BUT_ONLY lines up with the COPY command… BUT_ONLY is sometimes unnecessary but I always include it just so that I can match things up more easily.)

Also note that my nested PATCH_IF lines are logically equivalent to an AND, just easier to read and with no need for all the parentheses to ensure the OR logic is right.)

Edited by subtledoctor
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