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Tactics Remix

Guest morpheus562

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Yeah you are right these two push the apr further. I personally didn't install these two as I feel 4 APR for 2h is a sweet point between 2h and dual wielding. But it's bit off topic :) 

My thought on the weapon will be either remove the additional APR, or make the poison damage don't stack with itself, and remove the -4 penalty on stun to make it less likely to stunlock target.

I will give more feedback on the Mod once I finish my new playthrough! And Morpheus thanks for pick up this old mod and give it a new life.

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So I'm playing with the new Tactics mod a bit and I'm doing the Improved Lich in the Dock. Some notes I found out about it.

Azuredge can NOT kill it easily anymore.

Protection from Magic won't work on it since it's using scrolls to cast.

Protection from Undead will trigger it's force teleport zone + force dispel magic. SI: abj can't prevent the dispel.

Bala axe's Miscast Magic doesn't work on it since it's using scroll.

Innate ability like the Victor or Sun Soulray cannot interrup it because it's using scrolls not casting.

It's immune to normal weapon and after it PFMW i cannot hurt it.

Even I installed SCS, the lich's Simulacrum can still use Timestop scroll.

Any good strategy on this fight on relatively low lvl party? :)

I guess my best bet is having a lvl 20 Inquisitor dispel it's prot and try to kill it as fast as possible?

Edited by dunehunter
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14 minutes ago, morpheus562 said:

Is the simulacrum using the Timestop scroll? The only scroll the lich has access to is timestop. Everything else it is casting is via memorized spells.

That's my guess because every spell it uses is not interruptable. I also tried HLA smite and it cannot stun the lich lol. Actually after smite it I ctrl + q it and I see the stun icon, but it's still casting. I've no idea why that happens.

Edited by dunehunter
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Game mechanics: When a clone is created, all droppable items on the original creature are cloned and made undroppable for the clone. Undroppable items on the original creature aren't cloned. So that simulacrum of a lich doesn't get the LICH or RING95 immunity items. It should be vulnerable to pretty much everything; the only protections it gets are the stuff it casts spells for.

Edited by jmerry
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34 minutes ago, morpheus562 said:

Apologies for not getting to the root of your question earlier, I was distracted by the other items you mentioned. End of the day this is a lich fight with enemies that spawn on a timer, so standard anti-lich tactics apply here as well. With spawning enemies, it is probably advisable (always party dependent) to kill these first so you don't get overwhelmed. With SCS, you can use Ruby Rays and Breach to knock out spell protections and PfMW to make the lich vulnerable to your fighters attacks. Prebuffing will always give you an edge and is encouraged here as well. Memory serves in my testing, I think I was a sub level 15 party with comparable equipment for this point in the game.

Hmm your assumption based on that I install the SCS's universal Breach so Lich is no longer immune to it, which I didn't. In normal game Lich is immune to lvl 5 spells including Breach so the only way to dispel its PFMW is 40 lvl dispel (by 50% chance).

Actually I found some very exploit way to kill it easily. So you need a Protection Undead scroll on your main. Then let your main in the building. Then when you enter the Lich start to cast that Teleport Zone + Pull + Dispel combo, then you talk to it... It then turn aggro without ANY prot. Then you just need to kill it fast enough before it cast PFMW.

Edited by dunehunter
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Also I notice that this Lich no longer drops Cloak of Balduran anymore? Hmm this is sad...

The new cloak that immune to death spell is kinda meh, considering how hard to kill the lich. Any chance we can still get Balduran Cloak as loot and move the new cloak to some other combat?

Edited by dunehunter
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