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Just downloaded and installed - now randomly one of my characters becomes petrified and dies. - sad face!

Guest daveymcman

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it is setup-enhanced-powergaming-scripts   and it isnt even that

So I have only done baldurs gate a million times,  truely started with early ones like curse of the azure bonds, but I digress.  Installed the mod when I finally got sick and tired of yet another over powered wizard casting endless PfMW  upon reaching asylum.  When moving from the pirate bay to the asylum there is now an endless stream of Petrifaction spells / gazes /whatever  cast upon my group the moment they get about a third of the way across the bridge. non stop blasting my party.

WHEN DID THAT HAPPEN!!!   Never happened before and I naturally thought it was the mod

apologies "smiley face"


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well now I look even more stupid - I will hang my head in shame  - you are correct for once I forgot to get the ward stone I was so keen to get something to sort out the PfMW nonsense.

More apologies

It installs perfectly   and by that I mean no mod I install ever installs correctly the first execution  it always hangs like

{Setup-AllThingsMazzy.exe} Queried (pid = 228) version = 24700
{setup-bgt.exe} Queried (pid = 388) version = 24700
Newest WeiDU is version 24700, updating!
WeiDU files in version order:
  [setup-stratagems.exe] version 24700
  [setup-LightingPack.exe] version 24700
  [Setup-IATweaks.exe] version 24700
  [Setup-Exnem.exe] version 24700
  [setup-enhanced-powergaming-scripts.exe] version 24700
  [setup-dc.exe] version 24700
  [setup-cdtweaks.exe] version 24700
  [setup-bgt.exe] version 24700
  [Setup-AllThingsMazzy.exe] version 24700
  [setup-METweaks.exe] version 24600
        Copying [setup-stratagems.exe] -> [setup-METweaks.exe]: false
[setup-stratagems.exe] WeiDU version 24700
Auto-Updating on behalf of [setup-METweaks.exe]
        Copying [setup-stratagems.exe] -> [setup-METweaks.exe]:
Auto-Updating on behalf of [setup-METweaks.exe] (done)
[setup-METweaks.exe] WeiDU version 24700
{setup-bgt.exe} Queried (pid = 320)


this is setup-METweaks.exe failing but setup-enhanced-powergaming-scripts does the same the first time,  control C out and run a second time and I get usual press 0 for english and bob is your uncle.  all happiness.

But on a much more interesting note - as you seem to know an awful lot,  I would like to find a mod with a "bag of infinite selling" ( I just made that up )   A bag you can put the endless amounts of useless dropped articles into and they instantly disappear  and x% of their value gets added to your gold - lets say 75%

Tell me thats not a great idea for a mod!!!


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4 hours ago, Guest ooohhh said:

no mod I install ever installs correctly the first execution  it always hangs like

Yes, that's an issue with weidu auto update on Windows 10/11(?). It's not the installation itself, but weidu scans the folder and updates all copies it detects (all setup-modname.exes are copies of weidu.exe). That worked until some time ago, now it often hangs.

4 hours ago, Guest ooohhh said:

I would like to find a mod with a "bag of infinite selling" ( I just made that up )   A bag you can put the endless amounts of useless dropped articles into and they instantly disappear  and x% of their value gets added to your gold - lets say 75%

Tell me thats not a great idea for a mod!!!

It is! 😃 For existing mods, I can offer a magic store you can access anywhere and anytime, at least: Magic Store of Vergadain

Genwa's mod inserts a Ginnie in a bottle that has a shop that you can take with you, but it's only in German: Genwas Händerlmod (BG2EE).


And - no shame. I like bugs that disappear after the right question.

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7 hours ago, Guest ooohhh said:

But on a much more interesting note - as you seem to know an awful lot,  I would like to find a mod with a "bag of infinite selling" ( I just made that up )   A bag you can put the endless amounts of useless dropped articles into and they instantly disappear  and x% of their value gets added to your gold - lets say 75%

If you're still looking for something, I have a bag mod almost exactly like this in the Better IWD Pregen mod. It's option 4 of the component, "Give party a Bag of Holding at game start", if you want to try it out. To be honest, I don't use that myself, but I made it just to see if it would work.

Toss any of your crap in and as long as the item's base price is higher than 1 gold, you receive gold in exchange. I set the amount received to 65% so it's a little lower than what you wanted. Items don't disappear. If you need an item back, you can take it out of the bag, but doing so will also cost gold (higher than the amount you get for putting in). Items with 0 base price (ex. regular arrows) can be transferred for free like a regular bag.

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I found a workaround for the weidu self update was to *not* use the binary type files at all (on linux they are far and few anyways, but setup-eet_end was one that caused this staggering issue).

Instead, I just did "weinstall ./eet_end" and all was good.

Edited by ahungry
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Guest Daveymcman

Firstly apologies for late reply

Second  Thank you jastey - excellent - Although the install of magic store fails with unable to modify dialog.tlk, nearly all my mods have this problem but some still work - so FANTASTIC!!!  - 

I believe the bugs dissappeared when I did things in a correct order!

Thank you morpheus562 for checking into my problem

Thank you Dan_P  I will also try this option -  It looks AWESOME    -   I'm not big into github - never sure what it is about but the mod you describe needs to be ON EVERY Baldurs Gate website.  Who doesn't want this mod!!

Thank you  ahungry  you know I dont understand Weidu,  I am not sure why some mods install and others fail - I see some mods reinstall all other mods before them and then stop for some reason talking about some other mod.   But I am old and just not into all the new fangled games like pillars, solasta,  baldurs III ( dont get me started on that one ) . Just let me play Baldurs and I am happy man.

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On 9/22/2022 at 10:36 PM, Dan_P said:

I have a bag mod almost exactly like this in the Better IWD Pregen mod. It's option 4 of the component, "Give party a Bag of Holding at game start", if you want to try it out.

I have to admit I would have never guessed this option by looking at the mod's (shorter) GitHub desciption. So far, a bag of holding to me is, well, a bag to hold the items in. The idea to cash the items directly didn't occur to me, so it didn't occur to me that this might be an install option.


3 hours ago, Guest Daveymcman said:

Although the install of magic store fails with unable to modify dialog.tlk

This is a sign that you tried to install the mod either while the game itself was running or maybe EEKeeper. These need to be closed if you want to install mods. Also, do not start installation of more than one mod at a time (and close the install window with "enter", not by pressing the red cross button.)

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