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Issues with Andrea's colombo mod and questions

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I'm copying the issue opened for Andrea's colombo mod Nostalgia pack (https://github.com/SpellholdStudios/Nostalgia-Pack), hoping that someone knows an answer for the questions below.

1. I would like to report: https://www.gibberlings3.net/forums/topic/36625-bug-v16-unique-icons-makes-flaming-fist-helms-green-on-bgee/#comment-327620

2. I use the "Unique icons" component made by Lava inside G3 Tweak pack. I'm wondering: how does it behave with the component Restore BG Item Icons & Appearance?

3. The pack offers a component named "UNDO EE changes" that does the following:

> Remove extra items added to stores and characters that are not part of one of the new NPCs' storyline. This includes extra copies of items that were already there (e.g. Gauntlets of Weapon exprtise), new items added by the Enhanced Editions, and copies of BG2 items (e.g. katanas, wakizashis, ninja-tos.)
> Restore original stock in the Friendly Arm store.

I wonder three things:
a) I use "Argent77 Enhanced Edition npc" to disable both the npc and items. I take the component from the Nostalgia pack overlaps?
b) I would like to ask, if there is an overlap, to split this component in two or more subcomponents.
c) The mod seems to revert the poison change made by Beamdog. Two questions: does it also change the "text" of the class using the poison or is the mod simply putting a spcl423.spl on the override?

Does anyone know an answer for the questions above ?

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I'll check 1) when I find time.

For 2), depends on install order and exactly which component you install. I mean, Tweaks' Unique Icons has both an "overwrite-all" and an "overwrite only what hasn't been changed from vanilla" mode. If you install the former before Nostalgia Pack or the latter after Nostalgia Pack, they'll be combined, but if you overwrite everything after Nostalgia, obviously, you won't get the BG1 stuff.

3) These likely don't overlap but I would install the Nostalgia Pack component first in that case. I dunno the poison change.

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1 hour ago, Morgoth said:

a) I use "Argent77 Enhanced Edition npc" to disable both the npc and items. I take the component from the Nostalgia pack overlaps?

None of the two mods share much with each other to do with each other here. What NP does is disable copies of existing items (ie Rashad's Talon), new items that don't affect the new NPCs or their quests (ie Harrower), or make items changed by Beamdog to behave like in the original games (ie Alora's rabbit foot or Ring of Wizardry). You won't see Neera or Dorn or the quests and npcs related to them pitch a fit for any of that.

1 hour ago, Morgoth said:

c) The mod seems to revert the poison change made by Beamdog. Two questions: does it also change the "text" of the class using the poison or is the mod simply putting a spcl423.spl on the override?

It does change the text of the ability.


Edited by Connelly
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