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How to use Weidu's ADD_MUSIC?

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I used the following script to create an .acm file from an .ogg file.

COPY ~my_mod/audio/music/RB_MUS01.ogg~ ~music~
COPY_EXISTING ~songlist.2da~ ~override~
    music = 1
    audio_path = ~my_mod/audio/music~

From the Weidu documentation, I'm attempting to use the ADD_MUSIC function using:

//ADD_MUSIC internalMusicName newMUSFile
ADD_MUSIC ~RB_MUS01~ ~my_mod/audio/music/RB_MUS01.mus~

But I receive a parsing error. How is this function used exactly?


I've just noticed this note from the Weidu documentation:

  • INT_VAR music if this variable is not 0 and the game is BG:EE, the audio files are given the extension .acm instead of .wav. This variable has no effect if the game is not BG:EE. By default its value is 0.

I'm guessing IW:EE uses the same engine as an .acm file is produced...?

In addition to how to use the ADD_MUSIC funtion, is there any other steps required to incorporate music or can I just use the PlaySong() function to play the music?


Managed to get it done manually with NI but boy was it an ordeal... would rather go down the scirpting route! I don't think there's a thread in this forum which describes how to add music manually (if so then please correct me) in which case, I'll include the steps I did once I've remembered exactly what I did...

3 hours ago, pete_smith1229 said:

But I receive a parsing error. How is this function used exactly?

I am not sure why you have a parse error here, I use exactly the same code to add music in my mod: https://github.com/abalabokhin/NWNForBG/blob/main/NWNForBG/Setup-NWNForBG.tp2#L438 and it works.

As far as I understand, ADD_MUSIC just add an entry into songlist.2da and copy *.mus file. All *.acm files should be copied manually (into the dedicated directory - see also in the code). Idk how to play the added music, I was using it in the areas (like here https://github.com/abalabokhin/NWNForBG/blob/main/NWNForBG/Setup-NWNForBG.tp2#L955). PlaySound() should work with any ogg/wav files, no need to add music for that.

Posted (edited)

@paladin84 Thanks for confirming and elaborating on the ADD_MUSIC function. In addition to your description of manually copying files, I've included the steps I did to add music to the game:

1. Use VLC (or similar) to convert mp3/wav file to .ogg file and save to my_mod/audio/music/
2. Run the following script to create .acm file

COPY_EXISTING ~songlist.2da~ ~override~
    music = 1
    audio_path = ~my_mod/audio/music/~

3. Create new folder (e.g. "rb_mus") in main_game_EE/music/
4. Move .acm file to main_game_EE/music/rb_mus/
5. Rename .acm file by appending "a" (i.e. rb_musa.acm)
6. Create .mus file (text file) with the following where: Rb_mus = folder name; 1 = no. of acm files; A is character used to point to the .acm file; @TAG end = interrupt state (more info)

A         @TAG end

7. Append songlist.2da with following where: 85 = new unique ID; rb_mus = folder name containing acm files; rb_mus01.mus = name of .mus file

85 rb_mus rb_mus01.mus

8. Music can be called using the following:

PlaySong(0) // Play blank
PlaySong(85) // Play new music
SetMusic(DAY,rb_mus01) // Play new music during the day (check MUSIC.IDS for other parameters)
StartMusic(COMBAT_NORMAL,PLAY) // Configure "songs" parameter in .ARE file where COMBAT_NORMAL = rb_mus01.mus (rb_mus) - 85


Edited by pete_smith1229

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