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Everything posted by paladin84

  1. And to make the priority for the blocks one should use weights? I wanted to mix blocks with and without chain so they go in the right order.
  2. I recently faced with the issue, it looks like that chain blocks should be at the end of d file. So, first there are "usual" block, but once you switched to chain blocks you have to use them to the end of d file (excluding APPEND). Is there a way to mix not chain and chain syntax in d file?
  3. It is not about the mod, it is rather about any mods that adds campaigns to the BG2EE not to EET (even if this mod is the only one that does this for now), but thank you for the answer, I will test it by my own one day.
  4. Do you accidently know if your UI mods work if they are installed on BG2EE with extra campaign like NWNForBG? I remember, somebody complained about incompatibility, but I didn't try it by myself and I even don't remembet what UI mod they tried. Sorry for lack of details.
  5. Did you also install any kind of PT dedicated campaign? IWD1-2 EET don't have PT images... Can you show weidu.log?
  6. The same here: https://github.com/Gibberlings3/BG1NPC/issues/113 I guess nobody cares, I created this issue more than a year ago and it is still not fixed.
  7. About HOW I know that you can go to HOW content from IWD as it is should be. For other questions, I have now idea... I will try to ask, but I would not expect big and detailed documentation.
  8. Do you remember what spell was it? I will report about these bugs to Tipun anyway, but more details would be appreciated.
  9. You are both right, the note in English how to do this quest was how it is in NWN, while in Russian (the original mod language) it was changed to reflect the changed quest. I guess I should blame my script that were searching for matches for different languages. Anyway, I fixed the note in English (and added note for translators in the readme file), thanks for reporting about it.
  10. I am not sure why it was done this way initially, it is possible to implement it as in NWN. Anyway, it is just a puzzle, and I guess it is ok if it is a little bit different than in the original game.
  11. If I remember correctly, you should put both color in one primary. Eg red and yellow in primary #1 and orange in secondary #2. And then red and yellow in primary #2 and orange in secondary #2. Colors can be different, of cause, just showing the idea. Can you try to do it this way?
  12. I will check the code. Can you try with red, yellow and orange respectively?
  13. For the crystal, I guess everything is made the way that only one traveling in time is allowed, so you'd better be prepared (have the necklace before). I will check out if it is possible to allow travel back and forward multiple times, but I guess it was one time travel in NWN.
  14. Thank you for good review and for the kind words, I will try to pass them to the creator of the content. For the bugs: 1) Wanev should give you NWVSCROL.ITM item and it always works for me (and nobody complained about this before). Do you accidentally have a save before talking to him, and/or a screenshot with selected answers? 2) The same with crystal, so you got the crystal and was able to go to the past and it disappeared there? Was your inventory full? I would probably need a save to figure out what is wrong. For the NPCs, unfortunately, they only have content from NWN (you can talk to them, so they can tell you something about themselves and give you their personal quests). It would be nice to make a complete BG2 style NPCs from them with interjections, banters, romance, etc, but it is too much work.
  15. I am not sure this is the right topic, but I haven't found a dedicated to Tipun's IWD1/2_EET one (that is probably a shame). Anyway, Tipun is back (and hopefully for a long time) and he recently fixed all (or almost all) the known bugs for IWD1/2_EET. Fresh version can be taken from The Gate Project repo: https://github.com/The-Gate-Project/IWD1_EET https://github.com/The-Gate-Project/IWD2_EET https://github.com/The-Gate-Project/IWD_EET_End Note: the integration mod was renamed. Feel free to ask any questions, report about new bugs, etc. If sombody knows better topic for this, let me know, I will create the same message there.
  16. Great work! Can you edit area associated bmp maps with this tool?
  17. As far as I remember, there are dialogs in different romances (eg BG1NPC) that starts when the party is about to rest (rest button is clicked) and before the actual rest, a dialog can happen. How is this implemented? I see "PartyRested()" trigger, but nothing like "PartyAboutToRest()".
  18. So the result of the web app should be some king of graph? I tried with one d file, it shows some graph, but it had many "undefined" nodes (as far as I understood where APPEND used in d file). With this file: https://github.com/Gibberlings3/BG1NPC/blob/master/bg1npc/phase2/dlg/x%23lp3rep.d from BG1NPC it shows nothing.
  19. Oh, you right, my approach is not going to work. Let me think more, but it seems that without parsing regexp completely, you cannot find this offset reliably.
  20. I don't know weidu well, and, as a result, don't know how to code this with weidu (and if it is even possible) but I guess getting offset for every subgroup in the whole regexp match (subgroup 0) can be implemented using the function to find a substring in a string and taking characters in a string by indexes: 1. For every subgroup match string (sms_i): 2. Search sms_i in sms_0 3. If only one instance is found, we are done with sms_i, save left and right boundaries (offset, offset + size (sms_i)), go to the next sms_i 4. If more than one instance is found take the first one that is: 1. located after all the found left boundaries (offsets) for previous matches and 2. located after the found right boundaries parenthesis for which already closed in the regexp before opening parenthesis for this subgroup, save boundaries, go to the next sms_i Subgroups are numerated in the same order as opening parenthesis in the regexp, and regexp engine takes the first possible match for a subgroup, so the algorithm should work. For 4. you need to go through the regexp once and find the indexes for opening and close parenthesis for every subgroup, ignoring all the other characters. So if parentesis in a regexp looks like "((())()())", and every character in a string is indexed 0-9 the maps for parenthesis for subgroups would look like: 1->0,9; 2->1,4; 3->2,3; 4->5,6; 5->7,8 and if in the algorithm above many instances of substring is found for eg 4th subgroup, it should be first instance that is located on the right of offsets for subgroups 1-3 and on the right of right boundaries for subgroups 2,3. I hope it makes sence. I can write a code on python if I wasn't clear enough.
  21. I published the new release of the mod (https://github.com/abalabokhin/NWNForBG/releases/tag/0.98). There are no significant changes, mainly small bugs/typo fixes, mainly thanks to @lynx and sese_ser. The details can be seen in readme. If you already playing, I would not reinstalled the mod for these changes. I also added FAQ with questions (if I asked more than one time from different people), there are not much for now, but still: https://github.com/abalabokhin/NWNForBG/wiki/FAQ First message is changed with the new release information.
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