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[IWD] Smarter Priests fails to find "rakshin2.cre"

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What title says:

// Input file is stratagems/caster_shared/clericmage/ssl/cmraksh.ssl
// Output file is weidu_external\workspace\ssl_out/cmraksh.baf
//Copying and patching 1 file ...
//ERROR locating resource for 'COPY'
//Resource [rakshin2.cre] not found in KEY file:
//    [./chitin.key]

I've looked but there's no raskshin2.cre that I can find even in the BG games. The closest I've found is a rakshinV.cre in IWD itself.



Ran into this same error message when putting together an IWD install.

For me, the conflict was with the 'Shaman-specific items' component of Argent77's Improved Shamanic Dance mod. Specifically, the error came up when the following components were installed:

Shaman-specific items
SCS Initialize AI
SCS Smarter Mages
SCS Smarter Priests

Remove shaman items and it installs fine. 
Remove Smarter Mages and it installs fine. 
Moving the item component to after SCS also seems to install fine, though I haven't actually tested it in-game.


What's going on here is that

- the unmodded game summons 2 rakshasas, both copies of 'rakshinv.cre', in the area script for AR9711

- SCS clones rakshinv into two unique creatures, rakshin1 and rakshin2, so that they can get different spell choices

- SCS then gives spells to rakshin1 and rakshin2

- The Shaman Items component of Improved Shamanic Dance does its own deduplicating of rakshinv, into rakshinv and a7#rak01

- This confuses SCS, which fails to make rakshin2 and then sulks when it can't find it.

Fixed locally, will be in 35.7.

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