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ERROR: cannot convert weap_array_LARGE_SWORD_BG1_LATHANDER_X or %weap_array_LARGE_SWORD_BG1_LATHANDER_X% to an integer

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Appending to files ...

ERROR locating resource for 'APPEND'
Resource [M_DW_VCD.LUA] not found in KEY file:
Stopping installation because of error.
Stopping installation because of error.
Stopping installation because of error.
Stopping installation because of error.
Stopping installation because of error.
Stopping installation because of error.
Stopping installation because of error.
Stopping installation because of error.
Stopping installation because of error.
Stopping installation because of error.
Stopping installation because of error.

ERROR Installing [New wizard kits: Militant Wizards], rolling back to previous state
Unable to Unlink [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50200/OTHER.50200]: Unix.Unix_error(1, "unlink", "weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50200/OTHER.50200")
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #103720, out of range 0 -- 103716
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #103719, out of range 0 -- 103716
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #103718, out of range 0 -- 103716
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #103717, out of range 0 -- 103716
WARNING: Unable to uninstall STRING_SET references from [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50200/UNSETSTR.50200]: Invalid_argument("index out of bounds")
Will uninstall 1612 files for [DW_TALENTS/DW_TALENTS.TP2] component 50200.
Unable to Unlink [weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_usability.txt]: Unix.Unix_error(20, "unlink", "weidu_external/data/DW_TALENTS/scroll_usability.txt")
Uninstalled    1612 files for [DW_TALENTS/DW_TALENTS.TP2] component 50200.
Unable to Unlink [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50200/READLN.50200]: Unix.Unix_error(20, "unlink", "weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50200/READLN.50200")
Unable to Unlink [weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50200/READLN.50200.TEXT]: Unix.Unix_error(20, "unlink", "weidu_external/backup/dw_talents/50200/READLN.50200.TEXT")
DW_TALENTS/DW_TALENTS.TP2  0 50100 Permanently_Uninstalled
DW_TALENTS/DW_TALENTS.TP2  0 50300 Temporarily_Uninstalled
DW_TALENTS/DW_TALENTS.TP2  0 55000 Temporarily_Uninstalled
ERROR: Failure("resource [M_DW_VCD.LUA] not found for 'APPEND'")
Please make a backup of the file: SETUP-DW_TALENTS.DEBUG and look for support at: DavidW
Using Language [English]
[English] has 1 top-level TRA files
[dw_talents/lang/english/setup.tra] has 182 translation strings


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Hi, @DavidW

I've tried to install the mod once again and was successfull with some components.
I've also noticed most (but, unfortunately, not all) of the issues when installing had the same message:

ERROR: Sys_error("override/lu*.2da: Invalid argument")

Most of these are attached to kits abilities (bards songs, for example), tweaks and new options for multi/dual classes.
I've searched my override folder for lu*.2da and couldn't find it.
Worth mentioning that I'm doing these tests on my BG1EE folder, which has a smaller (but not irrelevant) number of mods.

My question is if this file should be added by ToF or if I should have it whether your mod is installed or not.

As I said before, I don't have much technical knowledge to mod troubleshooting BG, but I'm testing and trying on my end and hopefully can contribute to the solution :)


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Just to add a bit more to this:

I was talking to @CamDawgon discord who kindly helped me navigate and understand a few things regarding the .2da files.
He noticed my luabbr.2da file had 2 asterisks on the right side column. On his words: "I think what's happening is that ToF is going through that file and then editing the files in the right hand side, but it's not properly safeguarded against an invalid entry."

I've temporarily changed both of those asterisks to Ba0 and managed to install many of the components that I couldn't before.

I'm pinging you here @DiesIraebecause I belive this may help you.

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This was diagnosed in the discord to be a failure in the luabbr.2da -file containing unexpected characters, like *, ? or others that are featured in other kit mods, so it's feature coming from them, and apparently the safe guards of ToF are not fullproof ... to count for fools. 😈

Here's a link to the discussion between neuroghast and CamDawg: https://discord.com/channels/205226905870270466/205226905870270466/1235776715645517834

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OK: I'm seeing three bugs here:

  • the one that leads to the weap_array_LATHANDER_X issues
  • the one that complains if there are asterisks in laubbr.2da
  • the one that stopped militant wizards from installing, which asks for m_dw_vcd.lua

I'm not sure why I'm not seeing these myself on an install test - I think it's something about the combination of components that are installed.

In any case you ought to be able to hotfix them by dropping lib_kit.tph into dw_talents/sfo and militant_wizards.tpa into dw_talents/kit. (Both attached.) Will be fixed properly in beta 11.

militant_wizards.tpa lib_kit.tph

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