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Fighter -> Druid duals proficiency's.

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So apparently the Tweaks Anthology's 'Change Equipment Restrictions for Druid Multi- and Dual-Classes' component doesn't allow the Fighter -> Druids dualed character to place pips in to the rest of the weapons.
@CamDawg .

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For clarity, this is the "Loosen Equipment Restrictions" version?

If you're talking about before the dual completes, it's working as intended. A fighter -> mage can't take the other proficiencies until they complete the dual and get their fighter abilities back, after all.

Looking at the mechanics of the component ...

First, it goes through all the items and sets them to be usable by fighter/druids if they're usable by single-class fighters.

Second, if goes through the table of weapon proficiency limits. For each weapon category, increase the fighter/druid's limit to the minimum of the fighter's limit and the global multiclass limit (normally 2, 5 if a specific component is installed).

There's nothing at all that specifically calls out dual-classes. That just relies on how normal game mechanics read the tables. How does that work anyway, for dual-class proficiencies?

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To clarify; I'll just quote CamDawg from the Discord.. from the related post to the issue to that:

Yeah, that's a mistake. A fighter > thief can place pips in the full array, so fighter > druids should be able to as well.
Post a note in the forum so I won't forget.

.. and so I posted here. Now, I can see both sides of this, and I personally have no issues with either resolution to tweak it or to not, but as he requested a reminder, so I just made the post. Now, of course it could very well be that CamDawg uses a tweak kinda related to this and thus made a wrong diagnose... that happens, but this whole thread is A REMINDER. 😄 .. to find things.

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And a quick test of the ad-hoc version, directly modifying the table ... yeah, that doesn't do anything for the dual-class.

The problem here is - how? I genuinely don't know how the base game mechanics for which proficiencies a dual-class character can take work. It might well be hardcoded to the point that this can't be made to function, that cleric and druid dual classes are set up to ban any non-cleric/non-druid weapons even if the multiclass can take that proficiency.

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My guess is, this is a v2.0+ UI issue. The dual-class F->D can take proficiencies in weapons the single-class druid cannot, but the proficiency screen UI will only show those available to druids. (It probably explicitly treats F->T and F->M differently from F->C and F->D, so while not exactly hard-coded, it is still different treatment at a different level than the .2da table. But, I cannot parse UI.menu to confirm this on my own.)

To test, install that UI tweak mod that lets you see all proficiencies. I bet this issue goes away. Which means CDTweaks will have to do some surgery in UI.menu.

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