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IWD2 creature unknowns


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The 5 Iwd2 creature internals (local variable substitute) are stored on:

0x274 5x2 (word) Internals


SetInternal(object, 0-4, <wordvalue>), IncrementInternal, etc.


The saved location is stored on:

0x2ec 2 (word) Saved location X

0x2ef 2 (word) Saved location Y

0x2f0 2 (word) Saved location orientation

Usage: SetSavedLocation(), SetSavedLocationPoint(x,y,dir) <-- not tested, returntosavedlocation....


Actually, the internal bytes being at 0x274 would conflict with the scripts...

Is this the right offset?


Yeah, sorry.

They are on 0x2a0, (skipping an unknown dword between the script block and internals)


0x0274 8 (resref) creature script ("override" script?)

0x027c 8 (resref) creature script ("special 2" script?)

0x0284 8 (resref) creature script ("combat" script?)

0x028c 8 (resref) creature script ("special 3" script?)

0x0294 8 (resref) creature script ("movement" script?)

0x029c 4 (dword) unknown

0x02a0 5x2 (word) Internals, see SetInternal

0x02aa 66 (bytes) unknown

0x02ec 2 (word) Saved location X, see SaveLocation

0x02ef 2 (word) Saved location Y

0x02f0 2 (word) Saved location Orientation

0x02f2 146 (bytes) unknown

0x0384 1 (byte) "Enemy-Ally" type (see EA.IDS). This field and the next several


I hope i got it right this time :)


Yeah, that would make more sense.


I hope i got it right this time


Yeah.. I'll let you off :-)


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