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BG2/ToB Subraces Mod?


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For those who might still be interested this, beiht recently posted this on the com forum:


"I've changed my fixes so that the daylight blindness is back to 1 round and the other daylight afflictions occur as long as the pc is in daylight. Since there have been no other problems reported, the mod w/fixes should be playable. The following summarizes the differences in the two mods:


finnjo (from readme):


- ADVANTAGES: +1 to Intelligence, +1 to Charisma, Magic Resistance of 50% and +2% every

level thereafter to a maximum of 80%, +2 to all Spell Saves and Faerie Fire 3/Day.

- DISADVANTAGES: -20% experience modifier, and -1 to THAC0 and saving throws when outside during the day.


Also with finnjo's one can have:


- Aerie: Avariel (treated as a moon elf)

- Jaheira: Half-Sylvan Elf

- Jan Jansen: Rock Gnome

- Mazzy Fentan: Strongheart Halfling

- Korgan: Shield Dwarf


- Imoen becomes a tiefling.

- Jaheira becomes a half-drow (just her appearance changes).

- Jan Jansed becomes a svirfneblin.

- Keldorn becomes an aasimar.


Subraces included:

a) Humans: Aasimar, Tiefling, and Genasi

b) Elven: Moon, Sylvan, Wild, Sun, and Drow.

c) Dwarven: Gold, Shield, Duergar, Arctic.

d) Gnomish: Rock and Svirfneblin.

e) Halfling: Lightfoot, Strongheart, and Ghostwise.

f) Half-Elves: Moon, Drow, Wild, Sun and Sylvan half-elves.

g) Half-Orc



Welverine (from readme):


Male: +1 Dex +1 Int -2 Cha

Female: +1 Dex +1 Int +2 Cha


50% magic resistance on first level which increases by +2% on every level to maximum 80%.


Innate abilities: 2xFaerie Fire 2xDarkness. On 4th level drow can cast 2xLevitate 2xKnow


Alignment. On 4th level drow priests receive 2xKnow Alignment 1xClairvoyance 1xSuggestion


1xDispel Magic and 1xLevitate.

-4 to party reputation.


Bright light (sun light) causes the drow to suffer: -2 Dex, -2 Thac0, -2 to all saves while in daylight and blindness for one round.


If the drow spends more than two weeks (changed to 3 days in Beiht fix) away from the


subterranean caverns of the Underdark, the special advantages fade at the rate of one power a day. This process can be halted and the powers regained if the drow returns to the Underdark and spends enough time there.


Immunity to sleep- and charm- related spells.

Requires 20% more experience points to level-up.



Subraces included:

a)Humans: Aasimar and Tiefling

b)Elven: Gold, Moon, Sylvan, Wild, Snow and Drow.

c)Dwarven: Gold, Shield, Deep, Duergar, Sundered, Gully and Derro (cross-breed).

d)Gnomish: Rock, Forest, Tinker and Svirfneblin.

e)Halfling: Hairfoot, Stout, Tallfellow, Kender, Athaslan, Furchin and Ghostwise.

f)Half-Elves: Gold, Moon, Sylvan, Wild, Snow and Drow."

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