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Grim Squeaker

Retired Gibberlings
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About Grim Squeaker

  • Birthday 08/28/1985

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  • Location
    Hovering around London

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  1. Grim Squeaker

    Tyris Flare

    Meet Tyris Flare, a red-haired amazon who can kick ass and hurl fire! Sound familiar? That's because I decided to have a nostalgia trip and recreate a character from ye olde Golden Axe computer games that were released on the Sega Mega Drive (or Genesis in America) and arcade machines in the 90s. You may also have seen her recently in Golden Axe: Beast Master, though my interpretation of the character is from the older games.
  2. Version v18


    This mod adds many options to those who use rogues and bards in Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition, Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition, BG2: Shadows of Amn (with or without the expansion pack Throne of Bhaal), Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition, and with the mod conversions Baldur's Gate Trilogy and Baldur's Gate Tutu. The mod makes several changes to thieves and bards as well as offering new items, merchants, and kits. The standalone Sharpshooter Thief Kit mod has been deprecated as it is now included in the Song and Silence mod. Learn more about the mod View the Readme Visit the Forum
  3. Erm... you'd have to do a bit of tinkering to that as it'll keep changing back to 3 if another romance is serious.
  4. There should've been some, yeah. Will take a gander at the code at some point just to check nothing went horribly wrong. Hope you liked whichever ending you got!
  5. You should be able to just copy the new version into the BG2 directory (don't delete the old folder!) and then [R]e-install. The uninstalling then installing the new version way will work as well. As for the music, just copy it from the BG2/override directory and convert it into an mp3 file. It's called G#TFSONG.wav. Alternatively, buy the Battlestar Galactica - Season 3 soundtrack. And thank you.
  6. Feel free to post any bugs and/or typos you encounter (no matter how small!) and I'll see about getting them fixed for the next version
  7. Version v11


    Tyris Flare is a red-haired amazon from ye olde Golden Axe computer games that were released on the Sega Mega Drive (or Genesis in America) and arcade machines in the 90s. Learn more about the mod View the Readme Visit the Forum Visit the Gallery
  8. Grim Squeaker

    Sporeboy!'s Alternate Portrait Pack

    SAPP is sporeboy!'s Alternate Portrait Pack. It provides alter portraits for the female BioWare NPCs in BG2: Aerie, Imoen, Jaheira, Mazzy, Nalia and Viconia. You also get an alternate Valen portrait for Wes Weimer's Valen mod.
  9. Grim Squeaker

    Blonde Imoen

    Blonde Imoen allows Imoen to have lovely, blonde hair. Ok, I can't guarantee its lovelyness but it is blonde! You have the option of giving her short, blonde hair (Normal Imoen length) or longer blonde hair (Aerie-ish length).
  10. Version v4


    This WeiDU mod provides alternate portraits for the female BioWare NPCs in BG2: Aerie, Imoen, Jaheira, Mazzy, Nalia and Viconia. You also get an alternate Valen portrait for Wes Weimer's Valen mod. All of these portraits are optional. These portraits are copyright © Atomic Incorporated, 2004. You can also find more at www.sporeboy.com. View the Readme Visit the Forum Visit the Gallery
  11. Version v24.1


    The Crossmod Banter Pack is a collaborative effort to add banters between NPC's from mods that add content to Shadows of Amn and Throne of Bhaal. Learn more about the mod View the Readme Visit the Forum
  12. Version v6


    This WeiDU mod will replace all Imoen's portrait and avatar with a new version that has long blonde hair. View the Readme Visit the Forum Visit the Gallery
  13. Grim Squeaker


    You rang? Consider yourself surprised, I'm afraid I don't have a copy. Sorry.
  14. Much appreciated. Thank you! Yep, once the romance is going properly then you get the flirts if you forcetalk her. Before then you'll get she "has nothing to say".
  15. I'm having difficulty finding the question there. Are you asking me to remake the creature files so she gets an extra level? Because I really, really don't want to do that just because of the time it takes to mess about with them and level them correctly etc etc. If someone wants to do it for me and make the creature files exactly the same as they were but with an extra level, I will gladly put them in but I just don't have the time and sanity to go through that again.
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