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PST Tweaks troubles

Guest CaptainPants

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Guest CaptainPants

I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, but I can't seem to get the Planescape Torment tweaks to work at all. Here's what I did and what's happening -


I installed PS (to d:\torment, if that matters). I installed the 1.1 patch, and then the 1.37 unofficial patch. I did the "full install" procedure, including the nocd patch for the 4-cd version. The game played fine - I started a game and got through the mortuary, and then I found out about the tweak pack. Stackable rings and bracelets? I'm there!


I installed the tweak pack, choosing the stacking, resting, and max HP options. When I started PS, it crashed before ever making it to the intro splash screen (generic error; as best as I can remember it was "torment.exe has generated errors and is being closed by Windows.").


I ran the tweak setup in the \torment folder and chose to uninstall. Still not working. I installed the restoration pack, to see if that might overwrite something b0rked - no dice.


I uninstalled PS, reinstalled PS, and tried to run it. "torment.exe has generated errors..."


I uninstalled again, deleted everything that was left over in the \torment folder except the \save folder, and reinstalled. It would now launch again. I installed the 1.1 patch, 1.37 patch, restoration pack, and the G3 Tweaks with the same options. I started the game between each step - after the G3 tweak pack, it was back to "torment.exe has generated errors..."


I uninstalled again, deleted all but saves, reinstalled. I installed 1.1, 1.37, restoration, did the "full install" procedure with the nocd patch. Now I installed G3 Tweaks using only ONE option - stacking. The game launched! Yay! I loaded my saved game, at which point it crashed to desktop. Boo. I ran the G3 setup again and selected the other two options (resting and max HP); back to "torment.exe has generated errors..."


I've now purged and reinstalled everything again except the G3 tweaks - it launches fine, and I can load the saved game and play. Is there anything special I need to be doing to both 1) have the G3 tweak pack installed, and 2) be able to play? Thanks in advance for any help at all. I'd really love to use this, but I have no idea what to do from here.

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That is very odd. It's not an error I (or anyone else, to my knowledge) has experienced. I also use the 4CD version. I do not, however, use the 1.37 unofficial fixpack (is that Platter's pack, actually? In which case I might have used it, I don't remember). Have you tried it without the 1.37 patch? And what operating system do you use (I am Win XP)?

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Guest CaptainPants
That is very odd. It's not an error I (or anyone else, to my knowledge) has experienced. I also use the 4CD version. I do not, however, use the 1.37 unofficial fixpack (is that Platter's pack, actually? In which case I might have used it, I don't remember). Have you tried it without the 1.37 patch? And what operating system do you use (I am Win XP)?


Sorry, I really should have mentioned that sort of thing -

Windows 2000

AMD Athlon XP 2600+

768 MB RAM



Yes, the unofficial pack is Platter's fixpack, and no, I didn't try it without that. I spent my free time yesterday uninstalling/reinstalling everything, I'd like to play a little today, but if it would be useful to know that then I'll try it later tonight or early tomorrow.


I thnk the error also mentioned a log being generated (or maybe I'm just remembering similar previous messages that said so) - do you know where that would have been put, or if it would be useful?

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This may sound like a stupid question, and I don't mean any offense, but make sure you have downloaded and installed the Ps:T Tweak Pack (http://www.gibberlings3.net/pst/) and not the G3 Tweak Pack.  The latter is BG2 only.


I've been in PC support long enough to know that there are no stupid questions, only stupid users. :) It is the PST pack, but thanks for checking - the weird problems are often something stupid, which is why I assumed that I'm doing something stupid.



I think you've inadvertantly dated yourself, Borsook. In Win95 (maybe 98 - not sure) and earlier, compatibility mode was done through a utility; this was a throwback to the DOS days of handling OS compatibility. In Windows 2000 it's done by registering a DLL to enable compatibility mode to be available, and then editing the properties of the application's shortcut. Don't ask why it isn't just enabled by default...


Anyway, I've enabled it, and will install the tweak pack later to see if it helped. It sounds promising, but in case it doesn't work I want to play a bit now before I break it again. Thanks for the reponses!

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Wow, here I am looking to find out why PS:T is crashing only after installing the G3 pack, and someone else asked the same question only yesterday.


After reading this thread and trying some suggestions (compatibility...nope, omit the 1.37 patch...nope) I just uninstalled all the G3 mods and started adding them one by one. The crash only happens when the Max HP for Party Members mod is installed. I've got all the other mods and the 1.1 and 1.37 patches and Torment runs fine. Add the Max HP mod, and it crashes without even leaving the desktop. (I've got Visual Studio installed, so it tells me it was an unhandled win32 exception and asks if I want to debug)


Hope that helps.



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I can confirm that installing the MaxHP component of the G3 PS:T Tweak pack does indeed screw up my installation. Running torment.exe results in a windows error message, the program aborts even before showing the introductory videos.


1.) PS:T 2CD version

2.) fixpack

3.) G3 PS:T Tweak pack.


If I leave aside the MaxHP component (in my case that means installing only the Higher Stacking module) the game works normally.


Additionally, platters maxhp pack does not cause the system to fail, either.

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Guest CaptainPants

I can confirm similar here (sorry, I disappeared for the holiday). The compatibility mode didn't help, nor did installing without the 1.37 pack. I didn't try installing without MaxHP, because there's no easy way to undo it without reinstalling - whatever causes the problem doesn't get undone by the tweak pack uninstaller - but if you have reason to suspect that it might yield something useful, I'd be willing to try it.

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I too, can confirm this bug. I just downloaded the patch, and it didn't work when I had the MaxHP installed, crashing before even the opening movies.


Once I uninstalled MaxHP, it worked fine.


I'm running on XP, with the following patches:

Official 1.1

Platter's 1.37

PST Tweakpack

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