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Preview Aklon-Aerie Banter


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hehe I know. You really don't have to give anymore teasers to get me to take the mod....you won me over months ago! I can't wait for this mod! *squeels like a little girl*

But that little wingless whinner is talking to my monk boy!? *shoves Aerie into the next dragon lair they pass and takes Alkon all for herself*


if I ever get too wierd (it does happen on rare occassons) take a look at my picture there...know who that is? Inuyasha. If I get too silly just yell SIT! and I will stop...*some yells SIT!*......*ouch*


;) I hear ya! Aklon is SO not even going to know Aerie exists if I have anything to say about it! :rolleyes:

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