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movement problems

Guest chuck

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Anyone else have the problem of a character not moving as far as you select? Amber has done that to me now. Probably a mod installation issue, but I hoped someone else saw this as well.

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I need a bit more information than that. Does she seem to try to talk to someone? In other words, when she stops, does she turn to face a particular character (PC or another NPC)?


There was also one case where, though I'm uncertain if it's directly connected to Amber, the player's Bg2 cache was too full and that caused the game to lag. So, emptying the cache might help.


Apparently there's also a lagging issue connected to the boots of speed, though we've never personally experienced that.


Also, if you are in the Underdark and Adalon has cast the spell that makes the party look like drow, there's a known bug where the character(s) refuse to walk normally. This has nothing to do with Amber; apparently it is connected to the ring of regeneration combined with the drow appearance.



You can also send your savegame to amber@welho.net and we can take a look at it.

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I get it as well, but only sometimes. Amber will move a short distance, then stop. I order her to move again and she will travel a few more steps, then stop again, making moving her irritating. But most of the time she happily follows directions.

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I need a bit more information than that. Does she seem to try to talk to someone? In other words, when she stops, does she turn to face a particular character (PC or another NPC)?


There was also one case where, though I'm uncertain if it's directly connected to Amber, the player's Bg2 cache was too full and that caused the game to lag. So, emptying the cache might help.


Apparently there's also a lagging issue connected to the boots of speed, though we've never personally experienced that.


Also, if you are in the Underdark and Adalon has cast the spell that makes the party look like drow, there's a known bug where the character(s) refuse to walk normally. This has nothing to do with Amber; apparently it is connected to the ring of regeneration combined with the drow appearance.



You can also send your savegame to amber@mbnet.fi and we can take a look at it.



The problem started right away. She would move a short distance, stop, get directed to move, short distance, stop. No attempt to talk to anyone, just won't move far.

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The problem started right away. She would move a short distance, stop, get directed to move, short distance, stop. No attempt to talk to anyone, just won't move far.


I had that problem when my P2 was invisible and Amber wanted to talk to him, but couldn't as she couldn't see him. Perhaps something similiar?

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