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Gone for good?


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I had the kids chatting about the demon, I visisted Max at the prison, I did the entire runaround at the Council building, I got Amber's bundle from Max, and I got her out of the cell. However, I then "accidentally" told her that her stuff was probably with Max (or something similar; anyway, I didn't just hand it over), and Amber wandered off within the dark recesses of the prison, never to be seen again.


Was that the end for me? Granted, I had a severely evil-slanted party led by a girl, but I didn't mean to steal Amber's stuff - I just wanted to see what happened... Have a few variables on me, if needed.






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Guest Guest_Kenzeitak_*

If you accidently fiddleded her away, try removing all the M#AMBER* variables and cheat her back using:


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If you accidently fiddleded her away, try removing all the M#AMBER* variables and cheat her back using:



We really cannot control what people decide to with their own games, but I do have to ask you to refrain from providing others with instructions like this. Tampering with the variables related to this mod (or most other mods, I guess) without complete understanding of their workings is the single best way of creating problems with the mod. A far better solution (which would actually work without causing any problems) would be to simply load a save game in which you had not yet talked to Amber.


I'm afraid that Amber not coming back for her stuff if the player decides to keep them is something of an oversight on our part; she should definitely come back for them if the player has them, although the chances of the encounter being friendly would be somewhat slim. But this is something we will definitely consider adding to the next version. Thank you for the feedback.


(And please, please, load a save game rather than fiddling around with Amber's variables.)

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If you accidently fiddleded her away, try removing all the M#AMBER* variables and cheat her back using:


That way you will have Amber who has 'nothing to say to you'. Sure, you can use control-Q to get her into the party, but that's it then - she will still have nothing to say. :p

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I'm afraid that Amber not coming back for her stuff if the player decides to keep them is something of an oversight on our part; she should definitely come back for them if the player has them, although the chances of the encounter being friendly would be somewhat slim.


(And please, please, load a save game rather than fiddling around with Amber's variables.)

"She should" ... meaning she won't yet in v2, right? *sigh* Time to get a slightly less evil party going, then.


As for consoling up a dummy Amber - never fear, sir. I don't mess around with code stuff until I've played a mod through and through so I have some sort of idea about what my machinations do.

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