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Anomen6 - saving throw vs. breath should be 12 but is 13; should know SpPr206, SpPr314, SpPr414


Anomen7 - should know SpPr206, SpPr314, SpPr414

Anomen8 - should know SpPr206, SpPr314, SpPr414

Anomen9 - should know SpPr206, SpPr314, SpPr414


Anomen10 - should know SpPr206, SpPr314, SpPr414; shouldn't know SpPr606

Anomen11 - should know SpPr206, SpPr314, SpPr414; shouldn't know SpPr606

Anomen12 - should know SpPr206, SpPr314, SpPr414; shouldn't know SpPr606


I was inclined to think that the omission of Unholy Blight was intentional, but he just gains it the next time he levels up; so much for intent.

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Yeah, but if you want to be a goody-goody paladin, it's probably best to not run around casting evil spells. I think it fits his goal better to not know the spell.


Of course, he also has a generic hostile soundset string and a specific value, so I'm open to the possibility that BioWare simply didn't care at all about making him right. :)


EDIT: To clarify: We should add it; thanks to game mechanics, he's supposed to have it. I just think it would have been better were it not forced.

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