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Anomen's romance theme plays, Anomen doesn't talk


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It happens in my games from time to time: the NPC whom I romance stops, his or her romance music starts to play, but - oops! - I've just given them an order, so they go and do it, and never give me the talk.


Technically it looks like this: since the Global timer has expired, the variable is set to 10, but since Anomen was given an order, he doesn't talk right away - but the variable has already switched to 11! So the player is left without one of their romance talks. Or two, or more, if the player is fond of ordering party around at inappropriate times.


I am not *absolutely* sure, but I've noticed that it doesn't seem to happen with plot-related dialogues: Jaheira always speaks in the Slums, or after Baron Ployer curses her, Anomen does not fail to speak, when Terl appears, and so on. So, I wonder: if, instead of setting all globals in the script, the lovetalks will look like


IF ~Global("NPCRomance","LOCALS",10)~ NPCTalk10

SAY ~(something)~

IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~(something)~ DO ~SetGlobal("NPCRomance","LOCALS",11)~ GOTO NPCTalk10.1


- will it help?

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It happens in my games from time to time: the NPC whom I romance stops, his or her romance music starts to play, but - oops! - I've just given them an order, so they go and do it, and never give me the talk.
Doesn't it suck? It's one of those things that if you just think about it, you'd say "oh, that'll never happen," but it does.


The coding for the romances is so complex, however, that I'd rather we didn't touch it at all. I think what you suggest probably would work, but it'd be a bitch to code and likely impossible to ever thoroughly test.

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