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Several minor bugs.


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Hi, I found several bugs so report them here. Hopefully it is contributing this great work. I used the Fixpack v1 so they could have been already fixed but I checked the new fixed bug lists and could not find these bad boys. So here it goes.


I think Haerdalis is not supposed to get two stars in Longsword any more if installed Fixpack. But he still gets two stars. His creature file is correct, but his BCS files gives him 2 stars when he is summoned in Hell. You can look at Haer25.bcs to confirm this.


Nymph is femal as far as I know. But Nymphsu.cre file contains male voice in casting spell. Her gender is male when I look at the file with Near Infinity.


There is inconsistency in SPPR104 description. I don't exactly remeber, but the spell is LV1 but desciption says it's LV2 or vice versa.


Last one is bugging me so bad because I think it is inconsistent. Jaheir, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, Jahei12b, jahei14, some of her cre files have access to Champion's strengh, Mental domination while some of them not. So if you summon all of her cre files, then they are not equal. I do not mind whether you removed them all or add them all. But I think there should be consistence.


Same thing for Viconia, Anomen. Anomen 9, 10, 12 some of those have conjure animals, which call for bears, and fire seeds while some of them not.

Viconi6, 8, 9, 11, 13, 16, some of them have Conjure animals, Fire seeds while some of them not. Holy smite is not suppoed to be accesible in Fixpack V1. But I can still use them in some of her version. Again, consistence would be welcomed in any solution.


Thank you for your great work, hopefully this report is help you to improve it.

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I think Haerdalis is not supposed to get two stars in Longsword any more if installed Fixpack. But he still gets two stars. His creature file is correct, but his BCS files gives him 2 stars when he is summoned in Hell. You can look at Haer25.bcs to confirm this.
I think there was a reason for this, but I can't remember.


Nymph is femal as far as I know. But Nymphsu.cre file contains male voice in casting spell. Her gender is male when I look at the file with Near Infinity.
Nymphs use gender summoned (6), which uses the male casting voice. There isn't a way to fix this that doesn't require evil hackery.


Last one is bugging me so bad because I think it is inconsistent. Jaheir, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, Jahei12b, jahei14, some of her cre files have access to Champion's strengh, Mental domination while some of them not. So if you summon all of her cre files, then they are not equal. I do not mind whether you removed them all or add them all. But I think there should be consistence.
We should be correcting the spells for all NPCs in v2 (in this case, Jaheira should never have access to these two cleric-only spells). It may be in the beta core fixes, though (Cam?).
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Cheers, thanks web2air. ???


I think Haerdalis is not supposed to get two stars in Longsword any more if installed Fixpack. But he still gets two stars. His creature file is correct, but his BCS files gives him 2 stars when he is summoned in Hell. You can look at Haer25.bcs to confirm this.

I don't see anything to change here--the extra point added by script is definitely intentional. Being a blade HD can not place a second star in long swords 'naturally'. His two stars in short swords are a cheat given to him by the devs and they wanted him to have the same cheat for long swords.


Nymph is femal as far as I know. But Nymphsu.cre file contains male voice in casting spell. Her gender is male when I look at the file with Near Infinity.

Her sex is set as female and her gender to summoned. Gender plays two primary roles. One is the casting voice--'female' gender uses female sounds, 'neither' gender uses none, and any other value uses the male casting sounds (devSin, correct me if I've misremembered). The other function is summoning cap. Summoned creatures have to use the summoned gender otherwise they won't count against the summoning cap, nor will they be affected by spells like Death Fog. It sucks that we can't get summoned nymphs to sound like they should, but in this case changing something cosmetic (casting voice) will actually have a detrimental effect on game play.


There is inconsistency in SPPR104 description. I don't exactly remeber, but the spell is LV1 but desciption says it's LV2 or vice versa.

This is correct in the English language games at least.


Last one is bugging me so bad because I think it is inconsistent. Jaheir, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, Jahei12b, jahei14, some of her cre files have access to Champion's strengh, Mental domination while some of them not. So if you summon all of her cre files, then they are not equal. I do not mind whether you removed them all or add them all. But I think there should be consistence.


Same thing for Viconia, Anomen. Anomen 9, 10, 12 some of those have conjure animals, which call for bears, and fire seeds while some of them not.

Viconi6, 8, 9, 11, 13, 16, some of them have Conjure animals, Fire seeds while some of them not. Holy smite is not suppoed to be accesible in Fixpack V1. But I can still use them in some of her version. Again, consistence would be welcomed in any solution.

Yes, these are all addressed in v2 in the beta fixes.

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Thank you for the quickest response! I did not expect this. wow you guys surprised me. Anyway, I have more to say.



I don't see anything to change here--the extra point added by script is definitely intentional. Being a blade HD can not place a second star in long swords 'naturally'. His two stars in short swords are a cheat given to him by the devs and they wanted him to have the same cheat for long swords.


Does it mean that if you have him and transport to the TOB part, then SoA-Haerdalis will be weaker than ToB one? because SoA one will be lacking one star. Then, I would probably not have him when I proceed to ToB and recruit him there again, so that I can have better Haerdalis. How about just giving every cre 2 stars in Longsword? Because SoA-Haerdalis will be accidently weaker and this will reduce the advantage of having him during the whole game.



Her sex is set as female and her gender to summoned. Gender plays two primary roles. One is the casting voice--'female' gender uses female sounds, 'neither' gender uses none, and any other value uses the male casting sounds (devSin, correct me if I've misremembered). The other function is summoning cap. Summoned creatures have to use the summoned gender otherwise they won't count against the summoning cap, nor will they be affected by spells like Death Fog. It sucks that we can't get summoned nymphs to sound like they should, but in this case changing something cosmetic (casting voice) will actually have a detrimental effect on game play.


Ok, I understand your concern. I just fixed her summoned gender by Near Infinity. Is this going to cause the problem? because I did not experience any problem. Or there is just "no way" to fix it without making whole crazy fix?



And for spell inconsistence, I just played with new BG2 Fixpack, and it obviously solved it as I thought. But Jahei12b, 14.cre files still have remove fear spells. I think they also should be removed.



Thank you again, and... how do you quote? This looks agly. Sorry if it is hard to read. You have my wishes!


Cam edit - fixed the quotes ???

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Ok, I understand your concern. I just fixed her summoned gender by Near Infinity. Is this going to cause the problem? because I did not experience any problem. Or there is just "no way" to fix it without making whole crazy fix?
If you change her gender, she won't count against the summoning cap, and spells like Death Spell that should instantly slay summons won't kill her (well, it probably will since she's so weak, but not just because she summoned).


Cam is right; only gender female creatures get female casting voices. Gender neither gets none, but everybody else gets male (sucks, but there it is).


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Does it mean that if you have him and transport to the TOB part, then SoA-Haerdalis will be weaker than ToB one? because SoA one will be lacking one star. Then, I would probably not have him when I proceed to ToB and recruit him there again, so that I can have better Haerdalis. How about just giving every cre 2 stars in Longsword? Because SoA-Haerdalis will be accidently weaker and this will reduce the advantage of having him during the whole game.

Don't worry, HD gets these bonuses as soon as he enters ToB, whether it's via the fate spirit or coming with the PC after completing SoA.


And for spell inconsistence, I just played with new BG2 Fixpack, and it obviously solved it as I thought. But Jahei12b, 14.cre files still have remove fear spells. I think they also should be removed.

Yep, ToB Jaheira has remove fear, a cleric-only spell. This is removed for v3. Jahei12b is not used AFAIK.

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