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Graion Dilach

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Posts posted by Graion Dilach

  1. 37 minutes ago, Jarno Mikkola said:

    It's not compatible... you need to install this on the BG1EE+SoD BEFORE you install EET on top of the BG2EE and thus make a EET 'ed game from the two games... and yes, that game then will hold the modified data the BG1EE had in the new EET game.
    Aka, it's not like the BGT was where you needed to have unmodified BG1 game to install it.

    If you have acknowledged you don't even play the EEs, then why do you think you know anything about EET? Hint: you don't. So shut the hell up.

    SoD2BG2 Item Upgrade NEVER had the EET import support. There was not a single day, nor a single moment when what you're saying was ever true.

    Yes, there were mods which had this EET import. However SoD2BG2 IU was never among them.

    Also, the main reason why this component doesn't work on @dunehunter's game is because this component is a trimmed duplicate of the main component and everything part of this one is installed as part of the main component to an EET game. After EET.

    I just checked the code to confirm this.

  2. IESDP lists it. https://gibberlings3.github.io/iesdp/files/ids/bgee/ea.htm & https://gibberlings3.github.io/iesdp/opcodes/bgee.htm#op5

    Which actually makes me wonder if this might be added to the EE Fixpack instead.

    EDIT: It comes from https://forums.beamdog.com/discussion/comment/1069085/#Comment_1069085 and onwards. I presume it is a valid state then.

  3. Weidu has an update mechanism - when you have multiple mods within a folder, launching a WeiDU executable goes through them, tries to find the newest and then update all the other older variants to this found-latest version. If you got the mod prompts. this succeeded.

    Sometimes this does get stuck, just close and restart the file then.

  4. The basic spell list is different between SoD and BG2EE, which can lead to an imported character endng up with stuck spellslots (if you don't use any other spell mods, but IWD spells, the Sunscorch slots tend to end up stuck). Unmemorizing all (mod-added) spells before the export should prevent this issue.

    Another issue is that there are BG2 mods which introduce additiional kits and the exported character stores kit info via their ID, so that also needs to end up consistent.

    You can try, but overall, it probably is easier to just recreate.

  5. The inital sequence isn't good enough, you need to provide which aTweaks components you intend to install (some are fine prior to SCS, some aren't, some are incompatible). Also NPC_EE goes after SCS. You're also missing EET_End after Worldmap.

    Where's Azengaard from? I don't think I've heard that one.

    Butchery has components installed before SCS and components after it. The components marked as "before SCS" goes before EET-Tweaks on this list. Same apples to Tactics Remix.

    Thrown Hammers, Rogue Rebalancing, Song & Silence, Refinements in this order goes after Butchery's & Tactics Remix's first batch of components if you keep those in.

    Scale of Balance is after SCS.

    I hope the BGEESpawn master is version 0.7, that can go along with the first block of Butchery/TacticsR components.

  6. I'd put continuity the least of your problems tbh.

    What I'd bring up as a problem longterm is that you use a lot of separate folder cases and pathes, mixing FULLCAPS, CamelCase and lowercaps. Linux doesn't casefold by default and that's why GitHub orders them inconsistently. (Also, using the drag-n-drop browser-based commiting functionaility can lead to duplicate files introduced wiithin the repo as Skitia had a few times).

    I'd suggest to clean this up  and standardize during the prefix refactor.

  7. On 5/31/2023 at 7:23 PM, critto said:

    The animation thing was an experiment, compatibility wasn't the primary consideration at the moment, but there's no harm in fixing it, I guess.

    Assuming I'd sit down to fix it, which is the current branch of development to file a patch against? Even the network isn't exactly helpful... diid @SparrowJacek took over the main development now?

  8. Random Graion Magic

    This mod features various spell-related tweaks by Graion Dilach for games on the Infinity Engine.


    This mod is only compatible with the Enhanced Edition version of the games.

    For the best result, components which are compatibility fixes and/or tweak specific spells can be installed anytime after their dependencies are already in place and generally assume to be installed directly after them. (Immediately after Spell Revisions for SR-specific components, immediately after IWD spells for components covering an SR+IWD case, etc.).

    Unless specifically mentioned; Spell Revisions Revised isn't supported and results aren't guaranteed. The SR+IWD Spells components assume Spell Revisions was installed first.

    Components tagged as ClassSpellTool are pure spell additions and require to be installed after all kitmods. They are also incompatible with platforms where UI modding isn't available (iOS, Android).

    Due to the requirements can lead to the mod being installed in multiple passes, the Project Infinity ordering metadata will remain vague. This is not a bug.

    List of components

    Component 100: Add back Spell Immunity against Spell Revisions [ClassSpellTool]

    This component installs Spell Immunity as an additional spell, while leaving the Spell Revisions Dispelling Screen untouched. Spell Immunity scrolls will appear in all shops where the Dispelling Screen scroll is already available.

    Component 115: Add back vanilla True Sight as a level higher spell against Spell Revisions [ClassSpellTool]

    This component installs the unnerfed True Sight as level 6 True Vision spell, available to all priests and mages. True Vision scrolls will appear in all shops where the Mass Invisibility scroll is already available.

    This component also grants a charge of True Vision innates on every eighth levelup to Inquisitors from the 9th level onwards.

    Component 120: Maximize Cure Wounds' effect in Spell Revisions

    This component changes the Cure ? Wounds spells so that they always roll the maximum on their dice.

    Component 125: Install Spell Revisions standard Conjure Water Elemental when IWD spells from IWDification/SCS are installed

    When Spell Revision is installed before the IWD spells from the above mods, the IWD spell library will recognize the SR level 6 elemental additions and skips generating their own from the level 5 counterpart spells. However, because SR does not install water elementals at all, the level 6 Conjure Water Elemental spell never gets created, but because this spell is still expected by the default SCS AI settings, the user can end up with occasional Not_found warnings during installation of the Smarter Mages component and the advanced AI components derived from it.

    This component installs handcrafted variants of the water elementals, following Spell Revisions rules and using the Icewind Dale II water elemental artwork. Level 6 Conjure Water Elemental scrolls will appear in all shops where the level 6 Conjure Fire Elemental scroll is already available.


    Version 0.1

    Initial release featuring components #100, #115, #120 and #125.


    Thanks for Spell Revisions for providing the inspiration for many of these components.

    Thanks to OlvynChuru for the ClassSpellTool library, which allows to ensure restoring vanilla variants of spells with a lot less spell compatibility issues.

    Thanks to argent77 for additional code snippets. Thanks to Bozerg for pointing out the Not_found errors, leading to component 125.


    This mod is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC. This mod is also not developed, supported, or endorsed by BioWare, Black Isle Studios, Interplay Entertainment Corp., Overhaul Games or Beamdog. All other trademarks and copyrights are property of their respective owners.



  9. 14 minutes ago, grodrigues said:

    Should it be more clear? Feel free to make any suggestions, I will patch them in myself.

    ... It should, but I don't know the mod enough to suggest how.

    Mods which add spells tend to come after quest/area addition mods, which allows the spell mod to add it's own scrolls to the new area shops, based on tying their scrolls to the availability of a vanilla spell scroll. (This is what IWDification and MiH does, I should propose that for DSotSC-Trilogy's spell-adding components as well.)

    If SR is an override mod, then it should be before the quest mods, so it cannot afford this for it's new spells. In which case quest mods need to be updated to add SR scrolls where they should.

    You are the maintainers, you should know better what is the intention here, should other mods attempt to follow SR, or SR would adhere to them and how far are you willing to go on this front. I don't understand why it's so hard to see where I'm coming from. I value consistency.

    23 minutes ago, grodrigues said:

    Any changes to the readme notwithstanding, everything I said earlier stands.

    I can accept that reverting to the original description style is out of scope, but changing the creature stats within the EE descriptions to CamelCase over FULLCASE should be still treated as an issue, because the EEs did away from the FULLCASE everywhere (like with their usage of op319, or lowercasing the dice abbreviation in damages).

  10. Wait, hold on a sec... this isn't an EET issue.

    EET uses Visual Basic scripting for some steps because it's more reliable doing them that way than in WeiDU. Visual Basic scripting should work in all recent versions of Windows. https://superuser.com/questions/1579906/vbs-script-execution-blocked-on-windows-10 sounds like the relevant SuperUser question and I'd try to apply the two suggestions there.

  11. I've mentioned my problem on this: If SR should be installed before quest mods, then the compat code goes to the quest mods. If SR should come after quest mods, then SR is where the compat code goes to. There's no clear guidelines on the order.

    It''s not like the SCS/IWDification IWD spells, where this is straightforward, because their changes to the system aren't disruptive and those components only need to be mixed into among the questmods, because they are better maintained than the IWD spells within the individual questmods.

    I opened this topic exactly to see how could this be resolved and I intended to help. But when i get a response like that - even though you did answer my main question if I interpret your backhanded response as "yes, SR should come before questmods" -, I'm not even sure I want to deal with you in this.

    I'm more willing to work with people who don't take offense at me initating a conversation.

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