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Graion Dilach

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Posts posted by Graion Dilach

  1. 11 hours ago, jmerry said:

    For a content/quest mod that PPE doesn't recognize, installing PPE after will not add portraits to any new named NPCs. But installing PPE before might; if an NPC is cloned from an existing NPC that was given a portrait, that cloning process carries the portrait through and you've given the new NPC a portrait too.

    In theory, I agree with you. In practice though, 90+% of the times people don't clone quest-related CREs dynamically. I've seen very few cases for that myself.

    TBH, PPE is problematic in other ways as well, due to it's varied portrait sources and quality concerns. That project would greatly benefit from a portrait generator AI's output, for atleast the consistency that'd give.

  2. There's no EET Fixpack and what is claimed as such breaks the Sarevok coronation scene (long suspected, last week confirmed).

    2.6 didn't do content restoration, 2.5 did, UBs are aware of it.

    Modmerge is replaced with DLCMerger and the step is still needed.

    If you're only finishing BG2 now, you might not need EET to begin with.

    There are no general recommendations atm. Pick whatever you want, basically, install orders are then reviewed based on the selection.

  3. Don't install the aHungry tweak to BG1.

    PPE comes after quest mods.

    EEEE should be v4 (it crops up a few pages later in the topic) by now, v1 is only SoD compatible.

    TDDz is in worse shape than SoS at this point (especially if you use SoS's master build which went through some cleanup somewhat recently). I actually won't recoimmed TDDz at all.

    Worldmap also comes right before SCS, but you don't "need" it for this list, all your mods fit into EET's own Worldmap.

    Item Revisions should be before tweaks.

  4. ToTLM's rebalancing only replaces items with other items, it doesn't edit the ITM files themselves. It is designed in case the campaign is to be played during SoD to not handle out late BG2 level loot. It doesn't conflict with FA though, due to the above.

  5. On 10/2/2023 at 7:31 PM, lynx said:

    It hasn't been ported to python3 yet, but I didn't know py2 didn't work on newer windows any more. Either way ielister should work on windows still.

    I actually didn't really tested it with binaries because I refuse to allow Python near my Windows shell. I have had a lot of bad experiences with Cygwin a decade ago wrt terminal confusion over mixing Linux and Windows tools and I don't want to relive that when I'm working nicely with Git Extensions otherwise. (I also despise Python with a passion though.)

  6. A reallly slim and dedicated install might work. I still wouldn't recommend, but it might work.

    Also keep in mind that due to the ways EE handle animations and modders can work with it with FIND_FREE_ANIM & co. macros, Infinity Animations' main goal on the EEs would also be introducing better individualism (especially with the PST humanoid animation components) only. I would only suggest people to review the concept after 6.0 is out (I have full trust in people involved with it that it gets out at one point) and complement that.

  7. 46 minutes ago, Bartimaeus said:

    I feel many do not and instead just want to go off and do their own thing with no heed for whether what they make will cohesively fit into the already existing game world or not. That's their right, but it's not for me.

    Says the guy who did his own take of the Revision mods, which already ignored cohesion and immersion over doing their own thing. I couldn't resist pointing out the irony here.

  8. There's no reason to extend the EET Worldmap. BP-BGT works on the EEs and it should keep the role of providing a bigger map if an install grows out EET's own.

    Keep in mind that EET Worldmap is installed early as part of EET, so every mod adding areas to the worldmap with native EET compatibility would need an update to ensure their map icons end up in the proper place in an extended EET Worldmap. That's absolutely not guaranteed to happen and that would hurt the community more than whatever potential benefits would be shown. Keep in mind that EET Worldmap's preview is outdated and a lot has been changed since 2020 or when it was last updated, with ideas like CtB adding the BP-BGT Hlondeth cutout to the bottom left corner of an EET Worldmap.

    Meanwhile if BP-BGT gets extended, it's still a lesser issue because BP-BGT has a way to override a mod's own BP-BGT worldmap icon position and can contain all the shifted icon positions in itself, regardless if the source mod which would add the area was updated to go along with it or not.

    Additionally, EE 2.0 allows worldmap switching (a feature we got from IWDEE), which I find more appropriate for Secret of Bone Hill on the EEs than adding a cutout to another worldmap, considering you can't leave the continent during the act and acts as it's own campaign anyway.

  9. On 9/26/2023 at 6:19 PM, suy said:

    Which tool is having issues with Windows?? I'm puzzled that this is the case, because the issue has always been Linux and/or case sensitivity.

    Oh, I missed this, but iesh is vastly problematic on Windows, due to the lack of Python runtime. Especiallly if someone wants to use it as a git plugin for generating human-readable diffs out of the binary files.

  10. I still stand by my earlier suspicion that the Lua sandbox embedded within the UI code in the EEs are case-sensitive in all platforms, including Windows, and I still cite both the way the CHARSND.2DA header interacts with the filenames_stringrefs UI array and how lowercase portrait size suffix identifiers are ignored on Windows as proof of my suspicion.

  11. Apparently Embracer lost a $2 billion (with a b) deal earlier this year, and it fell apart approximately in the last minute. If Beamdog only lose those people ultimately, it still ends up more lucky than Volition which was closed down outright - the studio's smaller scale might be good for it in this regard.

  12. 33 minutes ago, Roberciiik said:

    We understand that both EET and BGT ships their own versions of Worldmap. So BP-BGT-Worldmap is no longer a must for most modifications.

    There's a difference between these shipped worldmaps though. BGT's included worldmap has very little room outside the BG1/BG2 map. It doesn't have the wide margins EET's own worldmap offers and AFAIK, the BP-BGT Worldmap is more relevant on classic than on EEs due to this regard.

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