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Posts posted by Awachi

  1. It had a beginning, so it shall have an end. 

    I'm "retiring". What I wanted to achieve is too much work for the result desired. The best bg experience for me will remain the 2nd or 3rd playthrough nearly 20 years ago. 

    Thanks for the help to this point! 

  2. you could patch the relevant AREs to apply a spell after a timer/event.

    spell = cast on everyone except [PC], could probably just use a graphic-less Imprisonment

    timer = either X days after first visit, or something event-based like the bandit camp getting revealed

  3. 11 hours ago, Bubb said:

    The SPEED column in WSPECIAL.2DA is ignored by the engine — High Mastery and Grand Mastery do not provide bonuses to speed factor as they should

    My goodness.  Is this in oBG, too?  "Unnerfed grandmastery" is one of the oldest tweaks I remember, so it's bizarre/wellofcourseitis no one ever caught it.

  4. 6 hours ago, subtledoctor said:

    I highly doubt anyone around here intends to stifle creativity. If you read a comment that way, maybe consider the possibility that you might have misconstrued the comment. Maybe (Heaven forfend) seek clarification on it!

    I didn't mean to imply you meant that, only that one of the principles of modding here is definitely in the vein of don't break others' mods, which blocks off whole avenues of changes.  

  5. I agree, but only if there are no substantially controversial inclusions. 

    Probably related, but really the only ones seriously arguing either side of any particular issue are also the ones more than capable of tinkering with the install themselves to get their preferred version. Chefs arguing about when to add salt while cooking scrambled eggs while the customers just want a good breakfast. 

  6. I was not clear so sorry for the well-intended effort, but you're doing this for an item that the CRE with the DEX AC to be ignored is wearing.  I want this in a weapon or spell that is attacking him instead.  Is there no way for an item/spell to set a token on a CRE that another item/spell can have differing effects on?  All we have afaik is EFFs that can only use the different IDSs (EA, CLASS, etc).

  7. This is still about just the names/description of these items, and not about moving/removing "duplicates", aye? Keep in mind, lots of Name Brand products become labels for the generic over time:  Kleenex > tissue, Band-Aid > bandage, Google > search, etc. Seems entirely plausible in the ludicrously magic dense Forgotten Realms that rings of 40% fire resistance would be referred to as Bautista's Passport. 

  8. Would it be too much trouble to have two categories at install time:  Incontrovertible (which is probably 90% at the end of this discussion) and is installed by default, and -- I dunno -- an Opinions Differ category that the player can go through individually?  Mods are about options, not dogma.

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