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Posts posted by Awachi

  1. Tthere are quite a few opcodes that block other opcodes, and while I think that's convenient, I wonder if it limits creativity.  Maybe I want to be able to "freeze" an enraged berserker.  What kind of opcode contortions would I have to perform in order to simulate the currently forbidden "Hold"?  Reduce movement and attacks to 0?  Should all level draining be protected against, regardless of source?  It's too bad the offensive side of these attacks weren't parsed out more finely, so that defenses against could be more flexible.  It would be cool if a spell could reduce the levels drained instead of all or nothing.

  2. I saw I was editing just the first 8 bits, but luckily in this case the next 8 are present but unused.  I haven't tried setting up conflicting flags, but if it's like all the off-hand stuff in ITMs, it probably does either nothing or one is clearly the dominant.

    Yeah, there's more than enough "bad guy starts neutral then attacks after dialog" that the labor to find out would be purely for academic reasons.  The goal was just to allow resting in more places, and I'll just leave it up to the player to RP whether it should happen in those less obvious instances.

    i appreciate the comments!

  3. I get too many ideas to ever work on all of them, so I want to prioritize by impact.  One thing is for the "bipedal" races (is there a term for orcs/hobgoblins/gnolls/etc?) to work out a more formal heirarchy for what's encountered.  So for this I'd like to see, let's say, the quantity of all gnolls in the game broken down by subtype/weapon.  This would let me know if it was worth the effort to mod or not.

  4. Far out.  I'm checking and modifying "location" in the ARE file at 48 (size 2), not "area type" at 14 (size 14).  14 does have a rest toggle, but since I have to read 48 anyway to make sure it's actually indoors, since the default position of 14 is to allow rest, but with 48 as indoors, not allowed occurs.  The weird part was converting to binary to figure out where to put the 1 for the BAND/BOR (which I also switched initially).  The example in weidu was much more confusing, though, being usability for items.


    10 hours ago, CamDawg said:

    One of us! One of us!


    Yus. I don't know what I'm going to do with all these new powers. Probably better to start at lowest expectations.


    Next up is cycling through Actors and only enabling rest if hostiles are part of the area (at least for a little while).  Don't want every indoor available, but the ones where you clear enemies should be.

  5. Thanks to this lovely community, I have learned how to do two things so far:

    I can put a new item into an existing container...

    COPY ~aleph4/copy/f4blunf2.eff~ ~override/f4blunf2.eff~
    COPY ~aleph4/copy/f4blunf1.itm~ ~override/f4blunf1.itm~
        SAY NAME2 @1001
    COPY_EXISTING ar2617.are override
            container_to_add_to     = 2
            item_to_add             = "f4blunf1"

    ... and I can change all indoor areas to allow resting

    COPY_EXISTING_REGEXP "^.*\.are$" override
        READ_SHORT 0x48 type                        //    location flags
            PATCH_IF (type = 0) BEGIN                //    all 0 = indoors with no rest
                WRITE_BYTE 0x48 (type BOR 0b10000000)    //    indoors can rest

    Gratitude to the many authors and maintainers of mods and tools hosted here.

    I welcome any feedback!

  6. Currently just trying to add a new item to a container.  Succeeded, but need to find a club animation.


    edit:  I must have hallucinated.  I would have sworn I remembered someone adding in a club animation.


  7. I learn best by mimicking, so I'm looking for mods to dissect and study.  Preferably none too comprehensive in scope, but all three should cover 90% of modding scenarios (AI, item/spell adjustment, NPC/dialog, quest/map, etc).  Of course, verbose commenting is preferred.  TYIA

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