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Posts posted by RoyalProtector

  1. Here we go again:

    •  Silent Avenger description has a leading whitespace
    •  Silent Avenger advantages section in the description have empty lines in between
    • Holy Justice of Tyr description does not follow the convention of the rest of cleric kits. Uppercased kit name followed by empty lines and then description.  Normally it's kit name, colon, and then description. Favored Soul of Tyr description is fine.
    • The description of mage specializations where the extra spell of their school that they can memorize has a trailing double line break. Happens in militant wizards and force mage. Probably not intended? I guess it could be like that to increase readability...
    • Fury of Talos and Shaman of Tempus descriptions have a leading whitespace
    • Favored Soul description still has too many empty lines after the first paragraph.
    • When going to to a submenu within the multiclass submenu (for example, types of Barbarian/Cleric), returning from it goes back to the initial class menu, instead of the previous one. Technical limitation? Doesn't happen in some cases, for example, going into cleric/mage, and then cleric/elementalists doesn't create this problem. You can go back to the cleric/mage submenu.
    • Speaking of which, going into the cleric/elementalist submenu and going back without selecting any option, makes the Favored Soul description appear for some reason
    • Selecting a type of specialist wizard, say the third option, inside the cleric/specialist mage submenu, but going back, makes the menu select the third option as well. Harmless but I thought I should mention it. Happens with cleric/elementalist too
    • Should the submenu of cleric/mage have Cleric/Force Mage option instead of just Force Mage? It's always like that when Force Mage is available. Also happens with Wild Mage
    • There's an issue in the Barbarian/Thief description: "class_weapon_use_strings_dw_barbarian_thief"
    • Hunter of Selune,  Silent sword, and Nightstalker of Malar start description with a whitespace
    • Night Wolf advantages have a trailing double hyphen, like Raging Shifter
    • Mage/Thief still has that text issue "Thief{K=0,C=4}]


  2. 8 hours ago, jwronsky said:

    Is it better now? : D

    Minsc looks pretty cool. I'd like to see the same for his BG2 portrait.

    Imoen looks nice. She's giving me slight Alyson Hannigan vibes.

    Shar'Teel looks too benevolent in that photo for my taste -- she's a raving lunatic misandrist always thirsting for blood. Compared to the original artwork, that is. Ditto for Baeloth, in the original artwork you can see the signs of his maniacal malevolence, while this portrait gives me more vibes of careful Lawful Evil malevolence from the shadows, like Edwin.

    Too "poetic" for feedback? Sorry, that's the best I can do for this type of thing. Looking forward for more.

  3. On 4/14/2024 at 11:57 PM, DavidW said:

    Dolorous decay looks okay on my screen; where's the extra line break? (The other empty line issues are fixed; see above.)

    Either it was fixed already since Beta 3, or I sleep-deprivedly conjured it myself. Looks fine in Beta 8 as far as I can tell.

    On 4/15/2024 at 12:20 AM, DavidW said:

    Can't reproduce, it works fine on my install.

    It works on my kitless Bard at level 19 in ToB (I leveled up with what ToB gives you). Lingering melody works fine up to that level. Then I leveled it up directly to max level 40. That and selecting the Epic of Charname in the feats are the only things that changed. Lingering melody stops working right then for some reason.

    On 4/15/2024 at 12:20 AM, DavidW said:

    Can't reproduce, though probably that just means it was fixed en passant by some of the proficiency-description fixes

    I still see it in Beta 8. In the list of advantages, it states first "May achieve GM with these weapon classes: Crossbow, Longbow, Shortbow". The third "advantage" is "May achieve GM in longbows, shortbows and crossbows." Paraphrasing.

    Also, in case you want to take a look at it before releasing Beta 9, the hotfixes for Beta 8 had a weird side effect where pressing the character record button also makes your character say one of their selection lines, weirdly enough. (Although on second thought, it may be completely unrelated to the hotfixes -- the hotfixes just allowed me to start testing) [Fixed]

  4. 22 minutes ago, ManaMusic said:

    I will just ignore that ;)

    Yes, I bet you love ignoring little things like feedback.

    11 minutes ago, moggadeet said:

    This is just a really gross comment. Modders are human beings who have lives. Yes, updates are great, and also, players are not entitled to modders' time and attention. I'd rather that modders take the time they need - modding is a hobby, not a job, and I hate to think of it feeling like a burden

    Yes, get it now, "amigo"? Your comments come across as very entitled, as if you're assuming the author is literally, and on purpose not fulfilling their holy duty to update the mods that you want to play. The very optional priorities in anyone's life, generally speaking, is not something you have any right to request more attention on... Especially considering you haven't the slightest idea about the modder's life and what their situation is. NOT THE SLIGHTEST. They could have family dying of cancer in the hospital, and you wouldn't consider it for a minute, would you? Heavens forbid they deny you the updates you seek. This thread has already received several reports, including a double comment by you. Take a hint!

    Look in the mirror before you accuse anyone of "posting offensive garbage". It's quite clearly not my problem if you have a visceral reaction to being called out on it. And if you REALLY didn't mean it like that, at least accept that it comes across as that. Or not, I don't care, I just find the attitude a bit revolting.

  5. 16 hours ago, hulkamania said:

    The innkeeper or shopkeeper upon encountering a duergar or svirfneblin: "Master gnome/dwarf, are you well? Your face looks ashen." The PC could reply with some generic." I am fine, thank you. The climate here doesn't agree with me" and end the conversation. Or they could reply with "I am duergar/svirfneblin." at which point the NPC would say, "I am sorry to hear that. The nearest apothecary is in Beregost, but the Temple of Helm can cure any ailment if you have the coin."

    This whole bit is rather hilarious.

  6. 13 minutes ago, DavidW said:

    Not sure what this one means, sorry.

    Sorry, should have explained, not everyone is familiar with the vanilla SD.

    Slippery mind is a default "feat" in both BGEE and NWN/NWN2 that Shadowdancers have by default. Your version is more close to the actual effect of Slippery Mind in NWN. I think it was taken from the Player's Handbook 3rd Edition where the following is said: "Similarly, the mind of a rogue could be described as “slippery” and many rogues were infuriatingly difficult to charm or enchant"

    The Slippery Mind that BeamDog implemented is just a universal +1 Saving Throw. I think it should remain consistent with the overhauling nature of your mod and that feat, but perhaps you disagree.

  7. 5 hours ago, DavidW said:

    I don't think the HLA display ever showed feats; certainly I don't know how to make it do so.

    It does in BGEE. If you select Toughness, you see how many "pips" you got in Toughness. That's why I'm bringing it up.

    5 hours ago, DavidW said:

    I could change the description to note that the ability is improvable

    Speaking for myself, that would be more than enough for me.

    5 hours ago, DavidW said:

    On the suggestions, I've increased the damage of Fury of the Pack by 50%. The others look like good ideas but I haven't had time to implement them.

    Great! Thank you for considering them. Since you just looked at Fury of the Pack, you might want to consider tweaking it because of another issue that I reported later, which is that the wolves can critically miss, so perhaps adding an effect to invalidate critical misses is warranted. IIRC that's done with opcode 362 with a value of -1. (You added impossibly good rolls, so I assume the intent was to always hit)

  8. Seems like one of those cases where you need to memorize the spell twice to be usable in that scenario...

    Like summons against anything that has Death Spell memorized. So annoying.

  9. Wow... I don't mean to resurrect this, but I wasn't expecting to find this kind of thing in this forum lol.

    I've never seen such an incredibly self-righteous defense of posting porn in a modding forum, against all common sense, decency, and the basic rules of the service you're using. But you can't reason with someone that narcissistic... with great modding titles such as "Ass". 🤣


  10. On 2/26/2024 at 10:35 PM, subtledoctor said:

    don't fight elder orbs?

    Yes, who likes doing optional stuff in videogames, anyway?

    On 2/27/2024 at 7:32 PM, jmerry said:

    Vanilla beholders have exactly one use of Death Spell each, which they will use as soon as they see a summon. It's not something they can spam, so the second wave does the job

    Ugh, while I understand this, I never liked this. Needing one summoning spell memorized just to be fodder (if summons is your tactic to win, anyway). But I suppose if they cast it mindlessly, you might as well have a cleric of druid cast the lowest of the low, since they have many more spell slots...

  11. 19 hours ago, polytope said:

    Yes, in the abstract a character's stock of hp sometimes represents a close call survived with some exertion, hitting the floor, ducking behind cover, flinching backward in time to only take a graze etc.

    That's right. Like I mentioned, it isn't like The Witcher 3, where being hit or not being hit depends exclusively on what the player does. So the mix of AC and Hitpoints is an abstraction about the resilience of the character.

    19 hours ago, polytope said:

    That abstraction breaks down when you look at things like poisoned arrows/daggers though, you could argue that high level characters survive both the physical injury and the poison better because a mere graze injects less poison, and less deeply into the tissue, but I'd struggle to believe it. It's probably the reason poison wasn't counted in hp damage in the earliest editions and was instead save or die (or incapacitated) with varying bonuses/onset times

    Good point. In the third edition, they changed poison so it progressively damages your stats. I don't think it can kill you, at least in NWN/NWN2, it just can make you extremely weak. I had mixed feelings about this, because I'm used to poison being an added source of HP damage, though I can see why they changed it.

    I know that for example The Artisan changed poison-dealing classes such that when applied, enemies take damage every round and lose 1 point of constitution. Losing constitution seems a bit more realistic, I guess, because it's a way of damaging that is agnostic about the amount of hitpoints the enemy has -- which has some synergy with mods that tie saving throws to stats, now that I think of it. (Leaving behind the fact that some creatures in the game AFAIK don't have a change in HP when their constitution changes -- I don't know how that works).

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