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Posts posted by RoyalProtector

  1. 13 hours ago, DavidW said:

    I'm persuadable here; I think I set it to a fairly low number because I'm conscious it's competing with Power Word: Reload, but I may be forgetting the levels of gold you tend to end up with in appropriate stages of the game.

    You can't really prevent "save/load scumming", there will be people who will reload the game just because having to resurrect a character could mean that the dead characters don't get the final XP of the fight, and/or and equipping them back and remanage the inventory is a pain and they'd rather redo the fight more cleanly (and I've done that myself -- mostly because I absolutely hate that characters can get uneven amounts of XP because of such events)... 

    But generally I'm in agreement with OP's perspective. In ToB, 2000 gold is cheap change, you get that by selling the loot of one or two basic enemies (most of the them have some sort of weapon or armor that is magical, and magical gear tend to have a substantial jump in selling price compared to non-magical).... And generally, in my experience, by the time you reach ToB, if you started from SoA, you are already extremely rich anyway.

  2. 56 minutes ago, Trouveur80 said:

    it still mentioned fire salamander.

    Oops, nice, I didn't notice that.

    55 minutes ago, Trouveur80 said:

    I was also wondering if at higher level the forms could evolve again, like greater wyvern, astral phase spider and winter bear like the one in Durlag's Tower ?

    I mentioned this before too, I don't like shapes being outclassed definitively and permanently by others in late game. So I'm 100% in favor of this. Perhaps feats to improve shapes, much like the ones to improve elemental shapes would be nice. It would be a way of focusing your druid in shapeshifting. That is really cool as far as I'm concerned.

    3 hours ago, DavidW said:

    Aaaand finally, the January 20th thread

    Nice! Time for the BG2EE list I suppose? Unless you're planning to release Beta 8 soon to address other more foundational issues?

  3. 15 minutes ago, jastey said:

    It's everything else in the game where I'd see a problem justifying a drow PC without a heavily rewrite of people's reactions.

    True. Some big mod would have to rewrite reactions across all the games. Not to mention other mods that add quests and companions would certainly not be aware of this -- and again, more weirdness could happen.

    Although to be fair tieflings are also seen with much more suspicion than the rest of "civilized" races. Not as much as drow, but it is still there.

  4. 40 minutes ago, MrNatas said:

    I think Half-Drow in terms of a subrace could probably be fine

    I am all for this (it would just be a variety of half elf), and generally speaking including races that are present in NWN2 too: Pureblood Yuan-Ti (they were born to pass off as humans anyway, so why not? I'm already thinking of a racial ability to charm serpents and Yuan-Ti), Orcs (probably not that big of a deal, either). (The NPC-only ones in MotB are probably inadequate, like Hagspawn or Half-Celestial for a Bhaalspawn).

    A dragonborn race could be nice perhaps, although it would probably add some complications.

    But I think David wants to keep to the races present in IWD.

  5. 2 hours ago, Trouveur80 said:

    Maybe a custom avatar based on the greater wyvern one could do the trick ?

    Could work, or perhaps the Druid can simply choose which type of shape to morph into (visually), according to the situation (i.e. color-tinted great wyvern or actual dragon shape).

    Could be too ugly as a solution, I suppose, and probably inappropriate lorewise.

    I am all for making druid shapes stronger (and anything that gets deprecated naturally early in classes and kits in the vanilla game).

  6. 12 minutes ago, moggadeet said:

    An aasimar doesn't have to be 1/4 celestial - the ancestry can be more distant than that

    If that's the case I think enabling aasimar is sensible enough. Alianna doesn't have to be a half-celestial (and didn't need to be good, regardless, as you pointed out). Aasimar are also known to be evil sometimes so, that's fine. Tbh I think roleplaying-wise it's kinda interesting -- like how paladins are better equipped in a way to resist Bhaal's evil influence.

    I support this decision. I understand the reluctance to add drow -- and we can leave that for those who want it regardless... or in conjunction with a mod that attempts to accommodate the game with the awareness of a drow charname.

  7. 6 minutes ago, DavidW said:

    The plot of chapter 5 of BG2 revolves around the fact that you are not drow but need to infiltrate their city.

    I get it, but isn't that a minor part of the plot? If you were a drow already, then, the only part that would need to be tweaked is the matter of whether you require to be disguised by Adalon or not, I think?

    EDIT: Well, and a bunch of dialogs referencing your party or CHARNAME not being drow I guess. I'm no expert in modding this game, but I believe that type of tweak would not be too difficult to do? Anyway, out of the scope of this mod.

  8. 14 minutes ago, jmerry said:

    a game like this just isn't flexible enough to satisfy.

    Probably. Unless someone wants to make a mod to accommodate this.

    6 minutes ago, Trouveur80 said:

    all the dialogs clearly state you're disguised as one and could be find out

    This part is a minor detail that could be tweaked, but then, it's out of the scope of this mod.

  9. Just trying to get a sense of the justification, I don't remember enough details to be sure.

    Okay, so as far as aasimar, I suppose it's not really plausible, because then it would mean that Alianna (charname's mother) was a half-celestial, which are always good-aligned, which clashes with the fact that she was a devoted disciple of Bhaal who bore his children.

    As far as drow... I think I need more explanation. It's not just appearance, I imagine, which would normally cause trouble for a drow on the surface (you might as well roleplay being an albino drow -- aka szarkai -- that blends with other elves normally). What am I missing from BG2EE that would make a drow charname unlikely or problematic lore-wise/plot-wise?


  10. 3 minutes ago, Trouveur80 said:

    That's what ToF revised HLA are for. ^^

    Yes, some of them are quite underwhelming for a once-per-day spell.

    Also some of the vanilla ones are made for multiple uses, as far as I'm concerned (like Spirit/Shadow form -- 30 seconds of half physical damage once per day is not that appealing), and as such I don't agree with the generalized one-per-day deal. But that's a topic for ToF forums.

  11. I like the component provided the spells are powerful enough to be worth having even only once per day. Otherwise, increase uses or improve spell.

    Improved Alacrity is a good example of a spell that should be castable only once per day. It's outrageously powerful, after all, to the point where you can trivialize many fights, without giving much thought at all about strategy every round/turn.

    But I think the some of the new quest/10 spells need some work.

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