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Posts posted by Morgoth

  1. 12 hours ago, DavidW said:

    My inclination is to revert to the original structure and roll WoP's content into the fifth dream sequence. But I thought I'd see what people thought first!

    I agree with this. Revert the change.

    The issue I have, personally, is that the whole encounter is not interesting enough.

    What I mean is that it's okay to be ambushed for the nth time, but if for once, there were some allies that know that you are a rising power and could offer you some help there, even a Solar, the scene would probably turn more interesting than just being the nth time you got to kill something just to progress the story.

    I already killed everyone in the oasis, spare me the nth killings.

  2. 10 hours ago, subtledoctor said:

    Intersects with two of my unwritten rules of modding BG:

    1. don’t install DSotSC and any other mod from the remote past; in the chance you do, take a look if they were fixed by good souls such as Jastey; if not and author doesn't care, you shouldn't care either.

    2. don’t install anything that messes with drow items

    Corrected the rules.

    As for 2. I'm not sure; I think I used the g3 tweaks that touch drow items without issue, but wasn't satisfied by the tweaks and haven't installed the anymore.

  3. 19 hours ago, subtledoctor said:

    I am going to try to make this as compatible as possible with EBG1, because there are several parts of EBG1 that I really like which I definitely will not try to replicate. But I need to get this together first, and then look at ensuring compatibility.

    Would you kindly tell me which components from EBG1 you like? And what about transitions? 

  4. I'm very interested. Very very interested.

    Personally, I think that SoD should be cannibalized in both BG1 and Throne of Bhaal, by removing Caelar's arch altogether and even the descent into the avernus.

    I think SoD was made more palatable by the various mods released for the other games (such as Hephernaan for BG2).

    I'm left wondering if Artisan will ever come out with "The fallen light". 


  5. For DavidW: I've played it also in the original BGT and had other kind of issues. Namely, the army not appearing. 

    @Isewein Can you explain me what you mean by "the mere knowledge that you can be your own fate's master and choose a different one adds so much to ToB."? I think that if we talk about an impact, Imoen romance has a huger one in the ending than anything offered by Wheels of prophecy. 

    Is it the army stuff that entices you when playing it? I've played this mod and apart from the two instances (three, I guess) I mentioned I haven't seen anything else worth mentioning.

    What can you do in this mod that warrants "being the master of your own fate"?

  6. 9 hours ago, DavidW said:


    I don't agree with this ending at all. I will get a little philosophical on the why.

    First, I guess that the ending you propose asssumes that the “essence” is being, and not “purpose”.

    Being = the essence thinks on his own, would gladly impart her own will on you.

    Purpose = the essence simply wants to propagate the reason it was born for.

    I don’t think that the game shows you the essence about BEING; the Bhaalspawn seems to have some modicum of free will, that is simply hard to maintain the more essence you have.

    A good Bhaalspawn twarts the essence in itself. It can resist it, and the purpose it was born for can be simply denied. Balthazar is another example of that.

    If you ascended as a Good God, you simply denied the purpose itself of the essence and now it is yours to be molded. You are not at a risk on using it, simply because you have become the essence and you can print it with your own will. No more temptation or risk.

  7. On 3/3/2024 at 2:06 PM, DavidW said:


    I think I had this as a Dragon Disciple HLA at one point. The biggest problem is technical:the dragon avatar is way too big to fit in most areas. 

    Wouldn't your dragon be actually littler, considering that you would be a young one?

    I wouldn't mind charname being half the size of firkraag/any other dragon, given how young you are.

    With that said, I wonder what's the age of Draconis, though... He is as big as the others.

  8. Nowadays, I think I've lost all my interest in Wheels of Prophecy after having played it for years. 

    I'm not even sure what's the content that should be inside it, given that I'm pretty sure that I probably haven't seen it at all due to the bugs.

    There are only two parts that I always cared about in Wheels of prophecy:
    - having balthazar as ally
    - saying Melissan to fuck off

    Incidentally I can say that's also the only two parts of the mod I've ever experienced while playing it.

    The other things I've experienced are other minimal things (such as having to click each of the heads in the starting area  - more annoying than fun; and having to go to the grove after having allied with Balthazar). I don't know if Wheels adds anything else. Truly. After having played it for many years.

    I doubt that's the whole content of the mod, but given that I have never seen any other piece, I can safely say that I won't be reinstalling it anymore. The things it touch are good, but they are so minimal that in the grand scheme of things, having balthazar as ally or killed is a 5 minute enconter, and telling Amelyssan to fuck off is a one line of dialogue.

    I have never seen anything else and when I knew maybe there were supposed to be army invading, it was also bugged.

    Thanks for it, won't reinstall.

    TL;DR: Wheels nowadays is interesting only for having balthazar as an ally and telling Amelyssan to fuck off; coincidentally both things have no impact in the story  and take you 5 minutes of time. No bueno

  9. On 2/24/2024 at 9:21 AM, jmerry said:

    Possible, because the riddles are tied to specific faces. Difficult, because it would require reworking the dialogue structure so the different right answers don't converge on the same exit states. Not fixpack material, because it's not a bug.


    this mod (https://www.gibberlings3.net/mods/quests/htam/) has the following component:

    Component 5. "Unlocked original NPC reactions"(by Tipun & Austin): There were situations in the game when only one of all the NPCs spoke, although the developers provided replicas for each. After installing this component, all NPCs in the party will speak.

    Is this a bug? I thought the only situation it could refer to was when turning into the slayer, but I'm not sure. Also I'm guessing that if you had a romance with a certain character, only that one talked. Maybe it allows also for other to talk?

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