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Posts posted by Delior

  1. 3 minutes ago, megrimlock said:

    But that doesn't mean that it wouldn't be a nice idea if he could, you know, be less of a dick.

    That would be ideal, yes, but I've just come to accept that a lot of people are just going to be that way. As I said before, I do a lot of mediation professionally, and I see this kind of thing all the time with people in business disputes. When two people share this savme abrasive personality, it's nearly impossible to get them to reconcile or compromise on anything because their instinct is always to never back down and hit back harder. As long as those people are contributing value (and they often are very talented people), and as long as I don't have to be married to them, I usually find ways to tolerate them because I've given up on ever changing them. 

  2. 2 hours ago, subtledoctor said:

    Someone above said Graion was "needlessly abrasive" but... that's okay? People don't have to be perfect. I certainly had disagreements with Graion about certain topics, but on the whole it is pretty clear that they were very valuable for the community as a whole and am saddened that they left. Same goes for Morpheus. Everyone doesn't have to agree with each other - or even like each other! - but they can still coexist. There is a pretty wide gulf between abrasive and abusive, and IMHO the former can be tolerated for the sake of keeping dialogue open.

    I agree completely. I hope my earlier post was clear on this point, but I am not on anyone's "team" here. The whole notion of "team" this or that, and the notion that "you're either on my team 100% or you're my enemy" is the whole problem here.  But then again I am old, and maybe this is a generational thing. 

  3. 3 hours ago, Guest Thetruthisoutthere said:

    who made the decision? Him or Camdawg banned him? Because Morpheus came, had a clash with at least three modders (three that i am aware of) made them leave the community then now if he leaves on his own it would be genius stuff

    He made graion leave that was a shit exchange

    No one made anyone leave. Morpheus said things that irked people enough that they chose to leave. Now, Morpheus has become irked enough to choose to leave. All of these decisions were voluntarily made by the community members, not the admins.  

  4. 42 minutes ago, megrimlock said:

    If it was months ago, was this about Made in Heaven Quests and Encounters versus Tactics Remix? Because that did spill into the forums. Very much so.

    Yes, that is what I was referring to, as well as disputes over translations of some of Morpheus's mods. 

  5. Just now, subtledoctor said:

    How did I miss all of that???

    I don't think you were on Discord yet, and that's where most of what I described played out. This was months ago - I am not sure what happened in the interim, but Cam is unlikely to spell out everything that happened privately (rightly so). 

  6. 11 hours ago, Daulmakan said:

    The IE Community's eternal penchant for drama aside (include myself in that, BTW), what happened? It's not just a simple migration, he's deleted most of his last comments and topic starters.

    All human communities have drama. I only saw what played out publicly, but in this case the drama started with bug reports filed by Morpheus, to which the mod author in question had an extreme overreaction, both here on and on Discord. Morpheus had an overreaction to said overreaction, and then several others piled on with their own overreactions, and . . . you get the idea. it appears that cooler heads were sadly unable to prevail, unfortunately. I do a lot of mediation professionally, and what this looked like to me is a case of too many people whose tendency when they feel attacked is to hit back harder. It's nearly impossible to reconcile people like that once they get into a conflict becasue it quickly escalates out of hand, and they perceive any concession to their attacker as an injustice to their person. That's my two cents, anyway, and likely worth about as much in this case. 

  7. 4 hours ago, DavidW said:

    The specific bug reported in this thread was fixed (the cloudkill/sunfire sequencer). But it looks as if there are other issues. I'll take a look.

    My best guess is that Liia's own lightning bolt is hitting her, which makes her go hostile. She had a minor globe up, which means she shouldn't take damage, but that is the only thing I can guess is making her turn hostile. 

  8. Sorry to necro this thread, but I am not sure this was ever addressed. I am playing with SCS 35.16, and in the coronation fight Duke Jannath keeps casting Lightning Bolt and Teleport Field, both of which are disastrous (she ends up killing Belt and FF soldiers more than dopplegangers), and then for reasons I still can't determine she is going hostile against my party during the battle with Sarevok. It is so chaotic with Teleport Field up that I can't tell what is causing her to go hostile. After reloading multiple times, I used NearInfinity to remove Lightning Bolt and Teleport Field from her CRE file. She should never be casting Lightning Bolt in a fight like that in tight quarters surrounded be enemies and allies. 

    Note that I am also using jmerry's tweak to Duke Jannath, and so this could be an issue with that component interacting poorly with SCS 35. 

  9. When I recruited Edwin at 32k XP, I noted in the log that the list of known spells added by the game automatically included Chromatic Orb, and if I place a scroll for Chromatic Orb in Edwin's inventory, the green outline does not appear on the scroll, and the button to inscribe the scroll into his spell book is grayed out. However, if I open his spell book, the Chromatic Orb icon does not appear, and so he cannot select it for memorization. As an experiment, i tried forgetting some spells to see if that would make the Chromatic Orb icon appear, but it did not. 

    I am using all the spell tweaks, but I am not using the NPC customization component. My other mods besides SCS are EEex, Lefreut's UI (BG1EE skin), Bubb's spell menu, and Tweaks. 

  10. Hi, I am playing with a BG1EE/SOD installation. I returned to the fletcher with the barrel, fire resistance potion and feathers in my inventory to turn in the feather quest and get the fletcher to make the fire resistant barrel, but my only dialogue options are to look at the shop or nothing. I have no option to turn in the feathers or ask to get the fire-resistant barrel made. 

    I have played through the BST content before without this issue, and so I am not sure what I did wrong to trigger the bug this time around.

    EDIT: Never mind, I realized I had reloaded an earlier save and did not have the feathers in my inventory. When I went back with the feathers, the dialogue regarding the feathers and the barrel triggered.  

  11. With respect to xp boosting, I would argue in favor of the no xp boost policy. I cannot think of anything I have found more frustrating in my runs than trying to properly balance XP progression. If playing on SCS on higher difficulties, early leveling feels painfully slow, especially when trying to fight higher-level arcane casters at low levels, which is why many who play on higher difficulties use XP exploits like rushing the basilisks. I like to role play, and so I hate using meta knowledge to use XP exploits. 

    Later, however, if you clear everything including ToTSC content then it is quite easy to hit the level cap in chapter 6. If you add quest mods, you'll get there even faster. I've tried using the XP limiter from EET tweaks to mitigate that problem, but that only magnifies the problem of painfully slow early game leveling, and I was also surprised at how much of an impact reducing xp gains can have on a playthrough. To give just one example, on one playthrough with lots of quest mods installed (SoTSC, BST, BGQE, BG1RE, BG1NPC, etc.), I reduced XP gains for creature kills by 50%. After a full clear of all available content, I was just over 130k at the beginning of chapter 7. By contrast, in another playthrough with no quest mods and no XP reductions, I was just under the level cap at the beginning of chapter 7, and I had completely skipped Ulcaster, Firewine, the Bear River, and the Spider Grove areas. The gains (or losses) from tinkering with XP for kills accumulate over the course of a playthrough, and it ends up making a big difference overall.  

    Given all that, I don't think David should be trying to tinker with XP rewards. It is a very difficult balancing problem to get right. BioWare's blunt and clumsy solution was the level cap, and after trying to tinker with the issue myself, I can see why they ended up with that solution. If I cannot figure out a proper solution for my own playstyle, I do not see how David is supposed to come up with a solution that works for all playstyles. 

  12. 9 minutes ago, ktchong said:

    So you tell them to fix it.

    JFC . . . It's a wonder people make mods at all when people like you order them around like a customer service rep. Need I remind you that all of these mods are provided for free by volunteers! 

    That all said, it does sound like that may be a bug with BG1UB because it is supposed to block the Kivan and Tazok component from being installed on the enhanced edition games. 

  13. On 3/16/2024 at 12:11 PM, subtledoctor said:

    Finished Durlag’s - was fine. As I mentioned elsewhere, some mods really add a crap-ton of OP equipment. Between that, and my added caster flexibility of 5E spellcasting and unlimited 1st-level spells, I could do the entire dungeon without resting. Sigh. I wish it was easier to get the experience of modders’ wonderful creativity, while somehow preserving the scarcity of magical artifacts that originally helped make BG1 fun. 

    I share your sentiments. I had to drop SotSC from my game partly due to the abundance of loot it adds to the game. It's unfortunate because the artwork is well done, and I can tell that Lava put a lot of time and effort into crafting all of the items. They are not simply "OP Longsword +6 with 50% stun chance" or something along those lines. If anything, my issues with the mod stemmed more from the sheer amount of changes it makes to the game. Lava has said that he prefers BG2 over BG1, which is presumably why so much of the mod ports over creatures from BG2, and as we all know BG2 (and SoD) has a lot more loot than vanilla BG1. I personally like to keep the games a bit more separate, and SoTSC is an all-or-nothing mod that changes the game a lot. I also couldn't help shake the feeling that the mod was unbalancing the game. 

    I can see the counterargument, however, which is that even vanilla BG1EE has OP items. It's not hard for a player with meta knowledge to quickly gather up a wand of fire, exploding potions, and a necklace of missiles, and those items can trivialize quite a few fights that otherwise are fairly difficult for low-level parties. 

  14. I've also experienced this bug where the vanilla EE Kivan quest "Kivan and Tazok" does not close as it should after the bandit camp battle. Relatedly, BG1NPC gives Kivan an interjection if you choose to just travel to the bandit camp via the map to attack it rather than using the bandits in Peldvale to infiltrate the camp. The interjection has Kivan stopping for a moment to pray before you assault the camp. Unfortunately, this interjection also triggers incorrectly if you choose to infiltrate the camp via the bandits in Peldvale after the battle has concluded, at which point the interjection is nonsensical since Kivan refers to praying regarding an upcoming battle that your party just finished. 

    Honestly, unless it messes with Kivan's other BG1NPC quests, the whole Kivan and Tazok questline should just revert to vanilla EE behavior because Beamdog did a good job with it IMO with the exception of the quest timer. 

  15. Hey @AWizardDidIt, I'll add my praise to what Sergio said and say that IMO Blackhearts is not only one of the best BG mods I've played, but one of the best mods I've played for any game. It's not perfect, but don't let your doubts cripple your ample creativity.  I'd love to see you do more with it.  

  16. I wanted to revisit this topic just to note that on a separate installation of 35.10 than the one I was using when I made this post, I have not seen a single level 3 scroll drop from the RNDTRE04 group of enemies.  Per Jmerry's chart above, this grouping never drops level 3 scrolls in either vanilla or SCS 35.7, but in my prior installation I had 3 such scrolls before my party even reached level 3.  In my current playthrough, my party is almost level 6 and we've cleared most of the southern half of the map without any level 3 scroll drops.  

    Based on that, my conclusion is that the component is likely working as intended, except that in my prior playthrough, the RNG gods were being a bit too generous to my party.  As any longtime player of these games knows, the RNG roller is not always reliable and can get "stuck" at times, leading to odd results such as multiple instances of the same random treasure dropping, or the loot tables being overly stingy or overly generous.  So, this component may be working as intended, and my OP questioning the generosity may simply have been prompted by overly generous random rolls.  

  17. Hey @DavidW, since you're looking at the scrolls component for 35.10 in response to the unhelpful complaints in another thread, I wanted to make sure you saw jmerry's last response on this thread above.  The key question I have is whether you intended for level 3 scroll drops to occur at the RNDTRE04 token level.  Per the chart above, that did not occur on either vanilla or in prior versions of SCS.  

  18. I am seeing level 1 scroll drops as well. Some of us noted in prior versions of SCS 35 that we were not seeing many random scroll drops, and David said that his code was being "stingier" than vanilla, and so he adjusted it for the latest version.  I am either getting very lucky with level 3 drops, or the code may be a tad too generous.  I also had an enemy drop a Melf's Minute Meteor scroll. I didn't note who dropped that unfortunately, but my party is still all level 1 or 2 and we haven't even cleared Nashkel yet.  

    If the component is working as intended, that's fine.  It's up to David to decide how generous he wants the scroll drops to be - my only purpose in noting these drops is to ensure that the component IS working as intended.  

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