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Everything posted by Kitanna

  1. Kitanna

    Calin NPC Mod

    OH you mean Navarra? I am 4 talks away from SOA being done, I'm not working on TOB until next week. After the holiday.
  2. @Jarno MikkolaAnd thank you, telling me about handle_audio fixed it.
  3. Shortening the name didn't fix it. Calin has oggdec.exe in the audio folder, but he only has voice files. I tried putting it in there from the newest version of vorbis tools and got this error Installing audio... oggdec from vorbis-tools 1.4.0 ERROR: Failed to open input file: Invalid argument Finished installing audio.
  4. hmm, I was running that but not right away. I'll do that. And I'll change the name and see. Thanks, Jastey! as always.
  5. Hey now, I only did what I read in the tutorial. I've never added music before. Isn't the point of asking for help, because you don't know without asking?
  6. First off, her PID pops up as soon as she joins. Never had that happen with Calin so, I don't know. Second, I put some music files in the mod. I must have done something wrong tho, the music doesn't play. THEN RESPONSE #100 PlaySong(0) PlaySound("KKNavarM1") StartDialogueNoSet(Player1) END @echo off @echo Installing audio... cd override oggdec KKNavar*.ogg del KKNavar*.ogg del oggdec.exe @echo Finished installing audio. @echo off @echo Uninstalling audio... cd override del KKNavar*.wav @echo Finished uninstalling audio. COPY ~Navarra/Song/KKblank.mus~ ~music~ COPY_EXISTING ~songlist.2da~ ~override~ SET_2DA_ENTRY 0 2 3 ~KKBLANK.MUS~ ACTION_IF ("%WEIDU_OS%" STRING_COMPARE_CASE ~WIN32~ = 0) THEN BEGIN // if Windows COPY ~Navarra/Audio~ ~override~ AT_NOW ~Navarra/Audio/Navaraudio.bat~ AT_INTERACTIVE_UNINSTALL ~Navarra//Audio/Navaraudiouninstall.bat~ END
  7. The SOA part of Navarra should be finished by the end of the week. I don't plan on starting TOB until after the holidays.
  8. I will do that right now. thank you The only thing I found was certainly because of copy/paste .. they both say the same thing for happy. I must have over looked it. But nothing about Calin specifically. I've already changed it so I'll investigate more when I test Navarra later. Have 8 banters left to write.
  9. When in combat, he is repeating.. I am happy to be a part of this group.. and his name changed to blade master. It's not top priority at the moment, I am trying to re-write Navarra's PID/flirts as they are on my dead computer as well as writing banters. But I hope that little helps. If not, I'll worry about it when I'm not so busy. No one else will be affected by it, after all. And thank you Jastey
  10. maybe he's EE only now?
  11. I didnt think so, grasping at straws trying to figure out what's going on.
  12. @jasteyI have to, you have to start a new game to get calin. If they have a ICT in the same place, could that do it? I noticed they have 2 @Jarno MikkolaI don't test with EE nor have I ever played it. BG2 isn't even on the same hard drive as EE so that can't be it
  13. sorry about the duplicate thread, didn't notice until now. The hazard of one of my dogs jumping up in my lap unexpectedly. Thanks Jastey, I'll try that. Oh, someone said Calin was causing them issues so, I installed it with Navarra since I'm testing her anyway. And, though I did a clean install first, Calin is doing weird things and his name changed to Blade Master. When Navarra isn't installed, he is fine. It isn't crossed strings on a clean install? I don't know they seem incompatible together?
  14. I just realized I never ran traify on Calin so, I was just finishing that when I got this trying to do the TP2. [calin.tp2] PARSE ERROR at line 3 column 1-6 Near Text: README syntax error ERROR: problem tra-ifying file [calin.tp2]: Parsing.Parse_error FATAL ERROR: Parsing.Parse_error BACKUP ~Calin/backup~ AUTHOR ~Kitanna (kitannadk@yahoo.com)~ README ~Calin/readme-Calin.txt~ VERSION ~v1.7~ looks right to me, so?
  15. well, I fixed it. Not making the dialogue fire, but making sure she gets the item. That's all that matters, the dialogue can fire on it's own.
  16. I gave them that for a DV, still doesn't work. so very aggravating. If it wasn't for the fact that Navarra is suppose to get an item from that fight, I wouldnt care when the dialogue fired. anyway, taking my dogs to the groomer and to the park for awhile.
  17. @jasteyno, it's this WRITE_ASCII SCRIPT_DEFAULT ~KKBarbs~
  18. it is also possible that I didn't put in the TP2 correctly... COPY ~Navarra/CRE/KKAmana.cre~ ~override/KKAmana.cre~ ADD_CRE_ITEM ~helm01~ #0 #0 #0 ~IDENTIFIED~ ~HELMET~ ADD_CRE_ITEM ~LEAT12~ #0 #0 #0 ~IDENTIFIED~ ~ARMOR~ ADD_CRE_ITEM ~BRAC03~ #0 #0 #0 ~IDENTIFIED~ ~GLOVES~ ADD_CRE_ITEM ~SW2H01~ #0 #0 #0 ~IDENTIFIED~ ~WEAPON1~ EQUIP TWOHANDED SAY NAME1 ~Amana~ SAY NAME2 ~Amana~ WRITE_ASCII 0x248 ~KKAmana~ #8 // assign override script WRITE_ASCII 0x2cc ~KKAmana~ #8 // assign pre-joining dialogue file WRITE_ASCII 0x280 ~KKAmana~ #32 // assign DV WRITE_ASCII 0x34 ~KKAmanaS~ #8 // assign small portrait WRITE_ASCII SCRIPT_DEFAULT ~KKBarbs~ and this is in the .baf IF CombatCounter(0) NumDead("KKBarbs",5) Global("KKDeadWarriors","LOCALS",0) THEN RESPONSE #100 SetGlobal("KKDeadWarriors","LOCALS",1) ActionOverride("KKNavar",StartDialogueNoSet(Player1)) END
  19. I can eliminate one of those variables, certainly. I did try StartDialogueNoSet() at one point, but still didn't work. I think the trigger and the value are what I am most confused about. And thank you for the help.
  20. The main .baf works, its the last block thats suppose to start the dialogue that doesnt. wouldn't the whole thing not work if that was the case? or no?
  21. No such luck so, I bow to the code master @jastey Could you please tell me what I did wrong? // KKNar1700.baf IF Global("KKDeliaExists","AR1700",0) THEN RESPONSE #100 SetGlobal("KKDeliaExists","AR1700",1) CreateCreature("KKDelia",[3333.265],3) END IF Global("KKTressExists","AR1700",0) THEN RESPONSE #100 SetGlobal("KKTressExists","AR1700",1) CreateCreature("KKTress",[3398.269],3) END IF Global("KKCelinExists","AR1700",0) THEN RESPONSE #100 SetGlobal("KKCelinExists","AR1700",1) CreateCreature("KKCelin",[3330.241],3) END IF Global("KKAmanaExists","AR1700",0) THEN RESPONSE #100 SetGlobal("KKAmanaExists","AR1700",1) CreateCreature("KKAmana",[3330.241],3) END IF CombatCounter(0) NumDead("KKBarbs",5) Global("KKMissingWarriors","GLOBAL",7) Global("KKDeadWarriors","LOCALS",0) THEN RESPONSE #100 SetGlobal("KKMissingWarriors","GLOBAL",8) SetGlobal("KKDeadWarriors","LOCALS",1) ActionOverride("KKNavar",StartDialogue("KKNavar",Player1)) END
  22. Well, your looks better lol. I don't know. Maybe because I didn't know I could. This is my first time trying to do this. Calin doesn't have a quest and Neht, well he was a nightmare I only survived because of Berelinde. We both learned a lot from that LOL! Neht... been 10 years since I looked at that mod in any detail. Maybe he has a script that does what I'm trying to do. I can't remember, have to look. Of course, we were up all night at times banging our heads on the keyboard trying to make something work. Thank you for everything
  23. @Jarno Mikkola I hope I'm not becoming a pain, but it still doesn't work. Here is the area baf. I know only 4 are there but there is 5 before combat starts. // KKNar1700.baf IF Global("KKDeliaExists","AR1700",0) THEN RESPONSE #100 SetGlobal("KKDeliaExists","AR1700",1) CreateCreature("KKDelia",[3333.265],3) END IF Global("KKTressExists","AR1700",0) THEN RESPONSE #100 SetGlobal("KKTressExists","AR1700",1) CreateCreature("KKTress",[3398.269],3) END IF Global("KKCelinExists","AR1700",0) THEN RESPONSE #100 SetGlobal("KKCelinExists","AR1700",1) CreateCreature("KKCelin",[3330.241],3) END IF Global("KKAmanaExists","AR1700",0) THEN RESPONSE #100 SetGlobal("KKAmanaExists","AR1700",1) CreateCreature("KKAmana",[3330.241],3) END IF CombatCounter(0) NumDead("KKBarbs",5) Global("KKMissingWarriors","GLOBAL",7) Global("KKDeadWarriors","LOCALS",0) THEN RESPONSE #100 SetGlobal("KKMissingWarriors","GLOBAL",8) SetGlobal("KKDeadWarriors","LOCALS",1) ActionOverride("KKNavar",StartDialogue("KKNavar",Player1)) END
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