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Everything posted by Kitanna

  1. Thank you for that Do you know what happened? Is @CoM_Solaufein ok? Granted, I'm worried about hosting for Neh'taniel now, but I'm concerned about him.
  2. Thank you so much! I needed to smile today! I hope you like her. I'll get her finished as soon as I can.
  3. I am hoping Solaufien just forgot again and he's ok. If it wasn't for him and Berelinde, I would have quit modding before I started. And, I really don't remember what all was said as it was a long time ago but the fact that he is a wraith and the talking sword was why he was rejected for hosting. I did remove the sword right after that but due to a large amount of people wanting it put back in and because there is crossmod content with hubblepot -I think- I put it back in but cleaned up the dialogue. I am very glad you like Neh't he is the best mod I ever wrote and I'm very proud of the way the mod turned out. I am indeed interested in the bugs but, Neh't no longer has a forum so if you could message them to me it would be great. Well, if the site comes back up he does.... we'll see what happens.
  4. Well, it's very true. because the creator of the mod made him a wraith. I took over the mod many years ago and no one but Solaufien would host it because he is a wraith. It's been too many years and I respect their decision.
  5. I hadn't heard from him before this happened either. I hope he's ok . If the site stays down, however, I'll have to figure out what to do. I have a mod hosted there that no one else will host. Appreciate the replies and the downloads link.
  6. Has anyone heard from @CoM_Solaufein ? The site, TeamBG seems to be gone.
  7. Thank you so much! I don't know what to say.... thank you for the compliment!
  8. Thank you, Jastey
  9. Kitanna

    Bug Reports

    Please report any bugs you may find here.
  10. Kitanna

    Navarra NPC

    I released Navarra with TOB unfinished. Once I get settled from my move and get my head clear, i will finish it.
  11. Kitanna

    Calin NPC Mod

    I just moved to another state and I don't have access to my computer right now but his romance track is separate from the friendship track I really don't know off the top of my head how many talks he has in Soa Or TOB I'm trying to do this on my phone so excuse the lack of Punctuation also he does have jealousy talks with Anomen, Nehtaniel and Edwin if you have the Edwin romance mod. I will have my computer tomorrow hopefully and can tell you more then. I'm glad you love Neht he was a labor of love for me so it makes me feel good to know he still has love even after all these years. Kitanna
  12. Kitanna


    Version 1.5


    Navarra is designed to work with Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal expansion pack and should be compatible with other WeiDU mods. This mod introduces Navarra, a human Barbarian to BG II. Navarra is chaotic good and will romance a male who is Elf, Half-elf, Human and of non-evil alignment. Navarra grew up in the harsh land of Narfell. Slavery wasn't uncommon and her tribe was no exception. She doesn't like the slaves but was tended to by them since childhood. Because she grew up around slaves, she believes men are weak-willed and beneath her. She only knows what she was taught and what she experiences, living in the tribe. What she learned about men was instilled in her for many years. Will she be able to handle, that with the events to come? Will a male PC be able to help her see the truth or even love her? Project Page Readme Forum
  13. Kitanna


    Navarra grew up in the harsh land of Narfell. Slavery wasn't uncommon and her tribe was no exception. She doesn't like the slaves but was tended to by them since childhood. Because she grew up around slaves, she believes men are weak-willed and beneath her. She only knows what she was taught and what she experiences, living in the tribe. What she learned about men was instilled in her for many years. Will she be able to handle, that with the events to come? Will a male PC be able to help her see the truth or even love her? You can find Navarra in the Den of seven vales, towards the back. She has a quest. Go to the bridge district to start it. She isn't voiced, but has music tracks for romances. She has banters with all Bioware NPC's and a friendship track as well. She also has an romance with an NPC.
  14. Just the text please. I am grateful for your help. I will send you a message with the mod.
  15. I'm sorry, Navarra is my newest NPC mod.
  16. If someone is willing to proofread Navarra for me, I would be grateful. I have SOA so far.
  17. Having a lot of fun, for sure. I was also going to mention his lack of speed... already covered. Very nice to have along, Jastey
  18. Congrats! Having two dogs of my own, I happen to love them Can't wait to play this! And how are you my friend?
  19. Kitanna

    Calin NPC Mod

    I'm sorry, not feeling well lately. Yes, here at G3. Thank you for asking, if your interested, there is a link to a rough beta, I say rough as there are most likely spelling errors and possible bugs, on page 4 of this forum.
  20. Kitanna

    Calin NPC Mod

    I actually applied for hosting but havent heard yet
  21. Kitanna

    Calin NPC Mod

    Oh, I'm sorry, Den of the Seven Vales 1st Floor, towards the back. to start her quest go to the bridge district. it wont progress until exiting the underdark
  22. Kitanna

    Calin NPC Mod

    no requirements for Edwin, for the PC, male, good, human, elf, you know. Here you go. Any bugs or whatever please do it Here Navarra isnt hosted yet and I don't want to make this thread about her.
  23. Kitanna

    Calin NPC Mod

    you are welcome to what I have now. the last 4 lovetalks for the PC are not there but all of Edwin's is. Try it out tell me what you think. Just let me know and I'll get it to you. If you want the last 4 talks, that will take probably 5 days to finish. Holiday stuff, you know.
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