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Posts posted by lynx

  1. Hmm, nothing sticks out from the config. The dll is in E:\Mods\Planescape Torment\Essential Mods\gemrb-win32-deb4305\plugins right? There is no useful error reporting on windows there yet, so I've added it now. Please retest with the latest build once it is ready (5e5bdd7) and post the log.


    As for 10pp, sure, if you're willing to test, I can throw patches at you. The first thing would be to install widescreen and 10pp, if you haven't already. Then delete or comment out lines 1395-1397 in gemrb/GUIScripts/GUICommonWindows.py . Then report what happens when you run the game.

  2. First, 10pp supports PST, but gemrb doesn't their combination. I think I added the restriction since I didn't want to bother with PSTs and IWD2s horizontal portrait bar. We do support horizontal ones (eg. for party reform), but it probably needs some tweaking to work for those two games — it was never tested.


    As for the build, that's also something that's very hard for me to test. Can you upload your config somewhere? And please use the same path delimiters everywhere, as mixing / and \ looks sooo wrong. Windows uses \.

        AT_NOW ~./add.shortcut.sh~

    add.shortcut.sh (marked as executable; chmod +x add.shortcut.sh # above, if it can't be done before):

    cat > $HOME/EET.desktop << TEETEE
    [Desktop Entry]
    Name=Enhanced Edition Trilogy
    GenericName=Enhanced Edition Trilogy
    Comment=Enhanced Edition Trilogy (EET)
    Exec="$PWD/start.sh" ""
  4. Are you sure macs use these files at all? It's only a FDO spec. $HOME can also be derived from the weidu constant USER_DIRECTORY/../.. .


    Overall it looks overly complicated. Why not do it all in a shell script, where there's no need for half of the code?

  5. Linux uses .desktop files. Install something like this into ~/Desktop:

    [Desktop Entry]
    Name=Enhanced Edition Trilogy
    GenericName=Enhanced Edition Trilogy
    Comment=Enhanced Edition Trilogy (EET)
    Exec="/path/to/game/start.sh" ""

    The last path is redundant, as you could run set it from the script (if it's needed at all). start.sh is what bg2ee uses.

  6. The item is amul27, if you don't have it yet. It's the only thing you get when transitioning (vs starting anew), though some of the extra bags remain unclear (bag19/a/?? - it was supposedly based on xp).


    It sets StartMP=1 if it was a multiplayer game. These are made sure to be set:

    • HadEllesimeDream1 = 1
    • HadImoenDream1 = 1
    • HadSlayerDream = 1
    • HadJonDream1 = 1
    • HadJonDream2 = 1
    • HadEllesimeDream2 = 1
    Gives you xp to reach the minimum starting level if you're lower. Sets XPGIVEN to the difference.
    • Apply SPIN661 on Edwin
    • Apply SPIN678 on Anomen if he is Lawful Neutral
  7. Yes, but none of this is the item's fault. Vanilla baldur.bcs doesn't mention it or Imoen at all, so it was either a personal script or a check in all the CI area scripts. However, the problem is with the Spellhold Imoen.


    But yes, another pointless discussion.

  8. EDIT: See short instructions here:



    After a few lost days of annoying fights throughout our stack, automatic windows builds are finally back! :wavey: Now using AppVeyor, something similar to Travis, but with windows hosts*.


    They'll all be here:



    Install python2 if you don't have it yet:



    It's untested, so please let me know if it works properly. It's a 32bit build using SDL1 and all our optional dependencies except for vlc and vorbis — nothing you could notice.


    From now on, they'll be generated after each push again. Commits and pull requests will be tested for msvc (13) compatibility, but only on the master branch.


    *(Luckily it doesn't need a configuration file in the repo, since it took 89 iterations to get right!)

  9. FIX below.


    In case anyone else gets bit by this. The problem is blatantly obvious in gemrb. The particular response is governed by a simple local variable, not used anywhere else, so it was simple to track down.

      RESPONSE #100

    So which one of the three is true on spawn? HPPercentLT and quite obviously — the CRE file has 40/44 HP.


    (the real question is if some versions of the engine did or didn't heal creatures on spawn: testing in tob via script or cheats shows no heal — htf could this have ever worked?)


    Update: the issue isn't obviously visible in the original, since even if you dismiss him, he just immediately escapes, so the block doesn't get a chance to run. If the preceding movement blocks that start the dialog were removed, the issue would be clear.

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