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Everything posted by Bartimaeus

  1. Thank you very much, ALIENQuake! I will leave up my .zip for the time being for people not using BWPFP. 1.11b: The latest version fixes a couple of more bugs I noticed with EE items, and additionally re-introduces different staff sprites for EE games like you would see if you were playing vanilla (if you're playing non-EEs, it will not affect you - install 1PP's staves components, Colourable Quarterstaves and Wizards' Staves, to get the equivalent if you so desire them). If anyone notices any more inconsistencies like this with the EE's graphics, feel free to let me know and I'll come up with fixes. Additionally, the main post has been updated to reflect the ongoing effort to introduce better compatibility and restored features to the Enhanced Editions. ​ ​(e): 1.11c. Thanks to Luke once again for these. ​1. Wand of the Heavens would not damage the initial target if they were friendly (does this happen in SR?). Now it does (though the area of effect is still enemy-only). 2. Wand of Monster Summoning was accidentally shooting fireballs instead of summoning monsters. Oops! 3. Wand of Fire: a potentially incorrect string triggering when using the wand has been fixed. 4. Items with magic damage resistance now use the correct portrait icon (no longer Protection from Magic, but instead Protection from Magical Energy). 5. Fixed the colors and description images of some plate armors. 6. Additionally fixed the colors of other armors and robes as well. 7. Cone of Cold from Wand of Frost and Rod of the Apprenti fixed(?). Sometimes would not actually cast the spell under certain circumstances.
  2. I meant the 7-zip *program* is the way to go, because it's not annoying "freeware" like WinRAR and WinZIP. I'll try to use zip files from now on, though - no doubt that .zip is the most accepted (natively by OSes without the need for any software, too).
  3. 7zip is the way to go anyways (especially over WinRar), but weird that it did not extract.
  4. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/qyg5jqvxclzerme/IR%20Revisions%20V1.11a.zip Here's a zip if you want to try that instead. 1.11a changelog: 1. Fixed a crash with Shield of Harmony if you were not using either the EEs or 1PP. 2. Moved Web Sack from drow store (too late in the game to be worth the bother) to Pai'Na for installs that do not have UB's Spider's Bane installed. I don't love this, because Pai'Na is not a very difficult encounter and she already gives you the Trueblood's Ioun Stone (IIRC) and Kitthix. 3. Fixed the Claw of Kazgaroth appearing twice.
  5. Fragmentation I can understand, but player options I don't. Just the opposite: where players originally had no option to have functioning graphics, they now do (especially as I have now - mostly? - fixed the EE graphics in the latest version). That was the entire idea of releasing my version. Yeah, you get a few other additions on top of it, but on the whole, they're pretty darned minor. For the rest of what you said...I can understand where you're coming from, really, but understand where I'm coming from: the current version of Item Revisions comes with 1,193 files in its \itms folder. My IRR has 1,114 changed files - emphasis on "changed": they've been modified in some way. Those two numbers are almost equal. Ignoring any other changes I've made outside just the \itms folder, that's already insane. I'm not starting my entire project over by converting it all to patches (by the way, this would be an insanely ridiculously impossible amount of work to do this for all of IR at this point)...and that's before you realize that I do not remember every single thing that I fixed, and I'd have to separate what I fixed from other things that I did within the same files, increasing the amount of work exponentially. It just ain't happening - it just ain't. So if that means you will "ignore" IRR, I guess that's that. I don't really have the many months of effort to spare to "do it right" as you're suggesting, and even if I tried to, I would just become burnt out to the extreme and never finish it anyways. I just don't think it can realistically be done at this point. Sorry. If I had started this project with the knowledge that I might eventually share my fixes and other changes, maybe I could've done what you're suggesting. But I started it years ago, and I'm content with where it is. @Salk: my SRR is not totally complete yet (well, divine spells are, but I'm still working through arcane), but maybe when it is, I'll send you a link.
  6. There will be an incoming patch (within the next few days) to help fix compatibility with the EEs. The short bow and bastard swords animations have been re-enabled via an EE-only patch, and there were a number of compatibility problems with shields (and possibly helmets - still investigating) that will be fixed. Thanks to Luke for helping me out on Enhanced Edition compatibility! P.S. I checked mercurier's listed two bugs, and it looks like I had already fixed them. (edit): I lied: it wasn't as much work as I thought it would be. In the Enhanced Editions, helmets should now look like this again (and with the correct animations): https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/bd35u0wt2fo72t2/2018-01-05_12-13-26.mp4 and shields should now look like this again (and again, with the correction animations): https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/gqazwlb9tw6pgfm/2018-01-05_12-24-54.mp4. Additionally fixes a bug with vanilla EE's Helm of the Rock and the Golden Horned Helm (both of them use incorrect animations - it's a problem leftover from when they applied 1ppv4 to the EEs, as 1ppv4 has the same exact problem). If you see any inconsistencies or items that are using non-optimal graphics (e.g. it's possible not every plate armor got the correct icon or coloring), feel free to let me know. Additionally, we (or Luke, rather - thanks again) discovered that it's very difficult for MacOS users to install via my archive because MacOS does not handle folder overwriting the same as Windows does. That's not great. I do not currently have permission to re-distribute the entirety of Item Revisions, only my modified files, so that's something to look out for, MacOS users. PM me if you run into any trouble.
  7. Huh, I have been using a version of DLTCEP so old that it's not even on the SourceForge list of versions dating back to 2011. I guess I should update it.
  8. I think I said it before, but it doesn't have a label I can simply call it. The reality is that it fixes a large amount of bugs and oversights that I personally noticed and many of which I have reported over the years (but which seemingly never got fixed) in addition to bugs reported by other people, introduces (but does not at all rely on) compatibility with 1PP for non-EE games (and fixes those misalignment issues in the Enhanced Editions - and if I can get someone with extensive knowledge of the EE to help me, I can fix any other problems with the EEs like incorrect short bow paperdolls), starts handling items that weren't ever touched by vanilla IR (e.g. the Golem Tomes, the Jade Hound Figurine, the Pantaloon items, some quest items with funky descriptions, etc. - sometimes just description updates, but sometimes new revisions for those items entirely, quest items-excluded), as well as some of my own minor item design tweaks (e.g. Amulet of the Seldarine receiving a +1 wisdom bonus instead of yet another charisma bonus because I felt it went better with the item concept). So IRR is, essentially, wearing many hats, which is exactly why my fixes can't be translated over to vanilla IR. If you used my fixed files with normal IR - for example, the fixed shields mentioned above - you would run into the issue where my fixed files might not have the correct animations with vanilla IR, because vanilla IR currently has an old and broken version of 1PP integrated - even for Enhanced Edition games, causing some weird misalignment issues as well as other issues or inconsistencies that you may or may not have not noticed (and for some of us, this sort of thing is really annoying) - which messes around and renames animations. In my version of the mod, I completely tore out virtually all 1PP integration, which makes for a much cleaner install on both the original games (which, as a consequence, can now use the latest version of 1PP, which is significantly, significantly better than the old version) and the EE games (though I believe there might still be problems here because of the very limited playtesting I've done on BG2:EE, but almost certainly not worse than the problems vanilla IR has with the EEs). So...it's an alternative branch with some new and (usually very mildly) different ideas in it, it's a major compatibility fix for the original games, and it's a compilation of bugfixes. There's not really any other way I can put. If you're not interested in any of that, then you needn't bother - but if you are, I would love help getting any problems with the EEs fixed. I'm also open to suggestions and new ideas...and I'm actively working on the mod. It sucks that I can't bring over my bugfixes to vanilla IR, it really does, but that's just the nature of the de-integration of 1PP creating divergent files that are no longer compatible with each other (in addition to any other divergences I may have created in item design tweaks). I talked to Mike about it, and he did not want the 1PP integration removed, and was more interested in updating the version of 1PP that IR comes shipped with. But that's as much of a herculean task as what I have already done by simply de-integrating 1PP to begin with (possibly more), and I just sadly don't see it happening at this rate. Took me significant amounts of my free time over a few month period in order to do it (though there may be a more efficient way to do it than how I did it), hence why I released this for other people who do not want to go through what I did to fix those problems (originally, it was for only my own usage, but I was encouraged by a couple of other people I had shared it with to release it for the public...so I did - funnily enough, I actually have the same sort of thing for Spell Revisions, but I won't be releasing that one publicly due to the massive headache it would create).
  9. Thanks, and happy to hear it. There's been some additional changes since then, certainly, but nothing you'll die without.
  10. Yes, I think I have fixed all of the bugs in the latest bug report thread that could be fixed within IR for the time being - at least, I hope so (EE-specific bugs notwithstanding). The only ones I'm not sure about are mercurier's from a few months back - I'll have to check those out to make sure and maybe release another fix if I didn't. Also, as said earlier, I have more or less completed the item content tweak document in the second post, so you should be able to directly see how my item design tweaks compare to vanilla IR's. If there's something you feel is a terrible idea, feel free to let me know. I provided some justifications for a few of the stronger redesigns, but not for all. Any additional feedback, including possibly new item placements (for example, some of the bonus merchant items, or the Jade Hound Figurine), again, I'm all ears. Finally, 1pp fixes has been updated to 1.02c, but the fix is relatively minor (hence only a letter change). Should not make much, if any difference, if you installed with 1.02c - I had incorrectly merged the BWP Fixpack's fixes for 1pp's projectiles, which...may not have even done anything by not being merged, but just in case, they are now.
  11. For Mike/Demi/Subtledoctor, here are more exact notes on the exact shields/Dagger of Venom issues (...and they are fixed in my version if you wanted to try to use it again, Luke): http://gibberlings3.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=28894&p=258145 Relevant part:
  12. The nerfing I did was actually mostly stuff I had originally boosted - for example, items with elemental or energy resistance, which I think I just had boosted a little too far (e.g. Amulet of Energy Shielding - 25% to all forms of magical energy added up to 125%! Huge for a single item). If you started equipping all of them, you could start getting virtually total immunity to all the elements just via items, which just seemed like too much. Similarly, the bows I nerfed a little in this latest version are all still mildly stronger than they were in vanilla IR. There were also some items I have "unnerfed" in this latest version, like Firetooth, Impaler, Dragon's Breath, Jhor, and Ring of Earth Control. It just kind of depended, I guess. I will provide an updated version with that stuff fixed shortly, as well as a report log of what exactly was fixed. I have already confirmed that at least one IR shield had incorrect usabilities, so I'll check the rest out. (edit): 1.10a released. 1. Fixed shield usabilities: SHLD06 (Large Shield +1), SHLD15 (Large Shield), SHLD18 (Large Shield), SHLD23 (Fortress Shield), and SHLD30 (Large Shield +2). Seems like it only applied to these four five large shields. 2. Dagger of Venom: MISC75 (Dagger of Venom) was additionally also incorrectly usable by Beastmasters and Clerics. 3. Portrait icons: already fixed in my version (indeed, I had manually added icons for most item effects before this - I understand that some people don't care for this and prefer such icons be reserved for only the proper spells, but I like knowing at a glance if, for example, my character has resistance to fire or not. For those of you where that's the case, I think there's a component in the BG2/Anthology Tweakpack that removes all of them.). 4. Other graphical issues: N/A to my version, as far as I'm aware (since I have rolled back all 1pp changes). Haven't ever noticed any such problems after installing 1PP, either. (e): Ack, actually, now that I think about it, not totally true. There will probably be a couple of problems with EE installs - if, for example, EE has its own bastard sword paperdolls, and shortbow paperdolls, then IR (both normal IR and my version of it) will overwrite that because they don't exist in non-EE installs. Hmm. If I could get somebody who wants to help me fix this for the EE, I can probably think of a solution involving EE-only versions of items, though. I'm still looking for feedback on installation issues with the Enhanced Edition: I have tested it myself and did not run into any problems, but Luke apparently did. Willing to help out to get such problems fixed (maybe I'll shoot Luke a PM). Additionally, I said this before, but if someone wants to get me a list of new items from the Enhanced Editions (as I haven't really played the EEs), I can at least do a description-formatting update so they match the rest of IR's item formatting. (e): Final note: looking for a home for Mauler's Arm on an enemy. In vanilla IR, this mace is only +1 and you can buy it at the Copper Cornet (IIRC). I have upgraded it to +2 for the time being, on the logic that I just can't see a reason for buying what's essentially a Mace +1 with only a +2 STR bonus. It's a terrible usage of money. So if somebody can think of a relatively early enemy to put this on so I can revert it back to being +1, I'm all ears.
  13. Version 1.10 now out. Makes many balance reversions or bridges somewhere in between with standard IR, along with some fixes. The item design change list has finally been completed (more or less) - refer to the second post in this thread. Item Changes: 1. Amulet of Energy Shielding: 15% (from 25% - this was too much). 2. Amulet of Cheetah Speed: receives the dexterity and saving throws vs. breath bonus back (seeing as the latest version of SR made Improved Haste less valuable). 3. Acid Arrow: back to the 1D4/round for 2 rounds. 4. Flail of Ages: save penalties for the secondary effects lessened (from an additional -1 penalty for each additional flail head to just -1 at +3 and -2 at +5). 5. Ardulia's Fall and Sword of Arvoreen: the Enfeebling property is now only 1 round. 6. Blackblood: the Acid Splash is 4D4 again (from 3D6). 7. Storm Stars: both versions receive a 50% resistance to electricity, but on SS +4, the Chain Lightning chance is reduced to 5%, while on SS +4, it is reduced to 15% (from 15% and 25% respectively); however, Chain Lightning now does an additional 3D6 damage to the main target. 8. Eagle Bow: 50% chance for Entangling (from 100%). 9. Mana Bow: 25% for Illusion Bane (from 33%). 10. Tansheron's Bow: 25% for Phantom Arrow (from 33%). 11. Taralash: +4 receives the Crippling property again...but only at a 15% chance; +5 had its chance reduced to 25% (from 33%). 12. Gauntlets of Death: the speed factor bonus is reduced to +1. 13. Sunstone Bullet: +2 again, and allows for a save vs. breath like SR's Sunscorch. 14. Mithral Chain Mail +4: now +3 to balance out for the additional AC from the Mithral property. 15. Prismatic Chain: 15% elemental resistance (from 25%). 16. Crimson Chain: 5% chance to trigger Blood Rage (from 15% - with a 5 round duration, this was simply too often). 17. Algernon's Cloak: back to +1 Charisma (from +2...but keeps the 1x per day Charm Person). 18. Traveler's Robe: back to its original design (+2 AC vs. missile weapons, +3 saving throws vs. breath, +2 to movement rate). 19. Boomerang Dagger: 15% chance of Crippling (from 33%). 20. Dragon's Breath: now 1D10 again (from 1D6). 21. Blackmist: now has 3x usages of Black Mist again (...but the blindness only lasts 1 turn, not 2 hours). 22. The Wave: Smashing Wave does 5D4 damage (from 3D6). 23. Ravager +5: the Viperous ability is 5 poison damage/second for 2 rounds (from 3 poison damage/second for 5 rounds). 24. Rift Hammer: the Resonating property also deafens for 2 rounds (save vs. breath negates). 25. Helm of Defense: 1 AC (from 2 - think this was an accident). 26. Pearly White Ioun Stone: restores the regeneration and the fire and acid penalties. 27. Aegar's Hide: 15% elemental resistance (from 25%). 28. Ring of Earth Control: toyed with a Barkskin effect, but it is simply +2 AC again like it used to be. 29. Impaler: the Impaling property is 1D10 again (from 1D6...I think this is too strong, especially for a throwing spear, but oh well - spears are kind of a bad weapon category anyhow). 30. Jhor the Bleeder: the Bleeding property lasts a full turn again. 31. Blade of Searing: the Burning Wounds property is no longer a fire bleeding property, but more like a fire poison property - to prevent the -2 THAC0 penalty from stacking up too high over its duration. 32. Gram the Sword of Grief: no longer usable by paladins (per its description, it is an evil artifact); the +4 version receives a +5% bonus to physical resistance in trade of the magic resistance (increases to 10% when upgraded). 33. Necaradan's Crossbow: 25% for the Sharpshoot invisibility property (from 33%). 34. Firetooth +5: every bolt explodes again. 35. Wong Fei's Ioun Stone: regeneration nerfed to 1 hp/2 rounds (it outshines Pearly White Ioun Stone otherwise, which seems silly). 36. Arrow of Slaying/Bolt of Polymorphing: these are now +2. 37. Moon Dog Figurine: now usable by neutral characters, too (but still no evil, as per its description). Some other miscellaneous fixes, including a few usability fixes and some more small text fixes.
  14. It's definitely more directed at the original version of BG1/2, but it has some other changes and should be compatible. Seems like you were on the right trail, and I thought I stamped out the EE-errors, but perhaps I didn't. If you feel like giving it another go, could you send me the .debug file that you got when you tried? (e): I have tried installing on the EE again, and did not run into any errors. Some help here would be ideal. In other news, I'm finally getting around to compiling a total list of changes: still partial, but check out the second post below the original main post.
  15. No problem, and I hope you enjoy. As said before, feedback is welcome, particularly on the new items handled or the few items that were redesigned a bit. I just uploaded 1.09b right now with the fixes above, so you should probably use that. (e): I'm a dummy. 1.09c uploaded. Changelog: 1. Crossbow of Affliction now has an equipped -1 constitution penalty (...I had planned to add this before, but had forgotten and instead the description said it would feed off the user but then actually didn't do anything...), and it's "Contagious" ability is now re-named "Scourging", which it shares with Spear of Withering. 2. A few instances of gray -> grey in the text. 3. Provided a movement rate bonus for the Astral Hound and Cerebus, since their move speeds were so slow.
  16. I think I figured out why the Radiant Heart dude sometimes gives you two options to ask if you can see their store, and one of them works, and one of them doesn't. A missing condition for detecting that your reputation is lower than 17 was the cause. It's funny: the comment that presumably Demi wrote actually mentions it, but it's not actually written in there, so if you had >=17 reputation and you were not in the Order of the Radiant Heart and were a Paladin, or if you had 20 reputation and you were good but neither in the Order or a Paladin, you would erroneously get two options. I have fixed it...and also I'm going to open the store up to neutral characters if they have 20 reputation, as well: I figure as long as you aren't actually radiating evil and your reputation is of legendary proportions, they probably aren't going to bother to detect whether you're actually good or just neutral, right? Unless people actually felt strongly otherwise about it, I guess... (e): Version 1.09 changelog: 1. Boots of the West are placed in-game at the same location as UB places them (compatible if IR is installed after UB). 2. Jade Hound Figurine is only placed if UB's Kidnapping of Boo is not installed (as this component uses it). 3. Bug that I created regarding an area patch is fixed (it would check that one area exists, but then patch another). 4. Fixed Order of the Heart store duplicate dialogue option (...it actually was a little more complicated than I wrote above, but from what I tested, everything seems to work correctly now). 5. Changed Ankheg Armor back to +1 to match vanilla IR. I changed it back to +2 for the purposes of BG2 (it's too expensive to justify making), but for the time being, I've reverted it back. I'd like to eventually make it cheaper to make (something like 2500 instead of the current 5000). 6. Wizard Slayers can no longer wear Boots of the Shifting Sands (doh!). 7. Vampire's Revenge is a little harsher (1 HP every 2 rounds instead of every 3 rounds). 8. Web Sack is placed in a drow store unless UB's Spider Bane quest component is installed (as this component uses it). 9. Sword of Balduran +2 (Long Sword) is back. 10. Angurvadal +4 receives a +2 strength bonus when equipped; it becomes a +3 bonus when Angurvadal is upgraded to its +5 variant. The weapon was just a little...plain for my tastes compared to some of the other +5 upgradeables, and the vanilla BG2 version of the weapon actually did give you a strength bonus, so I figured why not? 11. Sunstone Bullet's Sunschorch effect now matches SR's base Sunscorch damage (2D6): however, the amount available in stores has been roughly halved because it's kind of strong. They're also a little more expensive now. 1.09b changelog: 1. Gloves of Missile Snaring are no longer on Mae'var, but instead purchasable from Kich (shadow thief merchant in Trademeet). I thought Mae'var was a neat idea, but you already get enough nice stuff in that quest line (and technically he shouldn't even be able to wear them), and I just can't really think of anywhere to place them. Boots of Lightning Speed have also been moved here from the Underdark duerger store so that you can get them earlier...if you want. 2. Fixed a couple of item abilities that I screwed up. 3. The Jade Hound Figurine is now instead located at the nature store in the Umar Hills (again, only if the Kidnapping of Boo isn't installed). The Jade Hound is probably the weakest summoning item outside of the Silver Horn of Valhalla, so hopefully this shouldn't be too unbalanced: really am struggling to think of a good place for this. 4. Battering Ram now does 2D6 crushing damage (same as SR: thought it was 2D8, but apparently not!). 5. Arrow of Dispelling, Arrow of Slaying, Arrow of Acid, and Arrow of Detonation all had their enchantment levels reverted back to vanilla IR...with the exception of Arrow of Slaying, which is now a +2 instead of +1 arrow (mainly because there basically aren't any +2 arrows and this arrow is expensive as heck and should carry a better enchantment level). The ones that aren't Arrow of Acid were originally tweaked to try to make their enchantment levels get closer to their crazy prices, but after considering the issue again, I think it's unnecessary. Arrow of Acid now has the same initial damage as SR's Melf's Acid Arrow (which it was kind of close to in vanilla IR, but slightly off).
  17. I'm a dummy, and don't let anybody ever tell you differently. I set its base value to 1 (from 0) so that they can (theoretically) be sold without thinking about what it would do to its buying price. That makes their base price the same as throwing daggers. Hmm. Well, I'll revert that. Thanks!
  18. For Store Revisions, only a few things were altered (nothing too grand like merchants getting total reworks or anything like that). Darts costing 27 gold for 10!? Um...like, non-enchanted darts? That's really weird. From all merchants, or just one? I double-checked the .itm and it should have a base price of 1 like all unenchanted ammo, so I'm not sure exactly what's happened: we should figure that out even if it's not IRR. Also, as for installation order, the entirety of IR should be installed after SR...and you can install store revisions immediately after the main component. If you did not install the main component after SR, it's not a huge deal: just a couple of strings will be slightly wrong (for example, an item might say Draw upon Holy Might instead of Draw Upon Divine Might). @Subtledoctor: Uh, yeah, that's true, but uh...well, the thing is, the "compatibility fix" is also a little bit of a creative decision. Almateria's adds the Horn of Kazgaroth to Deril in lich form. Previously, I had this somewhere else (another creative decision!), but in vanilla IR, it's not placed anywhere, as far as I can remember. So what I did was patch remove it from Deril, and then patch re-add it again: that way, there aren't duplicates of it in different places, there aren't two copies of it on Deril if you install both Almateria's and IRR, and it's actually somewhere in the game even if you only install IRR and not Almateria's. So if that's something Mike or you (since you've done some maintenance work on it) want to add to base IR, by all means. Most fixes of these type are found in item_rev/components/item_reallocation.tpa. Most of the "fixes" I have made include: 1. Removing the duplicate Boots of Phasing from Viekang (as base IR moves them to the House Jae'lat Weaponmaster) 2. Removing the duplicate Bala's Axe from UB's Planar Sphere (base IR adds them to Mencar Pebblecrusher) 3. Enabling the poisoning the Druid Grove quest for non-evil characters (why this quest is seemingly the only evil option that is arbitrarily denied to good AND neutral characters, I have no idea, and it makes no sense, ergo it's no longer the case) 4. Fixing the Eagle Bow addition that was supposed to be added to the Vaylgar ranger guard (base IR says it gives the Eagle Bow to them, but actually gives a non-droppable variant) 5. Disabling the Mithral Plate armor addition to Gromnir (because base IR already adds it elsewhere and Demi probably just didn't remember...or something) 6. Moving Gloves of Missile Snaring to Mae'var (if I'm not mistaken, Demi wanted to find a home for them, and while Mae'var might not be the best option - in fact, he shouldn't even be able to wear them as a multi-class - there's pretty limited choices for thieves who only use one weapon: open to better ideas here) 7. Removing the duplicate Boots of Lightning Speed (base IR made it the reward for freeing the imprisoned Raevilin in the Underdark) from Habib (guy who throws scimitars at you in the Slums; IRR changes this reward to instead be Boots of the Shifting Sands, a new pair of boots that I added for the time being that replaces IR's broken/unused Spider's Boots of Stealth, and instead places Boots of Lightning Speed elsewhere entirely) 8. Removing the duplicate Water's Edge +3 from the correct creature (base IR tries to remove it from alufiend01.cre, but it should actually be removed from alufiend02.cre) 9. Removing the totally random Lawgiver duplicate from the Ulgoth's Beard home in BG1 (yes, it checks to make sure that the area exists so it still works even if you're not playing BGT/EET) 10. Removing the duplicate Rod of Resurrection Mekrath's Lair (way too strong to have a more or less free copy, and since IR adds it to one of the temple stores...) 11. Removing the duplicate Boots of Stealth from Mae'vars locked chest (you can get this from the halfling innkeeper in the Bridge...) and replacing it with the Ring of Night's Embrace (so that it's placed somewhere in BG2, and also thematically this fits perfectly and I was surprised this wasn't already done) 13. Removing a few "odd" copies of items and replacing them with "good" (i.e. much more prevalent) copies (including Battle Axe +2's AX1H03 and AX1H11, Flail's BLUN02 and BLUN08, Mace +2's BLUN11 and BLUN21, and Full Plate Mail +1's PLAT05 and PLAT14) so that they stack properly in containers/stores 14. The Deril Horn of Kazgaroth addition/fix. 15. Disabling the Arrow of Fire -> arowkc.itm overwrite. arowkc is the Kobold Commander undroppable variant of Arrow of Fire. In BG1, the original idea was that Kobold Commanders would shoot fire arrows at you, but when you killed them, they would only have 2 (or less) of the normal Arrow of Fire that you could actually pick up (as they would shoot the undroppable variants first). This made it so you didn't accumulate two million Arrows of Fire for basically for free whenever you fought kobolds in BG1. For some reason, IR made it so that they could be dropped, so you have two different Arrows of Fire that cannot be stacked, and you get a million of them. I have disabled that from happening. 16. ...Maybe a few other things. (e): Also, removed the duplicate Cloak of the Shield from the Planar Sphere Bounty Hunter so that it's Fiekrag-only (...also, my IRR revises it to be more useful, so this actually makes sense). As a trade-off, I gave it a Cloak of Protection +1 and the Jade Hound Figurine (like Gloves of Missile Snaring, this likely isn't the best place for it, but I haven't come up with anything else yet...also, does any other mod place the Jade Hound Figurine elsewhere?). You're free to integrate any of these into base IR as you please. If you need help finding them, just let me know what you want.
  19. 1,111 files in my /itm directory right now. The normal IR package is 1,191 files. If you add them together, it's 1,477 files. So...subtracting, that's at least 825 of IR's /itm files changed. I just gotta be honest: trying to differ them would take literal months of my free time, probably somewhere in the range of 3-6. I'm not sure that I have the patience for that when Mike has shown no interest in the 1PP reversions OR my additional text changes. Like, I can give you an altered (English) text file that doesn't have any of my own content changes, that if you were to overwrite vanilla IR's, should correctly match all the stats of vanilla IR (besides a few of vanilla IR's own oversights, like Rod of Resurrection). I have that already, because I gave Mike a new language file probably a year ago, and he integrated some of its changes, and rejected others. I've also since maintained it since discovering other problems. So besides fixing some of the additional problems I've since found, he's rejected the remaining text changes (...which is around 700 differences or so). I can post that language file if people want with some general notes for what I've done, but I'm pretty sure Mike has no interest in it besides those few additional problems that I've since discovered. Here you go, do a WinMerge comparison: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/2vk5em3kpm65huz/item_descriptions%20%28vanilla%201.04%29.tra NOTES: 1. Not every special ability, like Mass Cure and such, has its specific properties (for example, bonus healing as a result of hp/level modifiers) specified, because I did not know them when creating this. As a result, some special abilities are more specific for that (and in terms of duration) than others: ideally, somebody would figure out the exact specifics of each ability and write them out to be consistent here. 2. Wands are a disaster...but they are in vanilla IR, too. Why does Wand of Fire have Fireball and Aganazar's? Why does Wand of Frost have something called "Freezing Sphere" instead of "Cold of Cold"? I don't know. Wands are slightly re-balanced and fixed in my IRR, but I don't know the specifics of Wand abilities in vanilla IR. 3. A few special abilities should really be switched around: Staff of Power, for example, should really have Globe of Invulnerability first and Hold Monster second, but since the abilities are ordered like that in vanilla IR, once again... 4. There are a few apparent "redesigns" (for example, Cloak of Elvenkind) that are actually the result of these items not correctly matching up with their descriptions, and thus me changing them to actually do so. It's possible that there are a couple that are my fault (for example, one weapon or here having an incorrect speed factor...alternatively, vanilla IR may instead have an incorrect speed factor compared to what it should be). Additionally, a couple of items may still not match up with what they actually are as a result of a vanilla IR oversight: for example, the Rod of Resurrection says it can Revive Dead 2x per day, but if I recall correctly, it actually functions as a wand and just has 10 charges before burning out. 5. Some properties (e.g. Envenomed, Icy, Fiery) have their names changed to be consistent in naming and/or not overlap with others when differing in function. 6. Flavor text is somewhat curtailed for combat abilities in order for readability purposes. This could be easily reverted via WinMerge if desired, but I felt as though some of it was a little over the top for otherwise really straight-forward functions (...e.g. the Spectral Blade property). 7. Vanilla IR is inconsistent regarding radiuses/radii: sometimes when it says something like "within 10'", it will omit the "radius" after "10'". I have opted for removing the "radius" bit entirely: if one wanted to readd it, it's probably best that they add an "a" after the "within", so it reads "within a 10' radius". 8. Probably a couple of other things, but I don't remember. (e): For example, some properties are a little re-ordered on some items in order to match an overall order consistent with other items.
  20. Also, for clarification purposes on 1PP: 1PP is the reason that the EEs have much improved graphics and icons compared to the non-EE, especially helms and shields. It's the reason why Foebane and similar items look like and not like in the EEs...or that the Ravager looks like an actual sweet halberd (EE/1PP) instead of a silly pitchfork like it does in the vanilla game (and never mind the massive coloring and sprite and paperdoll work throughout the game in general). Erephine (the creator of 1PP) worked with the EE devs to get some of her work integrated into the EE. So for those of us on non-EE installs (whether because we don't feel like buying them or because we genuinely prefer the originals - I count myself in the latter category), it's nice to be able to install 1PP and IR together to get all the excellent work that she did. With vanilla IR, you can't do it because IR has a partial integration of a very old version of 1PP that's incompatible with the latest (1ppv4) - it creates all sorts of bugs and glitches between the two if you try to install them together as-is. That's why I made my version of the mod - so you could actually install them together free of issues - but somewhere along the way, I also got involved in fixing what I perceived to be the issues of IR, including what I thought was "bad", underutilized, and/or imbalanced items, items that mysteriously weren't touched at all by IR - not even a standardized item description update - and a few other things. Like I said, if I could do it all over again, I'd start with compatibility issues first, and then move into design tweaks separately, but it's too late for that, I think. Also, as said above, the fact that Mike doesn't want to remove the partial integration of 1pp (for the purposes of letting it be handled by the latest version of 1PP or the EEs, both of which handle it better and more completely than I think IR can hope to achieve at this point short of putting in a massive amount of work to attempt to integrate 1ppv4) is a very serious hurdle to clear here. So yeah, maybe this won't ever be used too much, but Mike did at least graciously give me the O.K. to post it, which means it's at least here and people could use it if they wanted. About all I can ask for right now, I think, especially considering that this was entirely for my own use originally anyways. (e): Also, thanks for inspiring me to test its installation on BG2:EE. There was one small problem that prevented Store Revisions from being properly installed, but now everything should install correctly in version 1.08c. Should work the same for EET installs. Still no fixed descriptions for EE-only items, but I don't know what the new items are: if somebody wanted to give me a list of new items from the EE (just give me their names, or point me to another website that lists them), them I could standardize their descriptions to match IR's descriptions.
  21. I don't know how I can really solve that, though. Look at the package and compare it to the main IR package. Open up IR's language file and open up mine: it's too different to really reconcile the two. What am I supposed to do, submit suggested changes for all 1000+ changes (plus all the additional text for newly handled items)? Mike has already looked at my text file and incorporated what he wanted of it...there are simply creative differences here. For example, I really don't like "ungrounded" text: text like "Immunity to confusion and feeblemindness" that just sits there awkwardly. I prefer something like "Protects Against: Confusion and Feeblemindedness". I would be open to changing the "Protects Against:" bit to something else, ("Effect Immunity:"?) but I wouldn't want to abandon the grounded text entirely, so my only option is to maintain my own fork. And that's just the text: there are a ton of graphical change reversions so that it's compatible with 1PP for non-EE installs (and from what I'm seeing of BG2:EE right now, IRR should be, if anything, more compatible than base IR due to the 1PP reversions - any improved graphics from the EEs should stay mostly the same, with the exception of paperdoll/sprite stuff...but if people want me to fix that to more closely match the EEs, I could probably figure something out for that by having alternate .itm files installed contingent upon it detecting the install being an EE, too): there's also design tweaks (for example, non-+5 Flail of Ages now always cause one effect of one of the heads, regardless of whether there's 5 heads or only 1, instead of the flat 20% that causes non-+5 FoAs to sometimes cause no effect at all - I suggested this change years ago, and it was rejected for reasons I never really understood; I even slightly reduced the durations of the effects to try to balance it a little). In my item_rev/itm directory, there's currently 1,111 changed files (most of them very minor). So what's a guy to do except make his own fork, right? (e): Also, Mike didn't want to integrate the 1PP reversions, so that's another pretty huge wrench in trying to reconcile the two different versions: it's the entire reason I made this. That's just a no-go. And there's the problem: compatibility fixes, bug fixes, and design tweaks have all been jumbled together because it was originally just for me. So how do you propose that I fix this, exactly? I can't really think of any good solutions...
  22. Yes, that is correct: compatibility fixes for SR (and a couple of other mods), new items that were never handled by IR, a lot of text fixes, a near total reversion of 1PP, and some other tweaks and fixes. This was originally made totally for myself, and so I didn't create a changelog* of things that I did to start with or really have an eye towards "what other people want vs. what I want". I've actually spent a lot of time reverting some of things that I figured people wouldn't want (a few of the stronger item redesigns that I was experimenting with). Keep in mind that this was made (but not released) before your newest version of IR: I reported literally dozens of bugs and oversights over the years, and they went unfixed for forever - until you decided to take a shot at it very recently. So I decided to start fixing them myself...and then also started tweaking items for balance or usability purposes, and then, on top of that, tried to revise items a little that weren't ever changed by IR to begin with (the golem tomes, Jade Hound Figurine, the bonus merchant items, etc.). It's O.K. if people don't use it: at this point, I'm not sure how it's realistically possible that people "should know" to use it. I don't think it can be integrated into the BWS as is (although the 1PP installer fixes probably could with relative ease into the Big Fixpack, and I would love if it they were), so it's probably hard for people to figure out that exists in the first place. If I could go back, what I would do is create a 1PP-friendly and bug-fixed version of the mod first...and then have the tweaks separate. But it was too late by the time I realized that maybe my work should be perhaps shared. Additionally, even if I had done that, Mike showed no interest in integrating the 1PP-friendly part of the mod, which I feel is the most important (...and time-consuming) part of my fork, and was a big reason why I started making a new fork at all. 1PP makes the vanilla game look so much better in such a variety of ways (item icons, paperdolls, and sprites, spell icons and spell effect graphics, UI tweaks, etc.), and it was so annoying not being able to install all of these mods together properly. So...if you use my fork of the mod, now you can, which is what encouraged me to release this fork at all: so people would finally have a properly working option for installing IR and 1PP together. *Again, I will eventually make this...when I have more time and am not in pain recovering from surgery still. (e): Additionally, like I said before, I have literally no idea what the status of IR (or IRR) is for the EEs. I guess I could try it out myself to see how things look, at the very least. Furthermore, I could integrate the EE-only items in regards to the descriptions, at the very least, so that they match the general format of IR's items...but since I probably won't ever use the EEs except for that purpose, I have little interest in trying to revise them myself. Is greater EE-compatibility and integration a thing that would encourage people to use this fork more?
  23. A little later than I wanted, but version 1.08 is up. Changelog: 1. Fixed the slightly revised Tree of Life Fruit not actually showing up in-game (and also explains how much it actually heals, which is 50). 2. Revised the Book of Infinite Spells a little. The spells it holds are Fireball, Improved Invisibility, Stoneskin, True Seeing, Dispel Magic, Cone of Cold, Invisible Stalker, Cloudkill, Lightning Bolt, Breach, and Hold Monster. Instead of potentially being stuck on the "last page" of the book for forever, you can now only turn a page once per day, and what you get starts with 0 charges for that sleep cycle (so you could use the current spell and then turn the page but not be able to use the new spell until you rest again). I never liked the "stuck on the last page" mechanic, because it just encouraged save-scumming and then staying on the same page for forever once you got one of the only two good spells. Now, you can change it a little more freely (but without automatically being able to go to the exact spell you might want) and the spell selection is way better and more balanced. Hopefully, this makes for a little more fun item. The current selection of spells may perhaps be a little strong, though: I'm open to changing them if people feel that's the case. 3. Re-enabled the Amulet of Health for the Trademeet artifact/nobleman peddler when using the store revisions component. As a side-effect, Lord Khellon (the normally evil-only NPC that spawns when you exit the Lord Merchant's home in Trademeet - I did not even know this guy existed until just a few days ago because I usually play a neutral character) no longer gives this as a reward for poisoning the Druid Grove, but now instead gives a Ring of Protection +2 and more gold (5000 instead of 1000 - the reasoning being that if you take the evil path for this quest, you're locked out of the High Merchant's 10000 gold reward, and so the evil path just really kind of sucked in the vanilla game: this makes it at least a little more fair). 4. The item machine in Spellhold (that gives Prismatic Chain/various pairs of boots) is revised a little when using the Store Revisions component: it no longer gives extra pairs of boots that you can find elsewhere in the game, but there are now an additional 4 tokens hidden in the area so that you can buy both the unique pair of boots and the unique armor. Also enabled was unused/improperly coded dialogue that never showed up for when you obtained all items in the machine: now when you buy both the boots and the armor, it actually displays it like it was supposed to. 5. Fixed some (self-inflicted) improper description handling of just a few "unusable" items (like Aegis-fang +5 that's Wulfgar-only - note: not the Aegis-fang +3 that that he drops upon death) that were causing problems with usable variants, as well as NPC-specific items like Firecam Armor, Flasher Launcher, etc. 6. Changed the strength requirements and weights of the Pantaloon quest reward items to more closely match the originals. I made them somewhat harsh in order to try to balance them a little, but what the heck, they're supposed to be silly and ridiculous items, so who cares? 7. Removed the Ring of Opportunity from starting dungeon. I thought it would be fun to replace the Ring of Protection +1 on the statue at the end of the dungeon with it so that you could continue having it, but apparently you can already import this(?), so it's been reverted. Additionally, immediately having a permanent +1 luck item was a little strong in hindsight, so it's probably for the best anyways. 8. Fixed the charges of some items (for example, the Rod of Resurrection starting out with 10 charges, and Greagan's Harp starting with 0 charges). 9. Fixed a compatibility problem regarding the Horn/Claw of Kazgaroth with Almateria's(sp?) Restoration Project. Now the two should match each other...if ARP is installed before IR (which it is in the default BWS install order). 10. Fixed an incompatibility problem between Unfinished Business and IR regarding Bala's Axe: IR would equip it to Mencar Pebblecrusher (from the inn in Waukeen's Promenade), and UB would place it in the engine room in the Planar Sphere. Previously, I fixed this by just letting Mencar keep his default weapon, buuut if you don't have UB installed, then it wouldn't be in the game at all, which isn't great. Therefore, IR will now remove it from the Planar Sphere (note: UB should be installed before IR, and again, it is in the default BWS setup) and equip it to Mencar again. 11. Moved World's Edge +3 (the "unique" BG1/T Two-Handed Sword +3) from Joluv's to the artifact/nobleman peddler in Trademeet. 12. Ribald's Ring of Regeneration is more difficult to steal again (I previously made it a little easier from vanilla IR, but it was perhaps a little too easy: now it's only very slightly easier than normal IR). 13. Fixed a few text problems. (edit): Version 1.08b changelog: fixed a few MORE text problems (...a couple of instances where "an" or "a" were incorrectly used, such as in the Harmonium Halberd and Azlaer's Harp, and also I apparently didn't know the difference between "true" (base) class and single-class).
  24. I actually don't know for sure about EE, as I've never played a modded EE game (as I prefer the originals). Vanilla IR is clearly based on the originals, but I just don't know how it would work. If somebody wanted to do a cursory test and see how things looked and get back to me to maybe fix some problems if there are any, feel free. (E): Thinking about it, I would expect my version of IR to be more compatible on paper, since it no longer adds 1pp stuff (some of which is already integrated into EE, if I'm not mistaken), so that, in theory, should lead to a less problem-filled install, but again, as I haven't even tested it ever, I don't even know if IR installs at all to begin with. I will eventually compile a total list of changes here, but I've been recovering from wrist surgery the past two weeks and therefore haven't been able to do much recently. Typing even this one-handed is painful, haha. I will have a new version with a few fixes and changes out probably tonight or tomorrow, though. I just have to write out the changes first...
  25. No problem! Download 1.03c: https://github.com/BartyMae/1pp_fixes/tree/master/1pp 1. Although I mentioned it above, I actually forgot to make the "improved projectiles" component of 1pp compatible with SR's Protection from Missiles, whoops! 2. Additionally, I looked more into 1pp's spell tweaks component, and realized that the Cause Wounds spells were supposed to receive a special graphical effect when hitting the opponent, so I made it patch that in (instead of overwriting it), if it detects that SR is installed. 3. Finally, I also re-enabled the "IWD-style icons for cause wound spells" Spell Tweaks sub-option for SR installs because I realized that people may want that...but it'll do it without overwriting SR's spells if you select it. 4. 1.02b: I forgot that IR adds melee/throwing variants to axes and daggers, and they weren't getting the improved projectiles like the base item. Now they do, if they exist. 5. 1.02c: Fixed some of the problems with the projectiles (merged with BWP Fixpack's fixes that I had apparently overlooked). 6. 1.02d: Fixed a small mistake occurring to SHLD24.itm. 7. 1.02e: Fixed the BG1 version of Edwin's Amulet not getting its unique icon; fixed Spell Revisions' Beastmaster's Protection from Missiles not receiving proper missile immunity from 1PP projectiles. 8. 1.03: Fixed a big oversight caused by the BWPFP's fixes making it so much of the component did not work, as well as bolt09 not getting its unique animation due to another "wrong file" patch. 9. 1.03a: Fixed a bunch of miscellaneous stuff in the v2 core component. Additionally, made sure both versions of Spider's Bane are consistent with each other, fixed a few incorrectly assigned plate icons along with a bunch of incorrectly assigned description icons, a compatibility fix for IR/R for Scimitar +3 and Sword of Flame +1, a fix for Helm of Defense, and the restoration of Harbinger's icon that was mysteriously getting overwritten. 10. 1.03b: Fixed Boomerang Dagger getting its icon overwritten for no reason and Long Sword +2 having its colors set to that of Long Sword +3's. 11. 1.03c: A minor compatibility fix with the latest version of IRR. It does not require the previous update. Any other problems with 1PP that people can think of, feel free to let me know and I'll try to fix those as well. Finally, I'll reiterate the previous install order: 1PP should be installed after both IRR and SR, but before Infinity Animations. If you are not installing IRR, then it should be after SR but some of it before and some of it after IR if you're installing that instead (unless you're Salk, and you know what you're doing). I'd refer to what IR says in regards to install order (although I believe it says to install the "improved projectiles" bit before IR, but it should actually be after now with my fixes). Otherwise, both IRR and SR will revert many of the patching changes it makes. With the 1pp fixes above, I *think* 1pp and SR should be one hundred percent compatible at this point assuming you install 1PP after.
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