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Everything posted by kreso

  1. For the new upload - Trolls give EXP before they actually die; i.e. when he goes down unconciuss, exp is granted. When he's killed with fire, you get no exp. No big deal I guess. I've met another unkillable troll - Spellhold, the room with Bone Club, there are 3 trolls there, and one of them seems to be immune to death. - one of those trolls in De'Arnise which spawn from the dead troll near Yuan-ti mage dies without fire/acid (altough, this to me seems like the best solution ).
  2. I tried installing newest version. It won't install - I think something within TP2 is messed up a bit, getting a PARSE error.
  3. I tried it out again. It does not bounce off Minor Spell Turning on my party members. It may be something with spells SCS uses as pre-buff. Power level is set correctly to 0 apart "Display portrait icon", I've set it to 0. I'll see soon if it happens again.
  4. Wizard Slayer's Disruptive Strike bounces off Minor Spell Turning.
  5. Cool, but it's EE only . Otoh, I don't see anything wrong with Single Weapon Style as it is....it's the only way apart cheating on DEX one can have -26 AC.
  6. Your Mind Flayers seem to be working fine. They kill just as fast, if not faster, than before. Haven't tried tanking them with a mage, but they do rip through fighters relatively fast. I only fought the battle in the sewers, it was of decent difficulty, and expect the one in Underdark to be slightly harder, which is good. Anyhow, a proposal for them - once a character is hit, he gets that potrait icon "hit by Mind Flayer". Unless you want that characters hit by them regenerate (or heal up) the lost health after a while, similar to how intelligence drain worked, you might want to reduce the duration of the icon, or remove it i.e. - I know I'm hit, I just lost half my health.
  7. Net effect - like a mage who was under some kind of invisibility casted a spell. I must say this is quite underwhelming, moreso since it slows you, which in turn opens you up for backstabs.
  8. Enlighten me then...what good is it? If a target is invisible, it will be made visible? It will not dispel Mirror Images however?
  9. Demi, can you check if Ranger Tracking does something (anything)? I'm trying it out, but no illusions get dispelled. I tried something with NI, but still it won't work.
  10. Nice changes. Unfortunately, I killed most of trolls and I don't think I'll meet more before Lum the Mad level in WK, which is a long way from where I'm standing. Fwiw, I didn't use Flail of Ages on trolls, nobody has pips in flails yet, only "regular" weapons like Lirarcor and Sword of Chaos. Maybe Valygar's poison katana, but I don't think so. Regardless, it only happened once or twice that the Spectral troll was killed w/o specific damage type. I'll pay more attention if it happens again so I can give you more specific info.
  11. I know I'm a bit late (blame Christmas) but I found some time to play yesterday. I didn't yet encounter Mind Flayers but I just finished De'Arnise with "less tiresome Trolls" installed. I noticed several things: - their death script fires faster, that is good - casting Death spell on them grants you experience. They "die" but go unconciuss, and can be killed with fire again, doubling the exp. If I cast Death spell twice, they rise up, only to fall unconciuss again. - Ice Troll in De'Arnise 2nd floor (the little one near Yuan-ti mage and that splitting Troll) is unkillable. Tried Ctrl-y, Fire, Acid, he won't die. Will see if it's local for him or Planar Sphere gives home to more unkillable Ice Trolls. - Spectral Troll in basement got hit for +30 damage and was chunked , only to "compose" himself again. EDIT: Ice Troll unkillability is apperantly specific to that particular troll. Other Ice Trolls die normally. Some Spectral Trolls don't need fire or acid to die, some do. I was unable to reproduce chunking of Spectral Troll in Druid grove area - they all died normally (and appeared at night only).
  12. Trolls: And this could be enough. I find them so terribly annoying that I wait for a caster to hit level 12 so I can use Death Spell to get rid of them immidiately, no way will I bother with that otherwise. If you need some info, I don't think you do but here is a rather nice info page, not only about Trolls. Umber Hulks: Good. As for cave-in, you might wanna use a less severe (or normal?) Earthquake. Yuan-ti: Yes. Others: I can only speak for myself - but your proposed changes sound great. There's imo little need to tinker with AI (I personally think SCS has reached the "peak" as far as the engine allows). That's quite subjective. You also get an extra apr with a throwing dagger. Yeah. It's still cool, but that's my subjective opinion. I haven't tested it (with newest patch EE2 looks worse than BG2 in 640 resolution, they messed up UI completely somehow) but it installs correctly with newest Weidu. You might have already made it EE compatible. I don't know, I ain't playing it until they sort it out properly. It's turning into a big dissapointment for me. Hopefully they'll put out a patch before Christmas, but I wouldn't bet on it. It adds a Vampire NPC which looks and sounds as she came from somewhere around river Nile, if it matters anything to you. Yup. Moreover, readme doesn't say how one should do it. Just get it away from General Modding - only people who know it's there will look for it. Once it has a forum on the main page, then people will start downloading it. EDIT: It's apperanlty (at least partially) compatible with EE. Jaheira got sling, quartrstaff, 2-handed weapon and spear, Minsc is a Barbarian.
  13. @polytope I've installed the newest version of your mod, alas after SCS. Readme says that Alhoons won't be affected by relevant component, but that's fine (SCS Alhoon is crafty as he is). I will give you feedback once I meet the bastards head-to-tentacles, which should happen before next weekend. For spell system, I usually use SR+SCS component of Antimagic tweaks - if I didn't I'd use your tweaks and Spellpack. Any buff to Transmuter is good (for some reason, I never found Diviner so weak - he has ADHW, he has PFMW, he has Abjurations, what more does one need? apart Wish that is). What I'd like to see more than spell changes is creature changes. Trolls, Umber Hulks, Yuan-ti, Githyanki (such an interesting concept of a race) and similar stuff. Since you have the know-how, know the game well - why not make them more interesting? NPC changes are good - even if I'd prefer having Jaheira with a shield, I can't see her dualwielding ever since I played with Weimer's Item Upgrade poison scimitar. And a few suggestions: - make your mod EE compatible (I doubt you will but....) - do rename Weidu into setup file - it's not like "common knowledge" - ask admins for a proper forum Anyhow, will get back to you when first Mind Flayer dies to my sword. Or vice versa, he eats some brains.
  14. Imo, the coolest effect for Quarry would be AC penalty, physical res penalty and additional +2 bonus to AC and saves vs all members of Quarry target race, like a version of Racial Enemy.
  15. It's not a big deal for gameplay. Gonna try him out, will report back afternoon.
  16. It's working now. It will free him from Stun (I assume Hold as well, need to check, but can't right now), it will not free him from Web. Web will make him berserk, however.
  17. Ok. Will re-install now, I couldn't get it to work with my tweaks. Brb.
  18. Well, I updated my last post, edited the files involved to see if it would change anything and if the implementation was wrong. It still apperantly doesn't account for Stun nor Web. I'll try out some stuff with Edwin and see what is "helpless" anyway. I know that casting "Project Image" triggers "helpless" contingeny. EDIT; There's indeed something wrong. Edwin's contingency triggers if he's stunned. Or webbed.
  19. It would suit him for more than one reason. Anyway, I need some info about level 5 ability. Which effects should trigger it? I just had my berserker knocked unconciuss but he didn't go berserk (he was winded, if that matters). Is it always active? Anyhow, going to test this out against Stun and see if it works there. EDIT: It doesn't make him "un-stunned". Maybe it shouldn't be "cast spell on condition" but "cast spell" - "cast spell on condition", similar to what was the problem when we were trying on-hit Frenzy?
  20. I'm browsing some berserker files in NI. In OS file, "protection from spell - OS" seems to have probability set to 0. Don't know if this matters any. Rage at level 1 gives you both a +2 penalty to Breath and a +2 bonus to Breath (should be Death). Since you don't want to give immunities back to Rage, a rather simple way to make sure that he gets into battle relatively fast (I still have to check his level 5 contingency) would be that Rage gives you a short lasting movement speed increase and an initiative bonus (+4 to weapon speed), somewhere 3 or 6 seconds would do it. Just an alternative if Helpless condition doesn't cover it all.
  21. Thanks. Anyway, creating a new berserker character sends you straight to desktop. Fixed locally, the kit description is too long.
  22. And one more thing, somehow always gets overlooked - the updated description for "Revised Grandmastery". That'd be really nice.
  23. Great news! I picked up some kind of viral infection so I'm quite weak, but there's still some strenght left for frenzy I guess. Np. I was thinking about making Frenzy duration scale backwards with levels from 9 to 6 (more apr) but this could be ok also.
  24. Fair point. It's a very good spell for it's level.
  25. UH "Smite Undead" checks for both "evil" and "Undead", so it doesn't work on those damn neutral skeletons. I didn't give feedback on the Stalker but what I'd suggest is to increase "Swift Invisibility" casting time by 1 - it's so swift AI can barely respond In my game, Stalker could still use any weapon but this is probably due to Refinements messing up the flags.
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