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Everything posted by kreso

  1. Great idea. Imo, irrelevant. I succesfully (?) installed SR on BG2:EE but have yet to see if it works. That's a Smite icon, in BG2, BG ee, BG2 ee. String displayed: "Challenge Evil". Strictly EE specific. Afaik RR also had this problem.
  2. "normal stance" is per default, both OS and DS have a set duration of 36 seconds (1 game turn). Once active, icon shows on portrait. When duration expires, so does the icon dissapear.
  3. Berserker Rage at level 19 doesn't give immunities, "protection from spell" opcode should go last in line since it prevents other effects from working. Also, "prevent portrait icon - Sleep" effect should be added. @yarpen It's working correctly. Check character sheet after using OS/DS. What I do is enable "extra combat info" via ToBEx so each and every bonus/penalty etc. shows on rolls. P.S. there's no "normal" stance. There will be I recon, eventually.
  4. @leania Your Weidu-log is very similar to my own, apart from those tweaks Demivrgvs mentioned, but they don't mess with Rage. People seem to have mods misbehaving on other installs as well with EE, see SCS for example. I don't know what causes these issues. Hopefully another patch is coming out soon so the new kit descriptions (Archer's doesn't show up in EE for example) and other problems will be fixed. I usually don't even report bugs for EE since I rarely play it, and even if Demivrgvs fixes them there's no telling what a new patch might do.
  5. Barbarian's Rage works correctly on my EE...there are other things wrong on EE (revised XP table don't work for me, and the Revised GM description is wrong. Oddly enough, in EE2, Revised GM description is correct, XP table works fine, but some strings are messed up e.g. berseker's Offensive Stance....but modding for EE is shooting at a moving target).
  6. Apperantly, this mod is fully compatible with EE. To my utmost surprise, even correct strings get displayed (i.e. Uberhulk's gaze, Darkness etc.). @polytope - you might want to announce it on EE forums, since people there are in a state of mod starvation unfortunately. Anyhow, the creature changes are great, I love Umber Elders, these are now fairly dangerous. I have cleared Nalia's Keep and met no unkillable trolls, everything seems to work as it should. Great addition to SCS...this is quite a must-have for me. Anyways, some more suggestions: 1) Shadows - for me, these are arguably the most annoying opponents in game until (possibly) Anomen can Turn them. Two hits, and it's time to rest of the damn strenght drain. Lower duration perhaps? 2) Sahaugin - these can have some neat special traits. I'd love to see them improved, since their city is nothing more than a farming ground for exp 3) Mists - fairly interesting in PnP, BG2 makes them only annoying to deal with. I'd find much more in BG1, but I don't know if you play TuTu or BGT.
  7. Afaik, it ain't possible to make Stalker backstab only his Quarry.
  8. The current downloadable version doesn't include setup-randomizer and setup-randomizer.exe.
  9. You can use Rogue Rebalancing version if you're unhappy with vanilla uber-1-shot-kill-everything-poison.
  10. Berserker's Offensive Stance still has a 10% probability to cast (Deathless) Frenzy.
  11. Odd indeed, but I know what went wrong with it on my install. Fixed, and probably others won't have this issue.
  12. Afaik, backstab immune monsters are as rare as talkative Stalkers in this game.
  13. It's fine then in the version I have from yesterday. More of Cavalier: - Challenge Evil is wacky with movement speed bonus. DVCL222B has a Movement Rate bonus in negative values, which causes wrap-around to warp speed. String "shielded" is displayed on Cavalier as well.
  14. This sounds nice. Anyhow, berserker's Intimidating Rage - in the kit description it says it forces a save vs spells. In game, it forces a save vs death. Which is correct? I'd obviusly prefer spell save.
  15. I'm experienced . Here's another - Challenge Evil covers everyone in vicinity, including Cavalier's target.
  16. Speaking of paladins, Cavalier isn't excluded from his new Sanctuary...he also seems to get cover.
  17. Well, in PnP, he does have "Inspire Frenzy" anyway....you might as well keep it.
  18. I hope you got last two edits of above post.
  19. - berserker rage uses barbarian's icon, don't know if this is intended - any hit while in rage displays "deathless frenzy" string, apperantly the probability under Melee header for level 5 Rage is set to 100 to fire off DF. - also, he doesn't get Deathless Frenzy at 20th level. CLAB error - he gains GA_SPCL323A and should GA_DVCL323A - you can also use Deathless Frenzy on other people
  20. Glad we agree. Playing shorties sometimes feels like I'm cheating, even tough I love Dwarves. If it's convinient, sure. If not, no big deal anyway; don't let it delay you. Berserker I made it so in my current run as well. Ok. Exellent. I love OS. Just for the record, a 100 damage critical hit on Imix is the highest damage I rolled so far with the old Frenzy+Rage+OS+Silver Sword. Could be theoretically higher, but I aint' complaining . O.o. Lovely. Ok. This (diehard) I changed in my run to a spell which triggers whenever berserker gets hit (at least this trigger works, unlike the others) he gets 1 hp back. 2 hp at level 14, and then his final upgrade Deathless Frenzy at 17. It works nice at high levels, but poison would ruin it completely - you'd get healed by taking damage. My berserker is now immune to poison so he don't care. I'm not against it as a HLA, but w/o berserking part. Helpless checks for any movement disable and sleep/unconciuss. It does not check confusion, fear, charm. Deathless Frenzy Seems nice, I'd vote for 2nd option and simply implement whatever Rage immunities are there to DF.
  21. They should me immune to Maze (they never get lost, but why would you use Maze on a Minotaur anyway?), have Power Attack (chance to stun?) and Bull Rush - gore attack with horns (movement speed increase, charge nearest target, short lasting Hold/Stun/Slow effect?). In addition, they're never caught flat-footed (immune to backstab).
  22. Those are very fast updates. I don't know if you've done something with Fire Trolls in Fire Giants Temple.... Umber Hulks seems nice. Willing to do something with the Minotaurs? Aren't they supposed to be actually scary in PnP? 3k exp for a target that never hits you and is slow like a slime isn't exactly a fun way to level up. This is turning into quite a mod, btw.
  23. An idea to consider - as is well known, dwarves, halflings and gnomes gain a powerful boost to their saving throws....perhaps a bit too powerful (+5 to spells, death (not gnomes) and wands). Since none of the PnP drawbacks of playing a race such as those are implemented in BG, how about making a component that nerfs these slightly (+2, +3)?
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