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Posts posted by Lianos

  1. On 7/13/2023 at 4:42 PM, subtledoctor said:

    Something like, 

    “Download Tweaks Anthology, copy ‘setup-CDTweaks.exe’ and rename the copy to ‘setup-Spell_rev.exe’”


    I think this would be sufficient.


    On 7/13/2023 at 4:42 PM, subtledoctor said:

    Or download the Weidu executable from Pocketplane, which I think has instructions for use? But honestly, grabbing another mod and renaming is easier. 

    I used the current version from Github. No instruction for my use case is included. This is why I failed. The simple "rename it"-solution is not documented. (Please remember I am an end user, so apologies for my brute force approach)

    I did not stumbled across a link to pocketplane on my quest. However, pocketplane seems to point in the direction of github for newest version anyway.

  2. On 6/16/2023 at 2:46 PM, grodrigues said:

    Can you be more explicit about your difficulties? This is something so obvious, and even trivial to me, that I have a genuinely hard time gauging other people's difficulties and write up fool-proof instructions.

    1. I install BG to c:\BG
    2. I copy the spell_rev folder to c:\BG
    3. I open a command line, change directory to the BG installation dir and do weinstall spell_rev (cited your instruction here)
    4. I get an error: weinstall is an unknown command
    5. I switched to the referenced link:But there is no instruction for instlalling WeiDU on Windows. >> "For Windows and macOS players, WeiDU is included with mods. It’s not something you need to download yourself."
    6. I tried to install WeiDU anyway via https://github.com/WeiDUorg/weidu/releases but there is no installation file, only executables
    7. I tried to use the executables via command line, but without success - at this point I gave up and asked for help 🙂
  3. On 5/24/2023 at 1:21 PM, grodrigues said:

    Anyone reading this, should hop to the SpellRevisions GitHub and download the most recent 4.19rc3 where these and many other bugs are fixed.

    @grodrigues Can you please give a brief instruction how to install 4.19rc3? I'm on Windows 11. I tried to follow your instructions under README.md, but with no success. The linked guide states "At a minimum, every mod will add a folder and a setup-ModName.exe file to your game folder."


  4. @Bartimaeus What about this?

    On 9/24/2021 at 9:22 PM, Lianos said:
    On 9/24/2021 at 7:18 PM, Lianos said:

    In combination with SRR, the installation of SCS 34.3 gives errors for druid.tph (there is no error without SRR)

    In ...\stratagems\priest\spellchoices_defensive\demivrgvs\druid.tph Line 41 a bracket is missing.

    should be

    This fixed it for me.

  5. On 11/2/2021 at 8:43 AM, Bartimaeus said:

    V1.3.700 released.

    Great work!

    On 11/2/2021 at 8:43 AM, Bartimaeus said:

    Please, nobody find any major bugs with this, because I don't want to work on this in a big way for at least a few weeks.

    I'm done with my playthroughs for a while, so enjoy your time 😉

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