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Gibberling Poobah
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Everything posted by CamDawg

  1. Don't worry about me, I've got plenty on my list before I catch up. Take a break and concentrate on your finals--they're more important.
  2. Nov 24 - CamDawg Polished off a few more NPCs worth of banters, including a massive Edwin song--definitely my fave banter so far. Added interjections and finalized two NPCs worth of banters. I have some free time over the Thanksgiving holiday; I'm hoping to get the last of the banters coded and begin work on the planned quests. Added s'more scripting, including Del's aversion to silver.
  3. *sigh* Of course Elvis is dead--it's his brain that's being preserved. It's being kept in a storadkfkak..&klj!@l;sad.^%$ [NO CARRIER]
  4. Nov 20 - CamDawg Woo hoo! Officially passed the halfway mark with NPC banters; eight NPCs have been coded. Finalized and implemented changes to the Belladonna item. Updated to WeiDU v141, stuck it in a box and called it Alpha v3. "Encouraged" Bri to reduce a 56-continue banter with Keldorn.
  5. Nov 18 - CamDawg Knocked down banters for two more NPCs. Realized that of all of the banters coded so far only one of the characters is currently in my playtesting party. I'll post a screenshot of a working banter when I get the chance. Got tired of typing @, = and ~, so I coded s'more scripts for Delainy and worked on compatibility with Weimer's shapeshifter rebalancing. Fixed bugs in the last alpha build. Plans are still to finish coding banters. @Bri
  6. Nov 16 - CamDawg After a lazy Saturday in San Francisco, buckled down and got some work done today. Discovered the nuances, wonder, and beauty of state weighting while muttering and growling, trying to debug my dialogue files. Banters for three NPC's are coded and working, just eclipsing the 300 mark for lines of dialogue.
  7. Nov 14 - CamDawg I saw this on the DLTC site, and thought it might be a good way to promote the illusion that I'm working. It has the added bonus of being entertaining as well, on par with Vogon poetry. Started making a list of stuff still left to do. Bad idea, very discouraging. Got a beer; list looks better.
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