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Gibberling Poobah
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Posts posted by CamDawg

  1. Yeah, 'ongoing' is basically a committed thread where folks keep posting bugs. And while 'open' and no tags are roughly the same, when they're tagged 'open' they get added to the search results--which I've been using as a to-do list.

  2. I've spent the last couple of days wading through the forum, trying to make sure bug reports don't get missed. As such, I've started using the tagging system to track topics and settled on the following tags:

    • open - A bug report for which no action has been taken yet, or needs investigation.
    • need-info - A bug report we can't replicate and we're waiting on the original bug reporter for more information.
    • closed - A bug report that we're not taking action on for a variety of reasons: could be a duplicate, not a bug, fix is worse than the bug, &c.
    • committed - A bug report that has been fixed and added to the repo.
    • ongoing - One of a handful of threads where folks keep reporting bugs and the fixes are a running process.
    • meta - For tagging threads (like this one) where the content is informational or a discussion.

    The six tags above are meant to be exclusive--e.g nothing should get an 'ongoing' and 'committed' tag.

    • code - Used to denote issues we can't make to the engine or codebase or where a code change would result in a better bugfix.
    • bgee, bg2ee, iwdee, pstee - When a bug is moved to committed, the game gets tagged to help documentation.

    These tags are nonexclusive, though I generally wait until a bug has been committed to add the game tags.

    Don't worry about tagging posts; one of the devs will handle it. Suggestions for the existing tags or for new ones are welcome!


  3. Fixed, though as noted by Bubb above, this needs to be fixed in code. Also note that while this will mitigate the crashes with the pregens, you can still get crashes if you import a character with equipment into the first slot.

    Issues with the starting equipment table has also been fixed.

  4. 9 minutes ago, polytope said:

    In P&P it's 4hp/round, in BG2EE it's 4hp/sec. i.e. 24hp/round base, doubled to 48hp/round due to the planetar's permanent haste, they're regenerating 12 fold what they legitimately should!

    Yeah, this. If it was 4 hp/round--even doubled to 8 due to haste--I'd be inclined to leave it be, but this is Bugged Karoug levels of silliness.

  5. From Discord:

    Bubb said:

    The crux of it is the engine uses a hack because the new character is "levelling-up" to the HoW starting experience, so it puts the character creation engine into the levelling up state. IWD-mode has a specific branch to correct the state after proficiencies, though the error condition still treats things as if this is a failed level-up. "Cancel" has the engine exit to the character screen. The character screen ticks the worldscreen, thus crash. The "Level up" option doesn't handle the transition to spells correctly because it thinks this is a level-up, and you don't select starting spells during level-up. Not fixable without a code fix.

    CamDawg said:

    Damn. I was hoping it was a UI thing and we could just copy the BG2EE workflow.

    Bubb said:

    Dan_P makes a valid point though

    if you clear all the premade party members suddenly it works

    CamDawg said:

    Yeah, just saw his post, so it gets goofier.

    Bubb said:


    it's checking the items of the first character against the current-being-created character

    since the pregen characters are imported with items already in their inventory, the real problem is that the 1A1FIGHT has items that the cleric can't use, like a Two-Handed Sword (edited)

    CamDawg said:

    So you could still conceivably run into this is you were making multiple party members yourself? Or is this tied to the party being premade?

    Bubb said:

    I think the engine adds the starting items after creation, when you hit "done" on the party menu

    so a completely user-created party isn't affected

    CamDawg said:

    Well, that gives us a viable workaround.

    We can strip the premade of items and use their override scripts to populate their inventories for games starting in HoW directly.

  6. Trying to assign illegal items in ToB results in the items being moved to inventory and not this popup, so it's possible this needs a UI fix instead.

    The problem is widespread--since strength is checked, pretty much any low STR character has a good chance to encounter this with the default armor or weapon.

  7. What's happening

    1. Start a new HoW game in IWDEE.
    2. Delete one of the existing pregen party members.
    3. In the open slot, make a trueclass cleric of evil alignment.
    4. After selecting your weapon pips, you're presented with this screen:
    5. Clicking 'cancel' crashes the game. Clicking 'level up' takes you to the appearance part of chargen, bypassing spell selection.

    What should be happening

    When you select your weapon pips, this popup should not happen and you proceed to spell selection


    HoW uses 25stweap.2da to give default equipment to new NPCs. The default helmet for clerics is the Blessed Helm of Lathander, an item disallowed for evil clerics. This prompts the popup from (what appears to be) the dual-classing menu.

    Swapping in a different helmet is easy, however, all items in the table require review to avoid incidents with other kit/class/race combos.

  8. 2 hours ago, subtledoctor said:

    How many weapons set proficiencies for their own use?

    The Black Blade of Disaster.

    edit: To clarify, SoD Belhifet does apply a few (to scale it for difficulty) as does Wilson with his undroppable paw. Neither of these can cause this bug so we don't need to change them--BBoD is the only one we need to do this song-and-dance for.

  9. IWDEE can't decide on whether 'outer planar' is hyphenated or not. I noticed this when Three White Doves uses both in its description:

    • Not hyphenated: Debian's Rod of Smiting (21491), Solemn Duty (40018), destruction message from Three White Doves (40195)
    • Hyphenated: Star Metal Cudgel (24254)
    • Both: Three White Doves (21625), Gate (hyphenated in 35839, 36832; not hyphenated in 14315, 17352, but the latter two are unused)
    • One word: none

    A similar issue with 'extra planar'

    • Hyphenated: History of the North (7319, 13177)
    • One word: all of the cure/cause wounds (3807, 7469, 7533, 7896, 7954, 8788, 11185, 11194, 11202, 12323, 12325, 18613, 18729, 21478, 25920, 35853, 35958, 35972, 35982, 36190, 36295, 36327, 36345, 36366, 36397, 36402, 40254), Beltyn's Burning Blood (6513), paladin class and blackguard kit descriptions (37128, 37145), unused axe of hurling (39523), Favor of Ilmater (40772)
    • Not hyphenated: none

    There's one instance of "inter-planar" in the description of the Tome of Clear Thought.

  10. On 7/17/2022 at 6:15 AM, DavidW said:

    However, by the developer-intent metric we're using, I don't see how it can be a bug: someone from Bioware obviously intended planetars to regenerate, and even if we suppose that it wasn't the overall intent of Bioware to add regeneration, it was clearly Beamdog's intent. So I think this counts as a bad design decision but not a bug.

    The other side of this is that Bioware playtested planetars and were satisfied with how they worked sans regen, or they would have noticed and fixed it. And not just just planetars--several critical ToB characters have permanent regen that are now suddenly working: the chinchilla Bhaalspawn, Toop the Brave, and Tibbit, though thankfully Bondari, Nanoc the Barbarian, and Tim Goldenhand are unaffected. It also affects some less critical ToB characters like Balthazar, Draconis, and Demogorgon.

    As for Beamdog's clear intent: more than likely this was passed along to the code team as a broken opcode, e.g. 'regen doesn't work with permanent timing', and they fixed it.

  11. BBoD's description states (emphasis mine):


     The caster is considered to be proficient to the point of Grand Mastery in this weapon.

    If doing this via 233 is an issue, I'd suggest a simpler solution rather than a repeating EFF, spell, and UI tweaks: apply the GM bonuses directly to the weapon (+3 to-hit. +5 damage, lower speed by 3, and add +1APR for warrior classes). This works, AFAICT:

    COPY_EXISTING ~blakblad.itm~ ~override~
      WRITE_BYTE 0x31 0 // change to zero to avoid non-prof penalties
      LPF ALTER_HEADER INT_VAR damage = 10 to_hit = 8 speed = 0 END // manually apply +5 damage, +3 to-hit, and -3 speed from GM
      PATCH_IF game_is_iwdee BEGIN SET apr = 7 END ELSE BEGIN SET apr = 1 END // +1.5 attacks on IWD, +1 otherwise
      LPF ALTER_EFFECT INT_VAR check_headers = 0 match_opcode = 233 opcode = 1 parameter1 = apr parameter2 = 0 special = 0 END // change set prof to +APR
      LPF CLONE_EFFECT INT_VAR check_headers = 0 match_opcode = 1 opcode = 318 parameter1 = 1 parameter2 = 105 STR_VAR insert = above resource = blakblad END // block APR effect from mages
      PATCH_FOR_EACH class IN 3 4 5 11 13 14 15 19 20 21 BEGIN // and then block APR from all of the other non-warrior classes, too
        LPF CLONE_EFFECT INT_VAR check_headers = 0 multi_match = 1 match_opcode = 318 parameter1 = class END

    The only difference is cosmetic: instead of the inventory listing damage as 2d12+5 with another +5 from proficiency, it just lists damage as 2d12+10, with a similar issue for thac0. However, I'd put that as lesser issue to disabling UI elements.

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