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Posts posted by CamDawg

  1. While I might suspect why mod folder is called "cd_tweaks" but I think it's better when mod folder reflect actual mod name like "TTA" or "TheTweaksAnthology". Wana test github pull request feature?

    No, I've decided that--going forward at least--I'm going to extend my modding prefix to my mod folders as well. After all if we're worried about name space collisions in the game, it's possible (though unlikely) we could have them outside as well.

  2. In general, I've gone through and verified these are working on BGEE, BG2EE, OWDEE, Tutu, BGT, BG (w/Totsc), IWD (w/HoW and TotLM), IWD2, and PsT. However, these were base games with patches and fixpacks, not modded, so there's a lot to test in the wild. I'm also looking for suggestions if a particular component can be expanded into a new platform, e.g. 'why is X not available for IWD2?' I'm the least familiar with PsT and IWD2, so I'll take all of the suggestions here I can take. General testing advice is to try the Anthology in its regular spot in your mod order and see what breaks, with a particular eye to the new stuff available on your platform.

    • The BG2 games (SoA, ToB, BG2EE) should be the most mature since the Anthology started from BG2 Tweaks v16. The main points of testing here are looking at the new components and options and just general poking around.
    • Similarly, BGT, BGEE, and Tutu should also be pretty solid. One major change is the complete re-working of Faster Chapter 1&2 Cut-Scenes & Dreams to get it behaving on BGT, so I'd like to see that go through the ringer.
    • For the original Baldur's Gate, you should have (at a minimum) all of the same options as BG1 Tweaks and some new ones from BG2T. My original 5-CD install discs have died, finally, so I wasn't able to test anything on a BG game without TotSC, so if anyone's got a chance...
    • And the same deal with the original Icewind Dale--all of IWDT plus some new stuff, and I wasn't able to test on bogstandard IWD. My discs have given up the ghost, so I could only test with the GoG install which comes with both HoW and TotLM installed. The bug with Friendly Random Drops > Wandering Merchant should be fixed as well.
    • IWDEE already had access to most Tweaks from BG2T, but it gets new stuff both from DavidW's IWD-in-BG2 stuff and IWD Tweaks (notably the Friendly Random Drops).
    • PsT and IWD2, due to age and ruleset respectively, probably got the least added.
    • From the notes from K4thos, this should be good to go for EET, but I didn't have a testing platform, so it'll take everything you can throw at it.
  3. This mod originally started when a couple of friends--myself and Idobek--decided to combine their small tweak packs into a single mod, christened the G3 Tweak Pack and hosted at the (then brand-new) Gibberlings Three modding community. As Baldur's Gate Tutu gained in popularity, the G3 Tweak Pack was spun off into the Tutu Tweak Pack. As modding tools became more advanced and as conversion projects began to overlap the G3 and Tutu Tweak Packs were recombined and, with the permission of Wes Weimer, included the Ease-of-Use mod. This effort resulted in the BG2 Tweak Pack. Once again, demand caused several spin off mods--Andyr spun off the IWD and PsT Tweak Packs; the bigg created the IWD2 Tweak Pack; grogerson made the BG1 Tweak Pack; and DavidW integrated several tweaks into the IWD-in-BG2 combo fixpack/tweak pack. Once again, technology has caught up, and all of these individual projects are once again being discontinued individually and combined--hopefully for good this time--into a monolithic mod, the Tweaks Anthology.

    In short, the Tweaks Anthology should run on any Infinity Engine game, from the original Planescape: Torment through the impending Siege of Dragonspear expansion for Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition. In the nearly 18 months since the release of BG2 Tweaks v16, I've been grabbing bits of time here and there to work on this, and I think we're now at a place where you can install the mod without your computer catching fire. In other words, it's time for beta testing.

    I'll try to delineate my points of concerns on a per-platform basis in the next few posts; for now here are the relevant bits you want:

    Download Beta 4: Windows | OS X | Linux


    Beta 4 Changelog


    • Make Magic Shields Glow had two bugs preventing its installation; it would halt on games without an extended color palette (e.g. non-EE games or without 1pp) and would halt on shields without any colors set, such as IWD's Lyre of Progression
    • Unique Containers was supposed to be available for BGEE, but was omitted from the allowed platforms list for the component
    • The werewolf paws in Shapeshifter Rebalancing now get named explicitly
    • Move NPCs from Baldur's Gate will now be skipped if the SCS version of same is installed. The component will also skip NPCs already moved by similar somponents in the BG1 NPC Project, or skip the component altogether if all three have been moved already.
    • Change Experience Point Cap should now work on Siege of Dragonspear
    • Included workarounds for incomplete 25stweap.2da in Siege of Dragonspear and IWDEE for the various components that touch kits (Enforce PnP Proficiency Rules on Dual-Classed Characters and Expanded Dual-Class Options), though the next patches should take care of this. In general, the component should be more forgiving for incomplete files.
    • Remove Racial Restrictions for Single Classes and Remove Racial Restrictions for Kits will no longer allow non-human monks. Other races do not have monk animations so the engine tends to crash during character generation. Support for shamans has been added to both.
    • If Druids Use 3e Alignment Restrictions was installed after Shapeshifter Rebalancing, which is the likely install order, non-true neutral shapeshifter druids would not be able to use their symbolic paws.
    • On a suggestion from Sam., the component Stores Purchase All Item Types has been added.
    • Minimum Stats Cheat now lets you specify minimums for the six attributes individually.
    • Friendly Random Drops needed a few more fixes
      • The 'Token Genie' was undead, meaning a cleric could turn or even chunk him.
      • Items with charges should now be handled in a more robust fashion
    • The library for fixing kit.ids as part of should now be up to date for Expanded Dual-Class Options
    • The BG and IWD variants of Alter Weapon Proficiency System should now account for racial bonuses in the EE games
    • Sensible Entrance Points only modifies the Beregost entrance point for BG content on BGT games, as BGT already defines good entrances for the other areas.
    • Updated Italian translation, thanks improb@bile!

    Beta 3 changelog

    • Miloch's Unique Containers mod has been added to Tweaks as a cosmetic component, including all of its original options and translations. If Add Bags of Holding is installed after it, the new bags will use the unique icons.
    • Added Use Character Colors Instead of Item Colors component
    • Added components Everyone Gets Bonus APR from Specialization (subtledoctor) and Enforce PnP Proficiency Rules on Dual-Classed Characters (subtledoctor) courtesy of subtledoctor
    • Make Magic Shields Glow will now try to read in an appropriate glow color from the palette bitmap instead of a (limited) lookup table
    • Fixed a bug with Higher HP on Level Up > NWN-Style; withdrew the Low Variance Rolls option due to the same bug
    • Fixed a math error in Change Experience Point Cap > Remove Completely that caused bards and thieves to need an extra 100,000 XP to advance from level 39 to 40
    • Fixed a bug with Send BioWare NPCs to an Inn where it wouldn't install on vanilla Baldur's Gate due to bad tra references (thanks Angel)
    • Friendly Random Drops was failing to account for two random drops in IWDEE that are different compared to IWD+UB; the fix in beta 2 caused it to not install on vanilla IWD, which is in turn fixed (thanks to Angel again)
    • The Change Avatar When Wearing Robes or Armor (Galactygon) component is being withdrawn, as One Pixel Productions has a superior solution

    Beta 2 changelog

    • Fixed bug with Commoners Use Drab Colors where commoners ended up lookng like they were made of chocolate instead
    • Unique Icons was expanded to BG2 games; also fixed a bug where it was not updating helmet animations
    • After discussion, Rest Anywhere was expanded into mltiple components. The main component continues to work as the original, and Disable Non-Hostile Rest Spawns and Alter Hostile Rest Spawns have been added to give players a finer grain of control.
    • Friendly Random Drops could pull from the wrong table in IWDEE.
    • Fixed a bug with Friendly Random Drops > Choose Your Drop where it was not accounting for Orrick's reward after you bring him the Mythal book. Also fixed the bug that would cause the Kuldahar merchant to leave after the orog attack, for real this time.
    • All BAMs in the mod converted to uncompressed for better cross-platform goodness.
    • Fixed a couple of bugs where Faster Chapter 1&2 Cut-Scenes & Dreams was not quite matching and replacing verything it should and Gaelan's dialogue lacked the shortcuts it was supposed to have
    • Faster Chapter 1&2 Cut-Scenes & Dreams will skip adjusting the Irenicus-Cowled Wizard cutscene in the Promenade if the player has installed Extended Waukeen's Promenade Cutscene from Almateria's Restoration Project. Other cutscenes and dreams are still affected in this case.
    • Fixed bug with Increase Potion Stacking where it handled items with multiple charges incorrectly; thanks argent77!
    • OS X version now up to date with WeiDU v239, as the Windows version; thanks argent77 again!

    Beta 1 changelog (compared to BG2 Tweaks v16):

    • New components:
      • New - Baldur's Gate Casting Graphics, Max HP at Level One, Recoverable ammunition (argent77), Recoverable throwing weapons (argent77)
      • From BG1 Tweaks - Make Magic Shields Glow (plainab/grogerson), Send BioWare NPCs to an Inn (DavidW/Zed Nocear), Portable Containers (Zed Nocear), Friendly Arm Inn Hidden Container Restoration (plainab), Move NPCs from Baldur's Gate, Bardic Reputation Adjustment, Change Cloakwood Mine Chapter End Change Trigger to Non-TotSC Behavior, Paladins Use IWD-HoW Spell Progression Tables (grogerson), Rangers Use IWD-HoW Spell Progression Tables (grogerson), Druids Use 3e Alignment Restrictions, Loosen Item Restrictions for Multi- and Dual-class Clerics, Loosen Item Restrictions for Multi- and Dual-class Druids, Taerom Makes Additional Ankheg Armors (Icendoan/grogerson), Give Coran A Legal Dexterity Score of 19, and Make Xan a Generalist Mage (Mike1072)
      • From IWD-in-BG2 Fixpack/Tweaks - Game ends when the main character dies; NPCs respond to the main character, not to whichever character talks to them; Make Heart of Winter accessible at any level; and Restore BG2 spells and make scrolls available, and Never lose access to Orrick the Grey's trade goods
      • From IWD Tweaks - Friendly Random Drops, Restore IWD Loading Screens (icelus), and Unique Icons
    • Fixed an original game bug with Alter HP Triggers for NPC Wounded Dialogues that would affect Edwin's wounded dialogue
    • Fixed a bug with Gradual Drow Item Disintegration; items should have a chance to break upon use
    • Improved Improved Multi-Player Kick-out Dialogues further with input from BG1 Tweaks; NPCs in BG now have more places to go when kicked out
    • Gems and Potions Require Identification now uses different scales for determining lore for gems vs. potions; also capped max lore to identify at 100
    • Fixed multiple bugs with Multiple Strongholds. In the No Restrictions variant, it would fail to account for the shifted clerical stronghold alignments in BG2EE. Notably, this meant no one would spawn after Gaal's speech in the Temple district. Also fixed a bug where the druid restriction was still in place, preventing the messenger who would summon you back to the Grove. Also fixed a bug where both variants could bypass the bard stronghold XP reward from Raelis for rescuing the troupe from the Planar Prison.
    • Bonus Merchants (Baldurdash, Weimer) now places a little more nicely with other mods.
    • Streamlined and combined code from Two-Handed Bastard Swords, Two-Handed Katanas, and Two-Handed Axes. Also fixed weapon breakage issues for BGT games.
    • Change Experience Point Cap > Remove Completely should now tackle rules tables in a more robust fashion
    • The armor lookup table used by Allow Stealth and Thieving Abilities in Heavy Armor per P&P, Allow Arcane Spellcasting in Armor, and Icon Improvements has been expanded with new items and now allows for individual armor values instead of trying to broadly categorize items.
    • kit.ids is now properly patched as part of Expanded Dual-Class Options
    • Fixed a fairly large and glaring oversight with Wear Multiple Protection Items > P&P Restrictions where the items with AC bonuses could still be worn together
    • Alter Weapon Proficiency System underwent a significant revamp. Most notably, DavidW's IWD options from IWD-in-BG2 are now available, and the BG system was improved with some of the techniques from the IWD system.
    • True Grandmastery is now one option in Change Grandmastery Bonuses instead of a standalone component, as a BG2 option has been added.
    • Added two new options to Higher HP on Level Up: Average and Low Variance Rolls. Also adjusted NWN-style to be a little more accurate.
    • Expanded and renamed Increase Ammo Stack Size, Increase Jewelry and Gem Stacks, Increase Potion Stacking, and Increase Scroll Stacking to include four options: 40, 80, 120, and unlimited (999). Increase Jewelry and Gem Stacks also covers furs, pelts, and other miscellany like bandit scalps
    • Expanded Rest Anywhere to include options for disabling rest spawns.
    • Fixed a bug when adding Friendly Random Drops > Wandering Merchant that would cause the Kuldahar merchant to leave after the orog attack
    • Added more NPCs to the Improved Fate Spirit Summoning component
    • ToB-Style NPCs should now have a more robust method of finding joinable NPCs and their creature files
    • Consistent Stats: Viconia should now better adjust her spellbook to account for the gain or loss of bonus spells due to the change in wisdom
    • Fixed similar issues with Make Khalid a Fighter-Mage (Domi) and Make Montaron an Assassin (Andyr); now it checks for walking speeds on non-Tutu games, better adjusts proficiencies for the alternative schemes, and now work if installed after ToB-Style NPCs
    • Faster Chapter 1&2 Cut-Scenes & Dreams (Karzak, Blucher, aVENGER, Weimer) no longer overwrites scripts, which was causing a compatibility issue with BGT
    • Added compatibility for EET
  4. Well, credit where credit is due. Now, maybe (probably) this isn't the right thread to ask this, but anyway - I've noticed that IWDEE adds "Evasion" to thieves (they can dodge fireballs completely).

    Is there any chance something like this goes to BGEE? Along with the concentration tweak and cosmetic attacks? :rolleyes:

    I don't really know the engine differences in between the two games, but if it's possible to implement (even via 3rd party mods) some of IWD stuff to BG world - that would be epic. :D

    Evasion, like the 3e sneak attack and Heart of Fury mode, require code support in the actual engine. There's probably some poking around you can do with mods, but not a lot--e.g. David and I manged to get evasion working for IWD-in-BG2, but only through a lot of hacks.


    However, since it's a shared code base it's entirely doable to see this code turn up in BGEE/BGIIEE in the future. The problem is that it's a lower priority than, say, bug fixing, and testing code merges for regressions is a non-trivial QA exercise. I want it there, and personally I think it will be--the problem is that there's no way I could say that for sure, and certainly not attached to any kind of a timeline. Few things would get me into more trouble than for someone to take this as 'Beamdog confirms...' :)

  5. Kreso you can't imagine how pleased I am you liked IWD:EE. I cannot explain it, but your post made my day. Now, if only....Erg, Erg where are you? Please, try out IWD:EE, maybe there is hope for you after all:)

    I'm pleased to see a lot of reviewers who had panned the BGEE/BGIIEE launches come around for IWDEE, definitely. Even if IWDEE were to get it perfect, though, there are still legitimate reasons to prefer the original, and I think it's counterproductive to try and draw lines in the sand about it.


    A good bit of constructive criticism is worth far, far more than praise. While the latter is certainly appreciated, the former helps me, and my projects, improve. I'd much rather have Erg active and critical than have him made to feel unwelcome or wrong. I value his input.

  6. Yeah, just to pop in and echo what David has already mentioned. I started IWD-in-BG2 more or less on a lark--I had written an opcode converter already to get some IWD spells for The Divine Remix, and thought with my experience on BGT and Tutu that doing the rest should be pretty straightforward.




    If it wasn't for David deciding to hop in, the project never would have made it past the series-of-somewhat-kinda-working file converters that I left it in. He's done the bulk of work since, and brought IWD-in-BG2 (at times kicking and screaming) to a workable state. It may have been my harebrained idea, but David made it work.


    However, we both knew there were some things that would remain beyond our reach. The most obvious were spells and items using code we simply couldn't simulate in the ToB engine, but even for working stuff there was a lot of bailing wire and chewing gum behind the scenes. To that end, IWDEE was an opportunity to reach the goals of IWD-in-BG2 and I'm happy to say that it has.

  7. Hi,

    I downloaded DR last night. I am running BG2 EE 1.2.2030. The game crashes when I click New Game in single or multiplayer. I installed BGtweaks v16 before Remix. There was no problem before DR. I did not make any other changes. I un-installed DR and now New Game works fine.

    Hmm. The only thing that might cause crashes at creation would be a bad string, so my immediate suspicion is the û in the Silverstar of Selûne kit. Could you try the same setup minus the Silverstar kit?


    The û should be converted by HANDLE_CHARSETS.

  8. Overview


    So, first the broad strokes of how the sphere system is implemented. In the IE, divine casters automatically get their spellbooks filled as they level. So, for example, when a normal cleric hits level three:

    • The engine checks MXSPLPRS.2da and realizes the cleric can now cast level two spells
    • The engine goes looking for files named SPPRxyy, with x being the level and yy being 1-50 (defined in spells.2da)
    • The engine checks every one of those spells for restriction flags (e.g. cleric-allowed, good-allowed, etc.).
    • If not restricted, the spell is added to the spellbook.
    DR short circuits this process by making step three always fail. Divine spells get flagged as disallowed to priests (this includes paladins) and druids (includes rangers). Previous versions of DR did this with a very broad brush; as of v8 this is done by a series of lookup lists (more below) to be more precise and to help future-proof it against spell mods. Essentially, if it's a spell that DR doesn't know about, it doesn't get brought into the sphere system.


    DR instead adds spells to spellbooks directly through a class or kit's CLAB table. The original plan, to apply a single spell to take care of one sphere, failed since we tried to use the learn spell opcode (147)--this granted XP for gaining a spell like a mage using a scroll. Instead we settled on building elaborate tables and then appending long series of stuff like GA_SPPR101, which was messy but functional. We later discovered that using give innate ability (171) would have worked--and v8 has moved back to the original idea using it. Access to the a sphere is now accomplished by applying AP_CDDRxxy at the appropriate level, with xx being a two-letter code for the sphere and y the level. Spell restrictions are preserved by using alignment-targeted EFF files as appropriate.


    Previous versions also worked under the assumption that the divine spell tables were unchanged. As of v8, the tables are read dynamically and spells handed out at the appropriate levels based on the current tables. This neatly solves the problem that paladins get up to level six spells in IWDEE and only level three everywhere else, for example, and also means DR doesn't need to worry about the 817 variations of spell progressions in the various tweak mods. This also has the side benefit of fixing the cleric-ranger exploit, where ranger-only spells would be added to the cleric's spellbook as the cleric leveled. Ranger-only spells now only turn up when the ranger levels have earned their addition to the spellbook.


    The upshot is a very flexible and extensible system, both for new kits and spells.


    HLAs are a little trickier and, at present, not quite as well-implemented, which will be a problem to solve going forward. For now, quest-level spell HLAs are also put into spheres, and then individual HLA tables are built for each kit based on which HLAs are currently present. The tables are no longer overwritten outright; they are instead patched and re-indexed by removing inappropriate HLAs, adding new ones as appropriate, and in most cases non-cleric HLAs are added to offset the reduced selection.


    Adding kits to the DR system


    If you want your kits to get into the sphere system, there are two macros for you. For kits, code is simple:

               (FILE_EXISTS ~divine_remix/lib/macros.tph~)) THEN BEGIN             // sanity check for library
      INCLUDE ~divine_remix/lib/macros.tph~
      LAUNCH_ACTION_FUNCTION cd_kit_sphere
          table                   = clabpr01 // file name of your kit's clab table
          class                   = cleric   // allowed values: cleric, paladin, ranger, druid
          all                     = none     // use major, minor, or none for each sphere (none can be deleted)
          animal                  = none
          astral                  = none
          chaos                   = none
          charm                   = none
          combat                  = none
          creation                = none
          divination              = none
          elemental               = none
          elemental_air           = none
          elemental_earth         = none
          elemental_fire          = none
          elemental_water         = none
          guardian                = none
          healing                 = none
          law                     = none
          necromantic             = none
          necromantic_restorative = none
          numbers                 = none
          plant                   = none
          protection              = none
          summoning               = none
          sun                     = none
          thoughts                = none
          time                    = none
          travelers               = none
          war                     = none
          wards                   = none
          weather                 = none
    For example, this is what the mod itself uses to add spheres to Watchers of Helm:


    LAUNCH_ACTION_FUNCTION cd_kit_sphere // helm
        table           = clabpr03
        class           = cleric
        all             = major
        astral          = major
        combat          = major
        creation        = minor
        divination      = major
        elemental       = minor
        elemental_air   = minor
        elemental_earth = minor
        elemental_fire  = minor
        elemental_water = minor
        guardian        = major
        healing         = minor
        protection      = major
        sun             = major
        war             = minor
        wards           = major
    Spheres are set to none by default, so you don't need to list spheres without access. Necromantic is also split between restorative forms only vs. all necromantic to allow for Morninglord's partial access. For full necromantic access, be sure to grant minor/major to both. If you want to radically alter your kit when spherized, like DR's cleric kits, make your changes before the macro.


    This macro will do a couple of things. First, it will extend your kit's CLAB table out to level 50, if it isn't already, and then append the spells necessary to populate your kit's spellbook. It will also look up your kit's description from kitlist.2da and extend the kit description with sphere access information. It will also create the necessary lookup tables so that you can apply your kit to creatures in the game and give them the proper spellbook.


    Spellbook adjustments for kitted creatures


    Once cd_kit_sphere is run, appropriate tables are built to determine allowed spellbooks. Once again, it's simply a matter if invoking a macro:


               (FILE_EXISTS ~divine_remix/lib/macros.tph~)) THEN BEGIN             // sanity check for library
      INCLUDE ~divine_remix/lib/macros.tph~
      ACTION_FOR_EACH creature IN kpchap01 everard accalia BEGIN
          COPY_EXISTING ~%creature%.cre~ ~override~
            LPF cd_spellbook STR_VAR clab = "foo" END
    "foo" should be replaced with the file name of your kit's CLAB table, e.g. DR's Feywarden kit uses ~A#FEYW~. Known spells that are disallowed simply get deleted--the spellbooks of non-joinables don't matter, and joinables get a spellbook refresh on joining the party. Memorized spells, on the other hand, will get replaced by a random selection from the pool of allowed spells.


    Adding spells to the sphere system


    Macros are provided once again. Here's an example for some of the IWDification spells:


               (FILE_EXISTS ~divine_remix/lib/macros.tph~)) THEN BEGIN             // sanity check for library
      INCLUDE ~divine_remix/lib/macros.tph~
      ACTION_CLEAR_ARRAY cd_spheres
        CLERIC_ALICORN_LANCE                  => an
        CLERIC_ANIMAL_RAGE                    => co
        CLERIC_BEAST_CLAW                     => co
        CLERIC_BLOOD_RAGE                     => co
        CLERIC_CAUSE_DISEASE                  => he
      OUTER_SET sphere_descript = 1
      OUTER_SET hla = 0
      // now do it again for secondary spheres
      ACTION_CLEAR_ARRAY cd_spheres
        CLERIC_BEAST_CLAW                     => ne
      OUTER_SET sphere_descript = 2
    First, you need a table that maps a spell's IDS reference to a two-letter code for its sphere (list below). Two variables control how the spell is handled, HLA is set to zero for normal spells, otherwise it's treated as an HLA. At present, spells flagged as HLAs will not really do a lot until an extensible HLA system is developed. The variable sphere_descript takes values of 0-2. A value of 1 will overwrite the existing sphere information on a spell (or add if not present). A setting of 2 will find the existing sphere line and append the selected sphere. So, from the example above, CLERIC_BEAST_CLAW is both a combat and necromantic spell. So it's first run through with sphere_descript = 1, which clears out any existing sphere references and changes the line to Sphere: Combat. Running it through the macro again with sphere_descript = 2 will then append Necromantic to the line, making it read Sphere: Combat, Necromantic. Since I assume most mod-added spells will already have spheres in their descriptions, it's likely that outside of DR itself that non-zero values will be needed for the sphere_descript variable.


    The spell will also be added automatically to the appropriate CDDRxxy spell. Alignment restrictions will be looked up and accounted for as appropriate. In the example above, Beast Claw, being a second level spell, would be added to CDDRco2.spl in the first run and CDDRne2.spl on the second. This will automatically add it to the spellbooks of any priest with minor access to combat or necromantic.


    Spells from IWDification and Galctygon's beta 6 spell pack are already on the lists.


    The complete list of two letter codes:

    • al - all
    • an - animal
    • as - astral
    • cs - chaos
    • cm - charm
    • co - combat
    • cr - creation
    • di - divination
    • ex - elemental (all)
    • ea - elemental (air)
    • ee - elemental (earth)
    • ef - elemental (fire)
    • ew - elemental (water)
    • gu - guardian
    • he - healing
    • lw - law
    • ne - necromantic
    • nr - necromantic (restorative only)
    • nu - numbers
    • pl - plant
    • pr - protection
    • su - summong
    • sn - sun
    • th - thought
    • ti - time
    • tr - travelers
    • wa - war
    • wd - wards
    • we - weather

    Thanks CamDawg!

    I just tried to install on BGT and I can't install any kit except Tempus. This error happen:

    [*.IDS] forgotten
    ERROR: cannot convert bio or %bio% to an integer
    Stopping installation because of error.

    And I have 1 request and 1 question:

    Can you put HLAs in separate components (like RR have), for compatibility with Refinements?

    And question:

    Would SCS-component “Improved shapeshifting” break something in DR Druids?

    Thank you for your work!


    Oh, argh. I didn't set variables for non-EE games in the EE-specific macro, and look what that gets me. I'll have a hotfix up momentarily.


    Hotfix for this is up. Let's see what else I've broken.

  10. Thanks CamDawg!

    I just tried to install on BGT and I can't install any kit except Tempus. This error happen:

    [*.IDS] forgotten
    ERROR: cannot convert bio or %bio% to an integer
    Stopping installation because of error.

    And I have 1 request and 1 question:

    Can you put HLAs in separate components (like RR have), for compatibility with Refinements?

    And question:

    Would SCS-component “Improved shapeshifting” break something in DR Druids?

    Thank you for your work!


    Oh, argh. I didn't set variables for non-EE games in the EE-specific macro, and look what that gets me. I'll have a hotfix up momentarily.

  11. If you only read two things in this thread, read these:


    Version 8 is a beta.


    The sphere system is now optional.


    Now, to get into a little more detail about the v8 overhaul.


    Every cleric kit now has a spherized and unspherized version. The unspherized kits will look remarkably like the original Bio kits--typically a pair of special innates with little else. Since these versions of the kits are more or less new, I'm looking for feedback on them. (Well, I'm always looking for feedback, but on these kits specifically.) The spherized kits are essentially the original DR kits with all of the spiritual weapons and innates.


    The icons and artwork are not up to the standards I expect. This will be a focus for future versions.


    The ranger and druid kits have not changed.


    The mod has been updated to work on BGEE, BGIIEE, and IWDEE. For games that already have a Tempus kit (IWDEE), the Tempus kit is not available for install, though it will get updated to the DR version if you choose to install spheres. On EE games, kitted clerics get the default coloring of their priesthood, and IWDEE priests also get custom bios like the other cleric kits. Battleguards will also get warrior bonuses (e.g. ApR) for weapon specialization.


    Because of extensive text changes, the previous translations have been withdrawn as they are now nowhere complete. I know this really sucks for non-English players and I apologize, but there was really no other way to accomplish the other changes. The good news is that there is substantially less text overall.


    The new spells have been cut down (IWD imports have been deferred to IWDification) and made into their own component. They can also be installed with the option to overwrite other mod versions or not--so if you have Faerie Fire from another mod, this allows you to preserve the other mod's Faerie Fire or replace it with DR's. If no previous version of Faerie Fire is present, the DR one will install.


    Better compatibility was another major focus of the mod. Version 7 was essentially code that was eight years out of date, so there were a lot of places it could be improved, and improved substantially. For example, where DR changes (or adds) sphere names to spells, it now goes in and does it via text patching instead of nuking the entire description.


    Untangling the sphere system is what took the bulk of the time and effort. The good news is that it's a lot more friendly in terms of allowing other mods to tap in and add spells or kits to the system; the bad news is that it's just a brute force application of stubbornness on my part to get it to work. Modders, shield your eyes if you go looking under the hood--it's not pretty. Like the spell descriptions, third party kit descriptions will get sphere access appended to their existing descriptions instead of requiring alternative, DR-specific descriptions.

  12. The Divine Remix aims to rebalance and change several aspects of divine-magic-using classes, such as clerics, paladins, druids, and rangers. Version 8, a beta release, is a major overhaul and restructuring of the mod. Notably, the sphere system has been moved into a stand-alone component, the code has been modrnized to interact better with other mods, and the mod has been updated to work on the EE series of games.

    The v8 changelog:

    • Major, major rewrite
    • Sphere system broken out and made optional
    • Non-sphere versions of cleric kits created
    • IWDEE/BGEE/BGIIEE compatibility
    • Typos
    • Due to extensive text changes, the Polish and Czech translations have been withdrawn until they can be updated
    • Kitting creatures now accounts for priests in the BG part of the game; better checks also means no more install failures during the kitting process
    • Imported IWD spells have been withdrawn; go install IWDification instead
    • New spells broken into their own component, and given the option to install with or without overwriting similar spells from other mods
    • Kit remover cleaned up
    • Implemented better checks for high level abilities and holy symbols, mainly to better account for the variety of platforms now available
    • Fixed the kit.ids patching
    • Kitted clerics in IWDEE will have a kit-specific biography
    • Kitted clerics in EE games now have the default colors of their faith
    • Battleguards of Tempus will receive additional attacks for weapon specialization per warrior classes, but only on EE games
  13. Yes, features are being backported between the games but it's not as high a priority as, say, bug fixing. Each bit of code added triggers a new round of regression testing so priority goes to code that's needed to address something. E.g. the expanded 232 options from IWDEE are coming in the BGIIEE 1.3 patch so that we can have the scriptless troll death/revive sequence.


    In short, yes, we'd like to get everything onto the same level, but I have no idea about a time frame. Remember a lot of us are modders, too. :)

  14. The original post doesn't mention it, but am I correct if I will still assume that the IWDEE uses the BG2 opcode base ? So if I use a opcode 261 in IWDEE, it's the same as in BG2, and not the one in IWD1 ?

    That's correct. We used all of the IWD-in-BG2 tricks to map as many opcodes as we could to existing BGIIEE ops, then turned Avenger loose on the ones that we either couldn't convert or were poorly simulated.
  15. It took some new code to get all of the IWD spells to work in IWDEE; some of these debuted in BGIIEE (321). Here are the new opcodes, with a few notes from me following each in italics. Some of these also require lookup tables, which will be noted in another post.


    Protection: Immunity to Spell [318]

    Parameter 1: IDS Entry if Parameter 2 > 101. Otherwise it should be 0.
    Parameter 2: Type

    The creature type specified by the 'Type' field becomes immune to the spell specified by the resource key. Can be used to grant protection from items as well as spells.

    Known values for 'Type' are:
    0 Default
    1 Undead
    2 Not Undead
    3 Fire Using/Dwelling
    4 Not Fire Using/Dwelling
    5 Humanoid
    6 Not Humanoid
    7 Animal
    8 Not Animal
    9 Elemental
    10 Not Elemental
    11 Fungus
    12 Not Fungus
    13 Huge Creature
    14 Not Huge Creature
    15 Elf
    16 Not Elf
    17 Umber Hulk
    18 Not Umber Hulk
    19 Half-Elf
    20 Not Half-Elf
    21 Humanoid or Animal
    22 Not Humanoid or Animal
    23 Blind
    24 Not Blind
    25 Cold Using/Dwelling
    26 Not Cold Using/Dwelling
    27 Golem
    28 Not Golem
    29 Minotaur
    30 Not Minotaur
    31 Undead or Fungus
    32 Not Undead or Fungus
    33 Good
    34 Not Good
    35 Neutral
    36 Not Neutral
    37 Evil
    38 Not Evil
    39 Paladin
    40 Not Paladin
    41 Same Moral Alignment as Source
    42 Not Same Moral Alignment as Source
    43 Source
    44 Not Source
    45 Water Using/Dwelling
    46 Not Water Using/Dwelling
    47 Breathing
    48 Not Breathing
    49 Allies
    50 Not Allies
    51 Enemies
    52 Not Enemies
    53 Fire or Cold Using/Dwelling
    54 Not Fire or Cold Using/Dwelling
    55 Unnatural
    56 Not Unnatural
    57 Male
    58 Not Male
    59 Lawful
    60 Not Lawful
    61 Chaotic
    62 Not Chaotic
    63 Evasion Check (Thief)
    64 Orc
    65 Not Orc
    66 Deaf
    67 Not Deaf
    102 EA
    103 GENERAL
    104 RACE
    105 CLASS
    106 SPECIFIC
    107 GENDER
    109 KIT


    Notes: The parameters here are basically IWD's original 206, with the addition of standard EFF targeting for values > 100.

    Removal: Effects specified by Resource [321]

    Parameter 1: Irrelevant
    Parameter 2: Type

    Removes effects from the resource specified by the resource key, in the style specified by the 'Type' field.

    Known values for 'Type' are:
    0 Default
    1 Equipped effects list only
    2 Timed effects list only


    You can use 321 to avoid stacking issues; for example Armor of Faith in EE uses a self-targeted 321 to remove prior castings before applying fresh effects. This lets you refresh buffs without having illegal stacking. In vBG2, you had to prevent stacking with 206, which would prevent you from re-upping your buffs before expiry and (worse) wasting your spell if you tried.

    Stat:Turn Undead Level [323]

    Parameter 1: Statistic Modifier
    Parameter 2: Type

    Applies the modifier value specified by the 'Statistic Modifier' field in the style specified by the 'Type' field.

    Known values for 'Type' are:
    0 Cumulative Modifier -> TurnLevel = TurnLevel + 'Statistic Modifier' value
    1 Flat Value Modifier -> TurnLevel = 'Statistic Modifier' value
    2 Percentage Modifier -> TurnLevel = (TurnLevel * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100

    Protection: Immunity to Spell and Message [324]

    Parameter 1: IDS Entry if Parameter 2 > 101. Otherwise it should be 0.
    Parameter 2: Type

    The creature type specified by the 'Type' field becomes immune to the spell specified by the resource key. Can be used to grant protection from items as well as spells. This opcode also displays a message then the target is immune to the specified spell i.e. "Unaffected by effects from ".

    Known values for 'Type' are:
    0 Default
    1 Undead
    2 Not Undead
    3 Fire Using/Dwelling
    4 Not Fire Using/Dwelling
    5 Humanoid
    6 Not Humanoid
    7 Animal
    8 Not Animal
    9 Elemental
    10 Not Elemental
    11 Fungus
    12 Not Fungus
    13 Huge Creature
    14 Not Huge Creature
    15 Elf
    16 Not Elf
    17 Umber Hulk
    18 Not Umber Hulk
    19 Half-Elf
    20 Not Half-Elf
    21 Humanoid or Animal
    22 Not Humanoid or Animal
    23 Blind
    24 Not Blind
    25 Cold Using/Dwelling
    26 Not Cold Using/Dwelling
    27 Golem
    28 Not Golem
    29 Minotaur
    30 Not Minotaur
    31 Undead or Fungus
    32 Not Undead or Fungus
    33 Good
    34 Not Good
    35 Neutral
    36 Not Neutral
    37 Evil
    38 Not Evil
    39 Paladin
    40 Not Paladin
    41 Same Moral Alignment as Source
    42 Not Same Moral Alignment as Source
    43 Source
    44 Not Source
    45 Water Using/Dwelling
    46 Not Water Using/Dwelling
    47 Breathing
    48 Not Breathing
    49 Allies
    50 Not Allies
    51 Enemies
    52 Not Enemies
    53 Fire or Cold Using/Dwelling
    54 Not Fire or Cold Using/Dwelling
    55 Unnatural
    56 Not Unnatural
    57 Male
    58 Not Male
    59 Lawful
    60 Not Lawful
    61 Chaotic
    62 Not Chaotic
    63 Evasion Check (Thief)
    64 Orc
    65 Not Orc
    66 Deaf
    67 Not Deaf
    102 EA
    103 GENERAL
    104 RACE
    105 CLASS
    106 SPECIFIC
    107 GENDER
    109 KIT


    Like 318, except this one doesn't print a message in the feedback window.

    Stat: Save vs. all [325]

    Parameter 1: Statistic Modifier
    Parameter 2: Type

    Alters all saving throws by the modifier value specified by the 'Statistic Modifier' field in the style specified by the 'Type' field.

    Known values for 'Type' are:
    0 Cumulative Modifier -> Save = Save + 'Statistic Modifier' value
    1 Flat Value Modifier -> Save = 'Statistic Modifier' value
    2 Percentage Modifier -> Save = (Save * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100

    'Statistic Modifier' can be positive or negative.


    Same as the individual save vs. X opcodes.

    Add Effects List [326]

    Parameter 1: IDS Entry if Parameter 2 > 101. Otherwise it should be 0.
    Parameter 2: Type

    The creature type specified by the 'Type' field will be affected by the spell in the 'Resource' field.

    Known values for 'Type' are:
    0 Default
    1 Undead
    2 Not Undead
    3 Fire Using/Dwelling
    4 Not Fire Using/Dwelling
    5 Humanoid
    6 Not Humanoid
    7 Animal
    8 Not Animal
    9 Elemental
    10 Not Elemental
    11 Fungus
    12 Not Fungus
    13 Huge Creature
    14 Not Huge Creature
    15 Elf
    16 Not Elf
    17 Umber Hulk
    18 Not Umber Hulk
    19 Half-Elf
    20 Not Half-Elf
    21 Humanoid or Animal
    22 Not Humanoid or Animal
    23 Blind
    24 Not Blind
    25 Cold Using/Dwelling
    26 Not Cold Using/Dwelling
    27 Golem
    28 Not Golem
    29 Minotaur
    30 Not Minotaur
    31 Undead or Fungus
    32 Not Undead or Fungus
    33 Good
    34 Not Good
    35 Neutral
    36 Not Neutral
    37 Evil
    38 Not Evil
    39 Paladin
    40 Not Paladin
    41 Same Moral Alignment as Source
    42 Not Same Moral Alignment as Source
    43 Source
    44 Not Source
    45 Water Using/Dwelling
    46 Not Water Using/Dwelling
    47 Breathing
    48 Not Breathing
    49 Allies
    50 Not Allies
    51 Enemies
    52 Not Enemies
    53 Fire or Cold Using/Dwelling
    54 Not Fire or Cold Using/Dwelling
    55 Unnatural
    56 Not Unnatural
    57 Male
    58 Not Male
    59 Lawful
    60 Not Lawful
    61 Chaotic
    62 Not Chaotic
    63 Evasion Check (Thief)
    64 Orc
    65 Not Orc
    66 Deaf
    67 Not Deaf
    102 EA
    103 GENERAL
    104 RACE
    105 CLASS
    106 SPECIFIC
    107 GENDER
    109 KIT

    Graphics: Icewind Visual Spell Hit (plays sound) [327]

    Parameter 1: Irrelevant
    Parameter 2: Type

    Shows the lighting effect specified by the 'Type' value. These effects are usually used for spell hits based on the spell school.
    If Target is non-zero then the effect will be played in the original target point (ignores spell target).

    Known values of type are listed in projectl.ids starting at offset 0x1000.

    State: Set State [328]

    Parameter 1: Irrelevant
    Parameter 2: Type

    Sets the state of the targeted creature(s) to the value specified by the 'Type' field.
    These effects could be detected by the gamescript trigger ExtendedStateCheck. (see extstate.ids).

    Known values for 'Type' are:
    0 Chaotic Command
    1 Miscast Magic
    2 Pain
    3 Greater Malison
    4 Blood Rage
    5 Cats Grace
    6 Mold Touch
    7 Shroud of Flame

    If the 'special' field was set to 1, then this effect behaves like IWD2 Set State effect. (see splstate.ids)

    Spell Effect: Slow Poison [329]

    Parameter 1: Slow Factor
    Parameter 2: Irrelevant

    Applies the slow poison effect to the targeted creature(s), using the 'Slow Factor' field.

    Text: Float Text [330]

    Parameter 1: Strref
    Parameter 2: Type

    Displays the text specified by the 'Strref' field, in the style specified by the 'Type' field.

    Known values for 'Type' are:
    0 Default (show strref)
    1 Cynicism (show Cynicism strrefs)

    Summon: Random Monster Summoning [331]

    Parameter 1: Count
    Parameter 2: Type

    Summons a number of monsters, equal to the Dice rolls+'Count'. The 'Type' field set which 2da file to pick the creatures to summon from. The 2da files are listed in smtables.2da.

    If the resource field is filled, it will use a .2da to determine which monsters to summon.
    If used from an external effect (.eff), the vvc field controls the bam/vvc file played over the creatures when summoning.
    If used from an external effect (.eff), the second vvc field controls the bam file played over the target area when summoning.
    Setting the special field to 2 will use the caster's level instead of Dice rolls.

    Stat: Specific Damage Modifier [332]

    Parameter 1: Damage Modifier
    Parameter 2: Type

    Increases the damage caused by the character. The 'Type' parameter defines which damage type is increased. The modifier is either a flat value modifier for type 0, or a percentile modifier for all other cases.

    Known values for 'Type' are:
    0 all damage increased
    1 Fire damage
    2 Cold damage
    3 Electricity damage
    4 Acid damage
    5 Magic damage
    6 Poison damage
    7 Slashing damage
    8 Piercing damage
    9 Crushing damage
    10 Missile damage

    Spell Effect: Static Charge [333]

    Parameter 1: Number
    Parameter 2: Level

    Casts a secondary spell (default: original resource+B) on the target, for a number of strikes specified by the 'Number' field. The spell will be cast through its projectile. If a spell 'Level' is not specified, then the spell will be cast at level 1 and the damage opcodes will inherit the dice values of this effect, otherwise the spell will be cast at the given level. The spell is applied once per round (every 6 seconds) by default. Setting the special field to 60 will make the spell apply once per turn (every 60 seconds) instead.

    Spell Effect: Turn Undead [334]

    Parameter 1: Irrelevant
    Parameter 2: Irrelevant

    Turns undead just like the modal action. The caster must have some turn undead levels to be effective. See opcode 323

    Spell Effect: Seven Eyes [335]

    Parameter 1: State
    Parameter 2: Type

    This effect sets the spellstate defined under 'State', increases the seven eyes stat and grants the special ability named in the resource field.
    'Type' selects the blocked spell or effect, the blocking criteria are listed in 7eyes.2da thus works like a very selective spell trap.
    The special field may be used to define separate eye groups (it will remove 336 opcodes of the same type).

    Graphics: Display Eyes Overlay [336]

    Parameter 1: Sequence
    Parameter 2: Type

    Displays a twin VVC linked to the target. The last letter of the VVC is stored in 'Sequence'

    Remove: Opcode [337]

    Parameter 1: Parameter Value
    Parameter 2: Opcode

    Removes all 'Opcode' from target, that has the same parameter 2 as 'Parameter Value'. Use -1 to ignore the Parameter Value.

    Disable Rest [338]

    Parameter 1: Strref
    Parameter 2: Mode

    Disables save and/or rest, prints the relevant string when they are attempted.

    Known values for 'Mode' are:
    0 - cannot rest
    1 - cannot save
    2 - cannot save or rest

    Alter Animation [339]

    Parameter 1: Value and Modifier
    Parameter 2: Projectile Type

    Modifies an area animation's Cycle and plays an area hit animation over it indexed by 'Projectile Type'.
    'Value' is the high word of the first parameter, 'Modifier' is a bitfield manipulation operation. The special field is containing the range of effect.

    Known values for 'Modifier' are:
    0 - Set 'Value' - ignores original
    1 - And 'Value' - keeps bits
    2 - Or 'Value' - sets bits
    3 - Xor 'Value' - toggles bits
    4 - And not 'Value' - turns off bits

    Spell Effect: Change Backstab Effect [340]

    Parameter 1: Irrelevant
    Parameter 2: Irrelevant

    Applies the spell specified by the resource key when the target successfully performs a backstab.
    Both parameters should be 0 (zero).

    Spell Effect: Change Critical Hit Effect [341]

    Parameter 1: Irrelevant
    Parameter 2: Use

    Applies the spell specified by the resource key when the target successfully performs a critical hit.

    Known values for 'Use' are:
    0 - Use spell for critical hits of both hands
    1 - Use spell for critical hit only by this weapon

    Animation: Override Data [342]

    Parameter 1: Value
    Parameter 2: Field

    Overrides the character animation's blood color or body heat flag.

    Known values for 'Field' are:
    1 - Override body heat
    2 - Override blood color

    Spell Effect: HP Swap [343]

    Parameter 1: Irrelevant
    Parameter 2: Mode

    Swaps the current hit points of the source and target.

    Known values for 'Mode' are:
    0 - Swap only if the caster has more current hit points than the target (default)
    1 - Always swap

  16. I'm trying to make a knight kit for fighters. Part of this kit's features include a d12 hit die. I can't seem to figure out how to change the hit die for a given class in a BGT install. I looked at how EE did it for the dwarven defender and it appears they did it through two .2da files: hpbbn and hpclass. The former is similar to other class hp tables; the latter appears to be simply tell the game which hp table to consult for a given class/kit. I recreated these tables and can get them to install to my override folder, but the game doesn't seem to be referencing them at character creation or level up. No matter what I've tried, the class only gets a d10 hit die. Is it possible to change this? If so, what tables do I need to amend?


    The only other work around I've been able to come up with would be to create a custom spl to increase the maximum hp by 2 and then add that to the clab file for the first 9 levels. Obviously, this second solution seems very hacky and inelegant. Any help would be appreciated.

    hpclass only works on an EE game or if the relevant bits of TobEx are installed on BG2. Without either, you'll have to fake it with the +2 hp trick.


    edit: I take that back. TobEx only externalizes the tables for classes, not kits, so it's EE or +2 hp.

  17. Alright, made some updates.

    • Discussion has been split off over yonder.
    • Kit updates now reference Wisp's better macro.
    • Added HANDLE_CHARSETs section for mods with translations.
    • Rather than my own attached library with errors, referred folks to BG1 NPC's Github for the cpmvar libraries, since those will probably be the most thorough and up-to-date ones.
    • Other miscellaneous notes and updates
  18. Probably the best way to think about it is like BG2 Fixpack/Baldurdash. You're probably just going to have to pick one and stick with it, even though some of the stuff would probably work just fine together. I did not realize that Redrake was requiring Auril's Bane stuff for his fixes.You could do AB + Redrake, or AB + IWDFP, but trying AB + IWDFP + Redrake is probably going to be more trouble than it's worth.

    While I'm here and thinking about this topic, I was asked at GoG to put together a smaller guide for folks who wanted to get a modded-but-still-true-to-IWD mini-guide, so I'll just quote myself:

    A common player request seems to be to play IWD as true to the original as possible, with maybe some bugfixes thrown in, but without all that icky content from modders. In that spirit, I've provided a mini-guide.

    Install the game--using GoG, that's all you need to do. If you're installing from another source make sure you're patched up (see the first post).

    One Pixel Productions Animation Fixes for IWD:TotLM: Fixes some broken hardcoded stuff from TotL.

    The IWD Fixpack: Fixes, fixes, fixes.

    That really should be it. If you're willing to go a bit further, there are a few more things you might consider that still preserve the original spirit:

    One Pixel Productions High-Quality Music: The same original music, just encoded at higher quality.

    Unfinished Business for Icewind Dale (aka IWD UB): JE Sawyer was kind enough to let me pester him with lots of questions, so these restorations should be pretty close to the original developer intent. I personally do not recommend Restored Random Drops--it restores a lot of items that were cut with the HoW expansion, and I think they were good cuts since most of them were overpowered. Marketh's Ring also seems to be unpopular with players.

    The Widescreen Mod: Play at higher resolution.

  19. So, to be perfectly clear, regardless of the "replace or keep scripts" option that is selected, the Fixpack must be installed after the 1pp animation fixes in all cases. Not a problem anymore.


    But, do you still recommend to not select the "replace scripts" option ?


    I'm just wondering why, as I thought that the Fixpack was correcting the scripts anyway.

    Further investigation was on my to-do list and just never happened. I remembering opening up a couple, not recognizing them, saying f--- it, and changing the install order.


    What should be done is giving 1PP some patchy code to make their changes instead, so the install order dependency goes away.

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