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Gibberling Poobah
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Posts posted by CamDawg

  1. Romantic Encounters would probably be touched by this, too. And there was a mod that added a path to Spellhold through the Order?

    Yes, RE Bjornin would have to be adjusted: his spawning (RE/Bjornin/C#AR0903.baf) is supposed to be in the meeting room with the long table (on the red carpet), and the cutscene (C#BJCUT1.baf) takes him and the PC to an empty mirror of the indoors NORH, and is supposed to take them into the little chamber that is the PC's if he joins the Order,I think, the one besides the quarters. For both locations, there is only little adjustment necessary, I think.

    I'll check RE, thanks. The ar0903.bcs additions will be adjusted normally, but the cutscene will need some poking.


    CamDawg - Ajantis is a mess. I have him go back to the order several times if he leaves the group under different conditions. I think it is better if I look myself, although I appreciate your offer. What information would you like to have? Do you want me to point out all the instances in the .d-files?


    I let him do EscapeAreaMove("AR0903",1730,825,0) and EscapeAreaMove("AR0903",1730,400,0) - probably should adjust that to the same numbers. Is the Tweakpack supposed to go through the compiled c#ajanj.dlg, c#ajanp.dlg, c#ajan.dlg and replace it?


    There are also two script additions to AR0903.bcs: c#ar0903_rom.baf and c#ar0903.baf, with cre spawning in them.

    The good news is that it should be pretty easy to adjust via d code. Something like


    REPLACE_ACTION_TEXT_REGEXP ~c#ajan[jp]?~ ~EscapeAreaMove("AR0903",1730,\([0-9]+\),0)~ ~EscapeAreaMove("AR0903",638,\1,0)~


    should work. There's no dialogue equivalent to REPLACE_EVALUATE so these have to be done case-by-case, which sucks immensely. The x coordinates for the flipped map are just (2368 - current x) and the orientations are (16 - current orientation).


    On my BGT installation, this component won't install. :-(


    [./override/worldmap.wmp] loaded, 103616 bytes

    ERROR: cannot convert lhouse_idx or %lhouse_idx% to an integer

    ERROR: [worldmap.wmp] -> [override] Patching Failed (COPY) (Not_found)

    Stopping installation because of error.

    Stopping installation because of error.

    If it's not setting lhouse_idx, it means it can't find the Lighthouse area (ar9500) in the main worldmap, or the GAME_IS BGT isn't returning true for some reason. It installed fine on my local BGT copy.


    Do you have anything else installed that may affect the worldmap?

  2. @ CamDawg - Wish I'd thought of this.

    Yeah, I had the same thought when I saw it posted on the EE forums.


    Hope you don't mind my stealing it for BG1 Tweaks (with permission of course). The Lighthouse and Shipwreck areas are especially needful when entering them from the south (my normal path).

    Of course. In fact, I don't think you'll even have to change anything in the code--just set some variables and copy-and-paste.

  3. Sorcerer's Place Collection v10 Released


    This collection of kits and an item pack from Sorcerer's Place has a new Russian translation, thanks to subzero400, and an updated French translation courtesy of the d'Oghmatiques. A few more compatibility updates for BGEE round out the updates in v10. The mods in this collection were originally in an older, harder-to-install format until CamDawg converted them to use a WeiDU installer. Item restrictions are applied dynamically, meaning that the item restrictions for the Arcane Fist and Archer of Sylvanus kits will be implemented across all items in the game, including those added or altered by other mods. Polar Bear, Drizzt1180, and Creslyn wrote the original content.


    Relevant links:

    v10 changelog:

    • Added Russian translation (thanks subzero400)
    • Updated French translation (thanks to the d'Oghmatiques)
    • BGEE softcodes a lot of kit aspects, which were not being accounted for. This is now addressed.
    • Prepped Creslyn's Item Pack so that it'll work when BG2EE is released

  4. Version 4 of the Geomantic Sorcerer Now Available


    The Geomantic Sorcerer Kit is strongly based on the Druidic Sorcerer Kit by Constant Gaw, and resurrected by hlidskialf and loosely based on the Geomancer presitige class from the AD&D 3rd Edition Masters of the Wild manual. The kit combines the sorcerer's spellcasting methods and spells with additional druidic spells and abilities and features its own unique tiered HLA progression and custom spells. Version 4 adds a French translation by Zooloo of the d'Oghmatiques.

  5. It's not going to break anything, right?

    In general I try not to break things--it seems to make for better mods. Areas that have forced interactions won't be changed, i.e. Aegisfield in the Bridge District or Tiber in Cloakwood.


    If so, maybe "forbidding" the party to appear on the eastern(southeastern?) edge of the Government District is maybe not a very bad idea - it's dreadfully far from, well, everything.

    The Gov't district forces you into the NE entrance so you get the Amnish soldiers accosting you and so you're less likely to miss Viconia.

  6. As suggested over yonder on the EE forums, I've added a component to move some area entrance points around. Entering Beregost from the east will put you south of the Thunderhammer Smithy; moving north to the farm from the FAI will put you on the road, further west and closer to Ajantis; entering the zombie farm will put you on the southern edge of the map instead of dumped further north.


    I'm open to further suggestions (including BG2).

  7. In the spirit of cmorgan's install order thread for Tutu, I thought I'd try to put together something similar for Icewind Dale.


    Your general order should be

    1. Fixes. Many mods create new resources from the existing ones, so getting in the fixes early prevents errors in the original files from propagating to mod files.
    2. Atypical Content Mods. This category is a little hard to describe. There are some mods that don't really interact much with other mods (e.g. Ace's Alternate Soundtrack) or which are designed to only alter original game files (e.g. Improved BAMs) without worrying about modded content. Because of how WeiDU (the modding tool that actually installs the mods) handles and preserves installation order, the earlier you can place mods like this the easier it will make any future mod updates to your installation. This is also a pretty good place for item/store mods, especially if they're stable and unlikely to be updated often.
    3. Quests/Other Content. Once you've got a solid base, it's time to start adding actual content.
    4. NPCs. NPCs should go after quests simply because some NPCs will detect modded quest content and provide interaction with it. You may find a mod NPC commenting on a mod quest, but only if the NPC follows the quest in the installation order.
    5. Tweak mods/tactical mods. Most in this category are written to be universal, i.e. they'll freely change items/creatures/scripts/etc. from other mods, but they can only do so if those resources are present when they're installed. This is why just about every tweak mod suggests it goes last in the install order.

    Within each category, another good rule of thumb is to go with older mods first.


    There are, of course, all sorts of exceptions, or mods that really don't fall cleanly into a category. The readmes are there for a reason, and most modders try to help players avoid issues with install recommendations and compatibility concerns. A lot also depends on how the mod is written--Ascension, for example, used to be recommended very early in BG2 install orders due to the ancient way it had been written. Now that it's been modernized it can be installed in a more natural place in the order. With that in mind, here's a rundown of a good IWD mod order using some of the more common mods. (If there's something missing, I'll do my best to add it to the order.) In the interest of full disclosure, I am the author of IWD Fixpack, IWD Tweak Pack, Unfinished Business and Item Upgrade.


    First, get your game in order:

    • If you don't have the Heart of Winter expansion, install Icewind Dale and add the official IWD-only patch, which brings your game up to v1.06.
    • If you have Heart of Winter, install Icewind Dale and Heart of Winter (no need for the IWD-only patch). Now you have two choices: one is to install the Heart of Winter patch, bringing your game up to v1.41. But why do that when you could...
    • Install the free expansion Trials of the Luremaster, which includes the bug fixes from the official HoW patch alongside a whole mess of new content, bringing your game up to v1.42.
    • If you have purchased your game from GOG it already includes Heart of Winter with the Trials of the Luremaster expansion (v1.42). You can choose not to install Trials of the Luremaster, which is the equivalent of a patched Heart of Winter install (v1.41). With or without Trials there's no need to apply one of the official patches.

    Now let's get modding. In order...


    Auril's Bane (aka AB): The whole reason I put in the long aside about Ascension above was to lead up to Auril's Bane. Auril's Bane makes some sweeping changes to the game with a slew of new items, spells, content, fixes and more. As of its current version AB more or less overwrites everything it touches, meaning it would wipe out many changes of mods installed before it. I would strongly recommend eschewing Grog's IWD Fixes component in favor of the IWD Fixpack. The core component also has its own version of the Voice of Durdel Anatha, making it incompatible with the same component from Unfinished Business.


    One Pixel Productions Animation Fixes for IWD:TotLM: Contains some animation fixes for Icewind Dale. The Restore combat stance animations component misbehaves a little in that it not only overwrites some scripts, but the scripts include some minor syntax errors. This is the reason why this is listed before...


    The IWD Fixpack: Fixes are good, and lots of fixes are better. The only reason it's not first is because the mods before it are currently a little overwrite-y. If you use this you do not need Grog's IWD Fixes from AB or...


    Redrake's IWD Fixpack: I'd recommend the more extensive and modern IWD Fixpack instead, but if you're going to use this, it should go here in the order.


    One Pixel Productions High-Quality Music: Replaces the default music with the same, but higher quality, soundtrack ripped from the music CDs. This can probably be installed anywhere in the order, but since it's unlikely to change it should go earlier in the order.


    Improved BAMs: Improved BAMs seeks to differentiate the appearance of items in IWD, many of which use the same graphics. (A BAM is a type of graphical file used in the IWD engine.) Both IWD Tweaks and One Pixel Productions have similar components--while not really incompatible with one another, generally the last one installed of the three will take effect so you'd be best served by simply picking one and eschewing the other two. (Note that 1pp and Tweaks both have other components, so even if you use Improved BAMs you may want to install those for other components.)


    Item Upgrade for IWD: A small content mod that allows players to upgrade a handful of items with no known incompatibilities. Putting it here allows for later mods to alter the new items.


    Unfinished Business for Icewind Dale (aka IWD UB): A mod that seeks to restore quests and other content that was either cut or left partially completed in the game. As noted above Auril's Bane provides its own version of the Voice of Durdel Anatha quest, so UB's version won't install if it detects AB.


    Icewind Dale NPCs (aka IWD NPCs): A mod that provides five new NPCs, complete with banter. IWD NPCs requires the Heart of Winter expansion, but otherwise should be compatible with other mods on this list.


    Full Plate & Packing Steel: This mod implements a thorough rework of how armor works in the game. It has its own take on casting and thieving in armor, and is therefore incompatible with the Thieving in Heavy Armor and Allow Arcane Casting in Armor components from IWD Tweaks.


    One Pixel Productions (aka 1pp): A high-quality and thorough remake of many graphical aspects of IWD. This should be installed late in the order as it has a lot of tweakish content changes to make its graphical goodness possible. As noted above with Improved BAMs, the last version of item icons generally wins.


    Icewind Dale Tweak Pack (aka Tweaks): A collection of 30+ rule changes, cosmetic tweaks, cheats, and more, each available individually as separate components. Install Tweaks as late as possible so it can affect all modded content before it. Icon Improvements will take precedence over previous, similar components from One Pixel Productions and Improved BAMs. The components to allow thieving in heavy armor and to allow arcane casting in armor are incompatible with Full Plate and Packing Steel.


    The Widescreen Mod: Allows players to play the game on modern, high-resolution monitors. Despite its name, it can be used on any aspect ratio monitor to increase resolution.


    There are, of course, several thousand ways you can combine the mods above and no one can predict the outcomes of them all--and that's assuming the mods themselves are bugfree in their current and future incarnations.


    I'll be happy to answer questions or take any other feedback below. :)

  8. The Item Upgrade for Icewind Dale mod is a modest collection of upgrades for various items throughout the game. Reading through the item descriptions, the developers really took a lot of time to give many items an elaborate backstory. In many cases, I felt that an upgrade was a chance to tell a bit more of the story.

    v5 Changelog

    • A long overdue repair to the Russian translation (thanks for your patience prowler)
    • Fixed some typos in the item descriptions

    v4 Changelog

    • Vexed Armor can now be upgraded to the "safe" version if the party learns the true name of Vexing Thoughts after getting the armor
    • Removed conversable flag for the Gnomish Tools in IWD-in-BG2 games
    • Patch to make Mystery of the Dead protect against the divine version of Finger of Death now only applies to IWD-in-BG2 games

  9. Sounds like the Duskblade may be picking up the barbarian flag somehow--the ridiculous HP is a side effect of a barbarian under the NWN-style HP boost.


    edit: Yep, it's being flagged as a barbarian to properly restrict items. I'm not sure Andy and Nick realized this would give it a the barbarian's base d12 HP roll, too. :)

  10. *wanders in after a quick search*


    Party checks on CN Anomen's first ToB banter with Imoen were missing - Cam: can not find any Imoen-Anomen ToB banters. Other Anomen banters in ToB have party checks AFAICT.


    It's the Imoen-init banter that starts with "So. You're part of that Order of the Radiant Heart, right, Anomen?". The CN version does need in-party checks at the end, for Keldorn, Jaheira, Mazzy and Korgan.

    Cheers, thanks. :) Also found one other bug here--Anomen has a snotty response after the interjections of Mazzy, Jaheira, and Korgan, but not Keldorn. The interjection/response fits the same pattern, so Keldorn's interjection is now linked back to Anomen as well:


    // fix anomen's banter linking to non-present party members
    ADD_TRANS_TRIGGER BANOME25 51 ~IsValidForPartyDialogue("Korgan")~ DO 1
    ADD_TRANS_TRIGGER BANOME25 51 ~IsValidForPartyDialogue("Mazzy")~ DO 2
    ADD_TRANS_TRIGGER BANOME25 51 ~IsValidForPartyDialogue("Jaheira")~ DO 3
    ADD_TRANS_TRIGGER BANOME25 51 ~IsValidForPartyDialogue("Keldorn")~ DO 4
    // keldorn should link back to one last anomen retort
    ALTER_TRANS BKELDO25 // file name
    BEGIN 33 END // state number (can be more than one)
    BEGIN 0 END // transition number (can be more than one)
    BEGIN // list of changes, see below for flags

  11. I'd love to hear people's opinion on balancing issues (yes the kit can be overpowered at high levels), as well as suggestions for places to apply the kit in BGTuTu/BGT games and stand alone ToB games. They don't necessarily need to be tied into amnesia cures. One idea for example in BGTutu would be for some druid to comment that the PC sorcerer who meets the kit requirements seems to be very attuned to nature and to offer to help them explore that potential.

    Personally, I'd just go with Gorion at the end of the prologue. He's a required person to talk to, and also works roleplaying-wise.

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