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Everything posted by Weigo

  1. Great work with the script. Fireplaces are added with tiles. In overlay_0 several tiles are added to the tilemap_count at the location of the tilemap. eg: BG0169 tilemap 30 has 6 tilemap_counts. This means that the engine looks up the next 6 tilemap numbers in the tilemap_index. (77-82) These tilemap numbers are the positions in the tis file.
  2. The only thing I can think of spontaneously is the Candlekeep map (BG2600). The flags on the spires are the tilemap animation, the water basins are overlays and there are plenty of doors. That is true. How did you know it wasn't a trap?
  3. It was quick, just had to reduce the file from 8bit to 4bit and it worked. Here is the link: https://github.com/SpellholdStudios/BGGOEET/blob/master/bggo/base/bmpSR/AR1102SR.BMP Simply copy the file into the override folder or reinstall everything.
  4. I have found the error, it is in the AR1102SR.bmp file. Somehow it doesn't like to read it properly and therefore you can't move. I will take care of it @Guest Guest Either delete the AR1102SR.bmp from the bggo/base/bmpSR directory and install bggo nue or copy the original file from BG2 into the override folder. Then it should work again. Or you wait until I have revised the bmp file.
  5. Unfortunately, I cannot reproduce your error. I have tested both the EET version and the BGT version (classic, not the GoG). Everything ran smoothly. I tested all three accesses to the roof during the day and at night. For the destroyed (AR1300,AR1303) as well as for the restored (AR1304,AR1307) AR1303a (top of the map) to AR1300 (roof) AR1303b (bottom) to AR1300 (roof) AR1300 the wide staircase to the roof The same with the restored. All three ran without any problems.
  6. I was lucky in misfortune. The AR1300 was one of the first areas where I had to adapt the wed more profoundly and the patch code was still faulty. But the data for the doors was still there. So the revision went very quickly. The new AR1300N.wed files are already uploaded in the master. https://github.com/SpellholdStudios/BGGOEET/blob/master/bggo/base/wedN/non-ee/AR1300N.WED
  7. The fault has already been identified. Over the next few days, I will take care of AR1300N.wed and reconstruct the doors. Somehow it has entered doors 1, 3 and 6 several times and deleted the others. The error only occurs with the AR1300N map. AR1304N runs without problems. Have I ever mentioned that wed files are shitty to edit
  8. Is there a way to convert multiple ARXXXX.tis files to png or jpg format in one go without clicking on each one individually?
  9. I added the door with trap and lock. The night Maps have all been added, there won't be any more. At the moment that's all, unless there are more bugfixes to come, which I'm of course trying to solve. The candles, flames and torches in the interior could still be tackled as a project at some point. There are still many, many rooms that could be done. But at the moment I've run out of steam (it's already been 8 months with a lot of time invested.) It would be nice if a few more people could get stuck in. The code is simple. You just have to add the coordinates. I was happy to do that.
  10. Unfortunately I don't know the oBG1 from GoG. But the original CD version from 97/98 has the locked and traped door. BGT (1.18 and 1.22) uses the ard014.are file directly imported from TotSC. So nobody has added the trap, it's the version of oBG. My code states that if the door is present, it should not be changed. And only if the door is missing, then it should be added. I'm immediately on board with the working door and the lock, but I'm still a bit undecided about the trap, there are already many in the level.
  11. There is of course a middle way, we can activate the door: 1.) without a trap and without lock 2.) without trap and with lock 3.) with trap and without lock 3.) with trap and with lock
  12. I repaired the door in Durlag's Tower (Durlag's Tower: Labyrinth Level Four) BG0514/ARD014 and found another door (see picture). This door is locked with a trap and triggers the CTLB.BCS file. In BGT it is active and in the EE version it has been removed and is open. The question now is, should I reactivate it or not for EE?
  13. Thank you very much for your feedback. I have to admit that I don't have Linux here on my computer and unfortunately have never been able to test BGGO with Linux. I had taken the directories from other mods or from the instructions. In the next update the directory will be changed to ./tools/tileconv/unix.
  14. My mistake. There was an animation inside AR7269/BG0169 that was supposed to embellish the fireplace animation, but unfortunately it didn't quite work. Unfortunately it crept into the github version It has now been removed and the latest version works again.
  15. Ok, then I will insert the door in the EE. This will be a challenge, as the door is only available in closed form and is not graphically present when open, although it should be visible. That was probably also the reason why Beamdog removed the door. But we'll get it right.
  16. Durlags Tower BG0514/ARD0014 The map has an additional door in the oBG1 and BGT version, which is not present in the EE version. I have to revise the are file again, either I add the door to EE or I remove it from BGT. It will take me a while to rework the map as my time for modding is less again. Short term solution: open the bggo.tp2 and comment out with /*BG0514*/ and reinstall it until I find a solution. I just entered and exited the roof top from the 5th floor several times and it went smoothly. (latest version)
  17. This is a bug from the old BG1 version. The EET version has already been fixed. The coordinates of the trigger and exit points and the corresponding vertices are unfortunately in the wrong place (in the wall) I will fix this with the next update, I am currently working on it. Please use the v3, as the v2 is no longer up to date. @Nathan82 The newest version has the fix for the roof top. https://github.com/SpellholdStudios/BGGOEET
  18. Took care of the issue. The BG4800/AR3700 was the one map with the problems, there I had by mistake the BG4800N.tis file in the day version. As soon as the name is correct, all errors were gone The second card was Durlags Tower BG0500/ARD000, also here all overlay tiles were missing in the tag card. I changed that too and now all errors are gone. Only the ARU000N still has the error with the 12 unused bytes. They come from the 5th overlay, but this is not needed and it should not really matter. To delete them is more complicated, because you have to change all offsets. This error also appears with the EET version.
  19. @Salk I have finally managed to transfer the wall polygons. In the link you can find the day wed files for the BGT and for the EE version in the corresponding directory. The EE and BGT version of the wed files are unfortunately also not identical, because the EE uses more overlay tiles for the river and pond. Therefore we have to distinguish between the BGT and EET version when installing the JA#AdventurePack. You can find a suitable code in the setup-tweak.tpa. Build it of course as your current code is. And so both mods are compatible and it does not matter the installation order for now. If there is still something with JA#AdventurePack, then I simply report to me. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1F6-aSFhelQKl_Yd-MHMs9-bBJIZNdxLn/view?usp=sharing
  20. There is no new quest area here where the quests are missing. You can run around all the holes of Gnoll Stronghold and through the graveyard. It's just like in BG City, there were also some paths added and they are not necessarily quest relevant. I think hardly anyone would notice that. But of course we can also do c). The wed files turn out to be more and more difficult. The problem is that the water overlay tiles in oBG and nBG are different and also a different number of tiles. And so I am currently sorting everything manually. We would never have had a chance to make that compatible via tp2 code. You have to include the day EE wed file in the mod and we have to include an EE and a non-EE version in the installation code.
  21. In May I had written to Jarl in the forum asking if I could share the graphical enhancements in BGGO. And at the weekend he wrote me back and gave me the OK. Were only flabby 5 months I'll finish the wed files for BGGO. You still have to add the following lines to the AdventurePack: Setup-JA#BGT_AdvPack.tp2 (or the corresponding file you might have renamed.) /////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Animierte Fackeln und Kerzen /////////////////////////////////////////////////// BEGIN ~Animierte Fackeln und Kerzen~ DESIGNATED 100 REQUIRE_PREDICATE NOT MOD_IS_INSTALLED "bggo.tp2" (ID_OF_LABEL "bggo.tp2" "baldurs_gate_graphical_overhaul") "Graphical changes is part of BGGO" Probably you have already translated everything here in english. Important is the line with the REQUIRE_PREDICAT setup-tweak.tpa ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Nashkel & Gnollfortress - improved Searchmap and Wallgroups, ar8100 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// INCLUDE ~%MOD_FOLDER%/lib/alter_searchmap.tpa~ ACTION_IF NOT MOD_IS_INSTALLED "bggo.tp2" (ID_OF_LABEL "bggo.tp2" "baldurs_gate_graphical_overhaul") BEGIN LAF ALTER_SEARCHMAP STR_VAR path_to_2da_file = EVAL ~%MOD_FOLDER%/Fixes/areas/AR3700SR_changes.2da~ // full path to the *changes.2da file containing your icons, e.g. ~mymod/bam/AR3700SR_changes_ee.2da~ areaname = EVAL ~%Nashkel%~ // area name, e.g. ~AR3700~ END LAF ALTER_SEARCHMAP STR_VAR path_to_2da_file = EVAL ~%MOD_FOLDER%/Fixes/areas/AR4100SR_changes.2da~ // full path to the *changes.2da file containing your icons, e.g. ~mymod/bam/AR3700SR_changes_ee.2da~ areaname = EVAL ~%GnollStronghold%~ // area name, e.g. ~AR3700~ END END LAF ALTER_SEARCHMAP STR_VAR path_to_2da_file = EVAL ~%MOD_FOLDER%/Fixes/areas/AR8100SR_changes.2da~ // full path to the *changes.2da file containing your icons, e.g. ~mymod/bam/AR3700SR_changes_ee.2da~ areaname = EVAL ~%BaldursGateDocks%~ // area name, e.g. ~AR3700~ END ACTION_IF NOT MOD_IS_INSTALLED "bggo.tp2" (ID_OF_LABEL "bggo.tp2" "baldurs_gate_graphical_overhaul") BEGIN COPY ~JA#BGT_AdvPack/fixes/Areas/AR3700.wed~ ~override/%Nashkel%.wed~ READ_LONG 0x08 ovl_num READ_LONG 0x10 ovl_off WRITE_ASCIIE ovl_off+0x04 ~%Nashkel%~ #8 COPY ~JA#BGT_AdvPack/fixes/Areas/AR4100.wed~ ~override/%GnollStronghold%.wed~ //wed Dateien READ_LONG 0x08 ovl_num READ_LONG 0x10 ovl_off WRITE_ASCIIE ovl_off+0x04 ~%GnollStronghold%~ #8 END which makes sure that the part is skipped, if BGGO is installed.
  22. It's crystallizing more and more. But you never know how people install the mods We now have 2 options. a) both mods have their original wed and SR files. AP - BGGO Adventure Pack provides the two areas and BGGO then copies it and has to create a night wed from the day wed. BGGO - AP BGGO installs the original maps and Adventure Pack copies its data over it + night maps. b) BGGO takes the wed (+ manually created night wed) files and SR maps from AP AP - BGGO BGGO can overwrite everything BGGO - AP AP can take over everything from BGGO b) is the much simpler and more robust version. There I would have the code already as good as ready. What is your opinion? After Jarl gave me the OK for the graphical upgrades of the areas, I will send you another code, that setup-Graphical.tpa will be installed only if BGGO is not installed. Otherwise we will have every candle and torch 2 times in the map Cheers,
  23. Without a new wed with the wall polygons you don't need a new searchmap. The day map would work. With the night map you would not be able to enter a graveyard and a lower wall ring. Since the weds are overwritten. My idea would be if we make everything compatible with each other. Regardless of the order. So far I could already implement this for Baldurans Seatower, for Lure of Sirines Call, TDDz and GavinNPC. It is difficult to almost impossible to implement large wed patches. Gnoll Stronghold wed is easy, nothing changes. Only for Nashkel 28 wall polygons are added. Sequence: 1. BGGO then Jarls: easy, we just overwrite the data and copy the day wed to the night wed and change the overlay names. 2. Jarl then BGGO: Then we would have to copy the wed from jarl. I will try to program something suitable for both mods here. Cheers
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