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scs.command error(s)


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There may be a problem with the Mac setup-scs.command file. I'll test in a moment, but it looks like an underscore is missing from line 1, between "command" and "path":

command path=${0%/*}


Also, not sure if it's relevant, but there may be a caps discrepancy between line three and the file name; the other .command files that I checked all match lower and upper case with the weidu-mac file names (setup-xxx or Setup-YYY).

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Well, I'm not quite right, as changing that stuff didn't prevent the install from immediately failling. This is scs v7, by the way. Instead of running, as all the other mod install files have, this one gives out the error message:


/Users/UserName/Fun Stuff/BGI - EasyTuTu/setup-scs.command: line 2: cd: /Users/Us: No such file or directoryuTu

/Users/UserName/Fun Stuff/BGI - EasyTuTu/setup-scs.command: line 3: ./setup-scs: No such file or directory



The directory and file are being spelled correctly, and it should be doing the same thing as every other .command I've used in the last 48 hours. Any ideas why it isn't finding what it needs?


[edit] Further research reveals the capitalization doesn't seem to be an issue; the underscore is a discrepancy btw lines 1 and 3; but I still have no clue what's stopping the script at line 2.

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I downloaded a new copy of version 7; without the underscore I mentioned in the first post, line 1 of the .command file also gives out a "no such file or directory" line.


Other .command files (which are mostly already installed) don't seem to have any trouble like this, and I can't identify any other typos, so I have no idea what's going on... :)

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The problem is that the .command file was made on Windows which sticks a RETURN at the end of every line. The simplest way to fix this is to find another OSX mod that works, copy its setup-xxx.command into your BG Folder, edit it to change the ./setup-xxx line to ./setup-scs (right click or ctrl-click on the file, choose "Open with", choose "Other", and select TextEdit). You can then double-click that file to install SCS.

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When you folks have a good working version, please email/pm it to CamDawg so he can update the package!


thanks for the info. I've done it - and it's working through the mod now. I will email my version to CamDawg.


also, if you are stuck Wanderer, take another successful mode command cut and paste it out of textedit into the scs.command and replace the last line with:




and you'll be good to go.

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It's good to know it isn't just my Powerbook. I managed to run the installer from the command line, but will fix the .command file as you suggest. (I actually tried to create a new one from a different file, but wasn't able to save it as an executable with the program I used; what you're doing is even easier). Thanks!

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