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About Xan's romance


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TENTATIVE: Xan's Romance for BG1


The general info about the romance:


1) Xan is an Elf, from Evereska, and a Moonblade owner

2) Xan will court elven, human, half-elven females, but romance will proceed past its midpoint for an Elven female only

3) Xan will romance any alignment

4) PC will require INT> 9 and WIS> 13 to be romanced by Xan

5) The full romacne will be approximately 25 talks long (not counting the existing 5) and quite sad in its tone

6) The romance will have the full 'character reactions pack' and most probably a flirtpack.

7) The release date will be probably around June 2005.

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Weren't we going for an even balance of romances? That is, I mean, an even amount of romances for both male and female PCs. A female will have Coran, Ajantis, Xan, Xzar and Eldoth to choose from...what about us guys :groucho: ? That's five romances for female PCs and male PCs get three.


Oh, and what about that Garrick romance Andyr was talking about? Did he ever decide on anything? If so, that's six romances for female PCs.

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That is why I am saying - it will depend on the progress of other romances for a female PC. :groucho: Basically my position is - if it is writen - it is going to go in. It is not an easy thing to write a good romance, and so far the development of all romances, but Coran's was all but swift. If by any reason Branwen's, Dynaheir's or Imoen's will look like it is going to be abandoned (and btw, where are those Branwen's flirts, Tameon?) we'll have to search more actively for a new author for a male PC romance.

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That's good news. As I said - if it is written - it goes in. It will be much easier for us to coordinate if Hendryk and you gave the full break-down and updated as often as you can :groucho: After all, what you have posted can be changed as many times as you want, so there is no harm in doing so.

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That is why I am saying - it will depend on the progress of other romances for a female PC. :groucho: Basically my position is - if it is writen - it is going to go in. It is not an easy thing to write a good romance, and so far the development of all romances, but Coran's was all but swift. If by any reason Branwen's, Dynaheir's or Imoen's will look like it is going to be abandoned (and btw, where are those Branwen's flirts, Tameon?) we'll have to search more actively for a new author for a male PC romance.

The Branwen flirts are going pretty smooth. I should have them done soon...seriously.

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Guest Amarie

Ooh, I like these! They seem very... in-character, which must have been hard to do. Minor quibble: in Love Talk 5 "wraith" should probably be "wrath" and "illusive" should be "elusive". Sorry, I just have these urges to commit random acts of spellchecking :groucho:

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Illusive is actually a word:


Main Entry: il·lu·sive

Pronunciation: i-'lü-siv, -ziv

Function: adjective


- il·lu·sive·ly adverb

- il·lu·sive·ness noun


which means deceptiver, based on illusion, but heh, illusory is probably a more common word.

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I am his guardian :groucho: as Tameon pointed out there are might be a priority for female romances, rather than male romances - so let us wait till the release of Phase II to decide if the romance goes into production ???

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Guest Tancred

Ah... Gibberlings Three. Nice.


Uh, I ran into Thanatos while playing NWN online. Small world. It took a while until I realised it was him, but I asked him if he was ever coming back to this project and he said that no, under no circumstances was he doing that. I think you can consider the czarship open.

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