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Diriel Romance Requirements

Guest aguestreallyenjoyingthemod

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Guest aguestreallyenjoyingthemod

Reading another thread I found that there are certain conditions affecting the possible romances like stats and so on. Now I was wondering: could somebody tell me what are the requirements for the Diriel romance? I started an elven thief and Jamael as wells as Rizdaer seem to be interested, but not Diriel. Thank you so much in advance for an answer!

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The matching is not prohibitive to the romance initiation, apart from the pure elven blood. IIRC, Diriel waits for you to get out of town. If you want the dynamic matching on Diriel, I will look it up for you tomorrow morning in the code. :) Diriel's romance was a late-comer, so I unfortunately do not have it handy in the protected room.

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Guest Guest

The Diriel romance was initiated smoothly on leaving the town, thank you!


For reasons of building a balanced party, I took all three of the possible female romances along. I never knew that they would start bickering with one another and arguing over who would be the appropriate partner for <charname>. It's so hilarious and delighting, I will never understand why the developers won't bring in something as entertaining into the offical game. You've done such an incredibliy great job, thank you so much, Domi!!


Now there's one pressing question left to me: in what chapter will I reach the point when I have to break with two of them for good and will have to decide? I'd just like to be warned in advance. It won't be easy though... far from that. All three of them are far to well written...

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Okay, here is Diriel's match:


//For Diriel

//Stats: Str>13; Wis>13; INT>13; CHR>13+1; Str<9; Wis<9; Int<9; Chr<9 -1

//Alignment: Any neutral + 2;Any non-neutral -2


//Skills Bluff>5,Intimidate>5, -1

//Skills: Wilderness_Lore>5, Knowledge_Arcana>5 + 1; Spellcraft >5 +1; Use_Magic_Device>5 +1


And yes, you will have to chose. Ideally, the banters will trigger asking you to do so. IIRC, Rizdaer vs either Jaemal or Diriel was glitching in V2. Diriel will have an Easter Egg later on independently of wether you broke up with him or not. Er... it's complicated. :)

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Guest Kimmuryiel
Okay, here is Diriel's match:


//For Diriel

//Stats: Str>13; Wis>13; INT>13; CHR>13+1; Str<9; Wis<9; Int<9; Chr<9 -1

//Alignment: Any neutral + 2;Any non-neutral -2


//Skills Bluff>5,Intimidate>5, -1

//Skills: Wilderness_Lore>5, Knowledge_Arcana>5 + 1; Spellcraft >5 +1; Use_Magic_Device>5 +1


err can I get a translation of that code? does this mean that he won't romance my chaotic evil drow fighter? I can't read code :p


other than that...I just may love this mod :) I'm not out of Targos yet (mom's on my computer cause it's the closest to dad's when they're playing WoW together >_>), so I haven't started any romances yet...Salomeya's the only one that's talked to me so far) but one thing I love about BG2 is the INTERACTIVE party and the romances...gives something to the game to have characters with minds of their own :)...the various different ways BG2 can be played jsut with the great variety of NPCs just in the vanilla version of BG2 (I have...a few...mods...maybe 10 or so...gotta have my Edwind and Kelsey ^^) is one thing I love about the game :) never gets boring for me...basically: I think I'll love this mod :) thx very much for it ^^ just the fact I got 10 people to mix and match as I want will give plenty of replayability to IWD2 :)


btw, there isn't anything weird I gotta do to trigger banters with my char like stopping every now and then (like in the NPC project someone made for IWD1) is there?


Now to just hope I'll remember to check back here every now and then to check for a reply :p

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Hi, this is not a code, just a quick reference. Basically, nothing (except race) precludes the romance initiation per se. But each of the factors listed above increases, or decreases the probability of Diriel liking your character. For example, Str>13; Wis>13; INT>13; CHR>13+1 means that strength, wisdom, intelligence and charisma over 13 all add 1 point to Direil's interest. Aside from the stats, it's also what you say to him in the first few romantic dialogues.


No, you don't need to do anything to initiate the banters, but if you want to see any of them sooner, you can always press P button and navigate the player-initiated menue. :)

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Hey, figured it'd be best to ask this here.


I took Diriel and Rizdaer (and a few others, but they're the romance-potentials) along, intending for my CN elf to end up with our boy Diriel.. and I think I flirted with Riz a bit too much because the option to talk to Diriel in private shut down and the option to turn Riz away disappeared.


Unfortunately it must have taken a bit too long for me to notice, because I don't have any saves where it's still there (and not there, respectively). ^_^;


Is there any way that I can rectify this with the globals without creating a huge fireball visible from space? I think if I can figure out Diriel's romance global, I should be able to restart it and roll back the LTs. Riz's was there, Dir's is not.

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Guest Kimmuryiel

I'm at the end of the second screen for Shaengarne Ford and I don't even have an option to P-talk to Diriel, although I can with everyone else (Riz, Salo, Jae, and Nik)


I think all he's really commented on is the troll's insidious plan to breed humans and when Kaitlin came out saying "save my village please! save my village please!"...and when I picked up the potion of invis so I could selll it later :p


Where do I check what romances are inactive and active?

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Diriel only talks at leasure in the Wilderness areas, and there is a definitive list of areas (IWD2 doesn't have the way to check for the FOREST flag), so don't worry, the option will appear once you are away from the accursed civilization. :)

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I'll have to look it up for you. But off hand try P#RizdaerRomanceInactive set to 1, and P#DirielRomanceInactive set to 0.


That's the weird thing.. I thought Riz's trumped Diriel's, but Diriel doesn't have a romance active or inactive global showing.


I can only assume it was cut off before the romance started proper.


I'll try putting both in, though, thanks!

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What you want to do is to check the following variable:




If the value is less than 9, the romance will proceed on its own pace. If it's 9 or higher, you need

Global("P#DirielRomanceActive","GLOBAL") set to 1.


Hope that helps!

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Guest Kimmuryiel
Diriel only talks at leasure in the Wilderness areas, and there is a definitive list of areas (IWD2 doesn't have the way to check for the FOREST flag), so don't worry, the option will appear once you are away from the accursed civilization. :)


k, thx :) so far, he kinda reminds me of Edwin with his soundset...kinda...and Edwin IS my favorite BG2 romance :D


currently at the ice temple...loving the mod so far :)


Bioware did a bad job making Isair and Madae the kind of antagonists you dislike...I support them more than Ten Towns :p

umm...how DO you check a global variable?? I don't know the game mechanics better than "unzip mod into game folder->run setup file->follow instructions"

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Guest Kimmuryiel
Just browse the internet to find a program called DaleKeeper for IWD2. It is a pretty self-explanatory saved games browser. :)


thx :) dunno about downloading something like that...my sister used to have it so I know you can basically make your characters gods...so don't think I'll download it jsut to see how Diriel's romance is doing :)...are the Diriel flirts suppose to activate (by activate I mean you can access them when you hit 'P') before or after he comments about the snow (couldn't help it, I HAD to kiss him :D elves are too sexy not to ^^)


also, I'm wondering if it would be alright if I drew a fanart using Diriel's watercolor portrait as a base?....(I would draw the picture from teh portrait then would put my own rendition on...normally it's angel wings but this time I'm thinking rocker XD) I'll put in "original picture by <insert name here>. character owned by Domi." I'm not into copyright violation....and if it makes you feel better I don't seel my art, only show it off when asked :)...I'd make up my own pose for him, but I'm *VERY* bad with proportions...thus why I work off photographs...also bad at copying thigns from 3-d to 2-d...with a 2-d image, even if it's of a 3-d thing, I can put a grid on it....

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