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Unifying the Spell defences and their removals...

Jarno Mikkola

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I would request redoing the system a little more than a lot...


As there are some serious bad sides on none-unified system, the Spell Revisions needs to do this, so that for example SCS's doesn't have to re-do it, so there is more compatibilityes.


Now for clearity, I would propose the 'old Protection from Magical Weapons' spell to be revised as 'Absolute Immunity Mark II'. This makes it the same kind of level 5 protection spell that can be removed by all sorts of protection spells, but what it taken away is it's 'native spell level*here' and it's replased to be a level 9, this is to enable the normal AI to adapt(*) to it. :(


Now, as there are several spell cathagories to go through, I'll just throw them at you. As the spell don't actually do just this, but they are mostly used

I) Defence Spells; Shield, Armor, Armor of Faith, Aid...Improved Invisibility, Protection from Fire(/element), Mantle, 'Protection from Lightly Enchanted Weapons', Mantle, Improved Mantle, Absolute Immunity and of course the 'Absolute Immunity Mark II'; now these spells protect the caster or target from harm.


II) Defence Piercer; Spell Thrust, Secret Word, Pierce Magic, Pierce Shield; They should remove one or more of the Defence spells acording to it's 'native level'-list, so it take some spells down faster than others, unless...


III) Massive Defence Breachers; Glitterdust, Detect Invisibility, Dispel Magic, Breach, True Sight, Khelben's Warding Whip and Spellstrike; And you guessed it right, they take some or all the defence spell down, unless...


IV) Magic Attack Defences; And this is where the unless part come in hand. Spells like Invisibility, Improved Invisibility, Spell Shield, Mislead, Simulacrum, Spell Immunity'es, Spell Trap; Their job is to protect the caster from the lower or same level dispelling magic... well the same level Defence Piercers go through, but not the Massive Defence Breachers.


Now, as I said the Defence Piercers and Massive Defence Breachers spells have a list of what defence spell are taken down first... it goes *here like this;


1) Spell Trap, and yes, only Spellstrike&Pierce Shield can do this, but take note that it can do it to even from a Demi-Lich!

2) Magical Weapon Defences; Absolute Immunity(only Spellstrike&Pierce Shield can take it down)+Absolute Immunity Mark II*+Mantle+Improved Mantle+Protection from Lightly Enchanted Weapons+Protection from Missiles. And yes, that's everyone of those with 1 single spell, because having several at the same time is cheating.

3) Magical Skin Defences; Stone and Iron Skins... both.

4) ...Take your pick.


*Even a Spell Thrust can do this, but if the monster has a Spell Deflection, Improved Invisibility or Minor Spell Turning etc., it can't.


The reason why I made this thread is the last sentence, so if we want to pierce the monsters defence, we need to use a spell that can go through his defences and destroy the primary shield Absolute Immunity Mark II* we do it with Pierce Magic or other spells, and if we want to desintegrate his defences we do it with Khelben's Warding Whip.

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What's so bad about the current system?
Well, just that the first removal spell doesn't take away the most important spell :(, so the enemy mage is immune to every attempt to harm it, as long as it has even one spell on the way there. And they can cast plenty of them already.
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What's so bad about the current system?
Well, just that the first removal spell doesn't take away the most important spell :(, so the enemy mage is immune to every attempt to harm it, as long as it has even one spell on the way there. And they can cast plenty of them already.


Well, even if it was changeable I like it, the newest dnd games are missing the whole paper-scissor-rock system but it makes mage battles last longer involving some strategy. It gives a incentive in having more than one mage in party so that they concentrate on taking down different defences. The 'most important spell' thing isn't always the same too, as I think you are referring to pfmw, but sometime it's the invisibility, sometime it's the globe of invulnerability, it depends on party composition.

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