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projectile list for PST


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Here is a more or less complete projectile list for PST.

Please note that most of the spell projectiles also carry effect with them.

It is still possible to have custom projectiles in PST.

The projectile called 271 Trap could play arbitrary travel projectiles. The projectile bams are taken from the spell icons (both the book icon and the level dependent casting icon are used).

Check out SPWI0* spells (trap spells).


1 None

2 Arrow

3 Arrow Exploding

4 Arrow Flaming

5 Arrow Heavy

6 Arrow Shocking

7 Axe

8 Axe Exploding

9 Axe Flaming

10 Axe Heavy

11 Axe Shocking

12 Bolt

13 Bolt Exploding

14 Bolt Flaming

15 Bolt Heavy

16 Bolt Shocking

17 Bullet

18 Bullet Exploding

19 Bullet Flaming

20 Bullet Heavy

21 Bullet Shocking

22 Burning Hands

23 Call Lightning

24 Chromatic Orb

25 Cone Of Cold

26 Cone Of Fire

27 Dagger

28 Dagger Exploding

29 Dagger Flaming

30 Dagger Heavy

31 Dagger Shocking

32 Dart

33 Dart Exploding

34 Dart Flaming

35 Dart Heavy

36 Dart Shocking

37 Magic Missile

38 Fireball

39 Ice Fragments

40 Lightning Bolt

41 Skipping Stone

42 Sleep

43 Skeleton Animation

44 Smoke Ball

45 Smoke Large

46 Smoke Small

47 Sparkle Blue

48 Sparkle Gold

49 Sparkle Purple

50 Sparkle Ice

51 Sparkle Stone

52 Sparkle Black

53 Sparkle Chromatic

54 Sparkle Red

55 Sparkle Green

56 Spear

57 Spear Exploding

58 Spear Flaming

59 Spear Heavy

60 Spear Shocking

61 Star Sprite

62 Stoned

63 Web Travel

64 Web Ground

65 Gaze

66 Holy Might

67 Flame Strike

68 Magic Missiles 1

69 Magic Missiles 2

70 Magic Missiles 3

71 Magic Missiles 4

72 Magic Missiles 5

73 Magic Missiles 6

74 Magic Missiles 7

75 Magic Missiles 8

76 Magic Missiles 9

77 Magic Missiles 10

78 Magic Missiles 11

79 Invisible travelling

80 Fire bolt

81 Call lightning chain 1

82 Call lightning chain 2

83 Call lightning chain 3

84 Call lightning chain 4

85 Call lightning chain 5

86 Call lightning chain 6

87 Call lightning chain 7

88 Call lightning chain 8

89 Call lightning chain 9

90 Call lightning chain 10

91 Call lightning chain 11

92 Fire storm

93 Call lightning storm

94 Instant area effect

95 Cloud

96 Skull trap

97 Color spray

98 Ice storm

99 Fire wall

100 Glyph

101 Grease

102 Flame arrow green

103 Flame arrow blue

104 Fireball green

105 Fireball blue

106 Potion

107 Potion Exploding

108 Acid Blob

109 Agannazar's Scorcher

110 Travel Door

111 Glow Necromancy

112 Glow Alteration

113 Glow Enchantment

114 Glow Abjuration

115 Glow Illusion

116 Glow Conjure

117 Glow Invocation

118 Glow Divination

119 Hit Necromancy air

120 Hit Necromancy earth

121 Hit Necromancy water

122 Hit Alteration air

123 Hit Alteration earth

124 Hit Alteration water

125 Hit Enchantment air

126 Hit Enchantment earth

127 Hit Enchantment water

128 Hit Abjuration air

129 Hit Abjuration earth

130 Hit Abjuration water

131 Hit Illusion air

132 Hit Illusion earth

133 Hit Illusion water

134 Hit Conjure air

135 Hit Conjure earth

136 Hit Conjure water

137 Hit Invocation air

138 Hit Invocation earth

139 Hit Invocation water

140 Hit Divination air

141 Hit Divination earth

142 Hit Divination water

143 Hit Mushroom fire

144 Hit Mushroom grey

145 Hit Mushroom green

146 Hit Shaft fire

147 Hit Shaft light

148 Hit Swirl white

149 Sparkle Area Blue

150 Sparkle Area Gold

151 Sparkle Area Purple

152 Sparkle Area Ice

153 Sparkle Area Stone

154 Sparkle Area Black

155 Sparkle Area Chromatic

156 Sparkle Area Red

157 Sparkle Area Green

158 Instant Area (Party Only)

159 Instant Area (Not Party)

160 Sparkle Area Blue (Party Only)

161 Sparkle Area Gold (Party Only)

162 Sparkle Area Purple (Party Only)

163 Sparkle Area Ice (Party Only)

164 Sparkle Area Stone (Party Only)

165 Sparkle Area Black (Party Only)

166 Sparkle Area Chromatic (Party Only)

167 Sparkle Area Red (Party Only)

168 Sparkle Area Green (Party Only)

169 Sparkle Area Blue (Not Party)

170 Sparkle Area Gold (Not Party)

171 Sparkle Area Purple (Not Party)

172 Sparkle Area Ice (Not Party)

173 Sparkle Area Stone (Not Party)

174 Sparkle Area Black (Not Party)

175 Sparkle Area Chromatic (Not Party)

176 Sparkle Area Red (Not Party)

177 Sparkle Area Green (Not Party)

178 Sparkle Area Magenta (not party)

179 Sparkle Area Orange (not party)

180 Sparkle Area Magenta (party only)

181 Sparkle Area Orange (party only)

182 Sparkle Area Magenta

183 Sparkle Area Orange

184 Sparkle Magenta

185 Sparkle Orange

186 Non sprite Area

187 CloudKill

188 Flame arrow ice

189 Cow

190 Hold

191 Scorcher Ice

192 Acid Blob Mustard

193 Acid Blob Grey

194 Acid Blob Ochre

195 Red Holy Might

196 Hit Necromancy Area

197 Hit Alteration Area

198 Hit Enchantment Area

199 Hit Abjuration Area

200 Hit Illusion Area

201 Hit Conjure Area

202 Hit Invocation Area

203 Hit Divination Area

204 Litany of Curses

205 Stories Bones Tell

206 Magic Missiles 1

207 Magic Missiles 2

208 Magic Missiles 3

209 Magic Missiles 4

210 Magic Missiles 5

211 Magic Missiles 6

212 Magic Missiles 7

213 Magic Missiles 8

214 Magic Missiles 9

215 Magic Missiles 10

216 Skull Mob

217 Skull Mob 2

218 Insect Swarm

219 Insect Swarm 2

220 Adder's Kiss

221 Ice Knife

222 Pacify

223 Strength

224 Ball lightning

225 Ball lightning 2

226 Blood Bridge

227 Force Missiles

228 Improved Strenght

229 Shroud of Shadows

230 Cloudkill

231 Howl of Pandemonium

232 Blade Storm

233 Elysium's Fires

234 Fury

235 Horror

236 Knock

237 Hold Undead

238 Lazy Missile

239 Elysium's Tears

240 Tasha's Laughter

241 Ax of Torment

242 Blacksphere

243 Cone of Cold

244 Desert Hell

245 Fire and Ice

246 Lightning Storm

247 Acid Storm

248 Heavy Ice Storm

249 Meteor Swarm

250 Deathbolt

251 Ignus' Fury

252 Power Word Blind

253 Mechanus Cannon

254 Celestial Host

255 Rune of Torment

256 Blessed

257 Cursed

258 *none*

259 Faerie Fire

260 Spiritual Hammer

261 Call Lightning

262 *none*

263 Vampiric Touch

264 Confusion

265 Power Word Kill

266 Globe of Invulnerability

267 Nordom Bolts

268 Raise Dead

269 Fiend fear Aura

270 Conflagration

271 Trap

272 Yellow fireball

273 Flame Tongue 1

274 Flame Tongue 2

275 Flame Tongue 3

276 Flame Tongue 4

277 Flame Tongue 5

278 Ignus' Terror

279 Infernal Orb

280 Fiery Rain

281 Elemental Strike

282 Anger Missiles 1

283 Anger Missiles 2

284 Anger Missiles 3

285 Anger Missiles 4

286 Anger Missiles 5

287 Power of One

288 Kiss

289 Embalming


NI had all these labeled correctly. My favorite is "Bees fly to target, no damage" instead of "Insect swarm 2." (I didn't do that.)


Up to 203 is IE base.


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