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Step by step beginners guide

Guest Guest_clearer_*

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Guest Guest_clearer_*

I would like to request that someone provide a step by step beginner guide to using gemrb.


I have spent a couple of days trying to do the following things:

  1. Install Planescape: Torment (I tried using the broken installer scripts found on the forum)
  2. Start GemRB (and play Planescape: Torment)
  3. Figure out how gemrb works


As far as I know, I have not had any success with any of those attempts -- which is why I now come crawling here.


I'd like to have a (reasonably) detailed description of the following

  1. The configuration files
  2. Where gemrb expects stuff to be (if anywhere)
  3. How to install a game

If anything is specific to operating systems, please note them as such. I don't want to think I've gotten things working only to find out that some particularity has to be done completely differently on my operating system (I hate getting all excited just to find out I've screwed up). I suspect the first two points will answer the third. An URL pointing me to something that describes either or all of those things are just as welcome as a reply with the details, if not more so.


Oh, and if possible -- could this thread be made sticky (especially if someone replies)? That way other prospecting gemrb users won't have to go through any of the problems I've had.

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Guest Guest_Adam_*
You wanted it, so here's a first pass at a straightforward, easy to follow introduction for people who want to start playing IE games with GemRB:




It's on the wiki, so feel free to help me build it out.


That is the most convoluted step-by-step I've ever seen! You need what... 10 additional programs to make this all work? And that's assuming you even know how to go about each step...


Don't get me wrong, I think it's great that peeps like you do a lot of work so that the rest of us can enjoy the old Bioware games on various platforms, but to have any sort of widespread appeal, the user-friendliness needs to be improved enormously!

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The guide was not finished*, so it's a bit misleading. I've ammended the downloading part to be a bit less confusing. You need extra stuff only if you want to build gemrb yourself or aren't provided with some runtime libraries (rare). The installers/guis are also optional.


* imho it doesn't bring much to the table if you compare it with the normal instructions, but wiki wars are not for me :)

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